Lo Loestrin Fe What Day Would I Start My Period

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I've been on Loestrin 24 FE for almost a year now. I have severe headaches before or on my period. When I miss one pill, my period starts immediately. I was on Yaz before and didn't have these problems. I am also experiencing mood swings on Loestrin 24 FE, is any of this normal? I'm 36 years old and on antidepressants, the reason my doctor put me on this was to have two day periods, while I'm in college. I've had a couple of times of no period at all, and I've had 2 week periods, only one time of two days, this year. I liked the Yaz better, will have a doctor's appointment soon, should I tell my doctor that I want to switch the birth control pill? I think the estrogen levels are too low for me with this pill! ## I have been taking Loestrin 24 Fe for almost a ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Loestrin 24 Fe

Hi, I started taking lo loestrin on the first day of my period as instructed. Then, my period ended about two days after taking the first pill. It is very abnormal for me to have a period this short. Is this normal when you start taking this pill? I know it shortens your period after taking it for a while, but could it have really effected my cycle after only taking 2 pills? ## Hello, Sara! How are you? Yes, it is possible. The sudden elevation of hormones it can cause has been known to do that, once your body gets used to it, things should normalize. You may experience irregularities for about 3 months, or so. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I started taking lo loestrin for the first time a few days before my period on jan 2 2014. I was still getting use to the Times i would take them so i took them at different times on some days I had intercourse on that same day not protected. I then had breakthrough bleeding within 6days after taking the pill, and stopped the pill immediatly on jan 8 2014 due to really painful cramps. The break through bleeding stopped on jan 13 2014. I was wondering how long would it take my cycle to start after only taking this birth control for a week? Is It possible I could get pregnant for stopping the pill after a short ammount of time or not being consistant with it time wise? Help. :( I'm now two weeks late. ## Hello, Janine! How are you? Yes, there's a chance you could be pregnant. In o...

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I have been on lo loestrine fe for 7 weeks now. My first pack i did not have a period just some light spotting (4 times) in a 2 day period at the end of the pack. Now I am on my 2nd pack on my 4th week and due for my period this friday but have a feeling im not going to get my period again. I have been on this birth control before and I always had a full on period when the brown pills start. Could I be pregnant or is there something else going on? ## Hello, CourtneyC89! How are you doing? Well not getting your period and not thinking you'll get it are very different, so you do have to wait and see whether or not it starts. A very light spotty period can be normal, when you're taking hormonal contraceptives, even if you had normal ones in the past when taking it. Our bodies do ch...

3 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

Got period on Monday. Went to OBGYN to start BC...Thursday. Insert says to start on the first day of period, but can I start taking it today? Should I start on Sunday? Should I wait until my next period? ## You can actually start it at any time, but if it is later than the 2nd day of your period, you'll need to wait a full 7 days for it to become effective at preventing pregnancy, which means no unprotected intercourse until the 8th day. If you start it the first or second day of your period, it will become immediately effective and no additional protection is needed. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I started this birth control on the Sunday after my period, with the first row of a brand new pack ... So will my period come if I take the brown and white pills next week? Isn't my period suppose to be on the 3rd blue row? I'm confused. I finished the 3rd blue row and it's like I have my period but it's dark dark brown ... What's going to happen when I take the brown and white ones next week .. Ahhh ## Hello, Kimmy! How are you? No, you will get your period the 4th week of the pack. The spotting that you're experiencing can be a normal side effect of taking oral contraceptives and usually takes about 3 months to wear off. You may also experience nausea, headache, irritability, weight gain and PMS like symptoms. If the bleeding continues, you may need to switch t...

5 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I am 22 years old and on my second pack of Loestrin (week 2). I've never missed a period on any birth control, including the IUD Mirena... I always have very regular 7 day heavy periods, so you would think I'd be happy about not having one now. NOT the case. I am now 11 days late on my period. (First day of last period was 11/25/13). So far I have taken 3 early detection pregnancy tests (First Response Gold). I took one the day after my missed period (evening), one 5 days later (morning urine) and one again today (11 days late, morning) -- ALL NEGATIVE. I never intended to get pregnant (obviously, as I'm only 1.5 months into my birth control), but I actually started to get my hopes up after being so late on my period and now I'm a little disappointed to be experiencing a...

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I switched from a 21 day birth control to Lo Loestrin 1/10 and I've been on Lo Loestrin for 2 months now. I started the Lo Loestrin pack right after I finished my other birth control pack, and I haven't had a period since I've started this pill. I don't know if starting it right after I finished my other pack caused me to miss my periods. I've taken 4 pregnancy test and they were all negative, I don't know what's going on!! Help! ## Hello, Carmen! How are you? Some women just don't have periods while taking this one, if you're concerned you should consult your doctor, but such anomalies can be normal. Is there anything else I can help with? ## My doctor told me that I should have my period while on this pill.. Idk what's going on

2 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I started Lo Loestrin Fe four months ago. I am currently in the first week of my fourth pack. The first month, I had brown spotting for about 5 days two weeks before my period came. My period during the first pack lasted around 7 days, like it usually does, and arrived on time. The second pack, I had brown spotting instead of my period. I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. However, my period then came the second week of the third pack (which was really weird to me because my period always came during the last four pills of the pack). At the end of the third pack, I had three days of brown spotting when I was supposed to get my period. I am currently on the first week of the fourth pack, patiently waiting to see what will happen next. Can my diet and exercise have something ...

40 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I am on my first pack of lo loestrin fe pills. I started my period on the second week. I have since missed 2 pills back to back in the fourth week. Now on the third day in the fourth week, i have my period again. Is this normal ? ## Yes, irregular bleeding can occur whenever you start new hormonal contraceptives for about the first 3 months. Then to compound it, you missed pills, which basically induces your menstrual cycle and during the last week of the pack, there are inactive pills that are intended to induce it. Learn more oral contraceptive details here. Are there any other questions I can help with? ## I am on my brown pills I started today. Do I take the brown pills and start new pack after those are done or do I start a new pack because I started after the white pillls?

2 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I have been taking lo loestrin fe for a few months now. I was supposed to start a new pack on Monday (now it's Thursday) but due to some pharmacy mix up I was unable to pick up my prescription in time for the new pack. I picked it up today. Should I start the new pack on Monday? I think I read I was supposed to start on my period but I won't be getting that for awhile (I get it every two months) and I haven't gotten a period in months because of the pills. I really would like to get back on my birth control ASAP because the symptoms of getting off are terrible. Thanks! ## Hello, Angelica! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you had. As long as it's okay with your doctor, then the FDA information states that you can also start at any point in your cycle, but...

3 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

First time taking pills. the second pack is almost finished. during the first pack, i was spotting non-stop, then had my period on time but extremely light spotting for 3 days or less. Now I haven't gotten my period yet even though it should have been normally. I am very worrying about being pregnant already...... ## Have you skipped any pills? If not, then there isn't a very big chance that you are pregnant, because oral contraceptives are over 99% effective, when taken properly. As to skipping your time of the month, that can be completely normal, because your body has to adjust to the hormones in the medication. ## I am currently taking Lo Loestrin Fe, and i have noticed that I have been having break through bleeding almost every time I start a new pack or a couple weeks befo...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I've been taking Lo Loestrin Fe at the same time every day consistantly for two months with no period... is this normal? ## Yes, it can be. These do contain hormones, to prevent pregnancy and they can affect different people in different ways. Some women will menstruate regularly and some won't. There is really no harm in skipping, but if you are concerned about it, you should consult your doctor. Many women use their birth control to skip their menstrual cycle, especially for important events, such as marriage or vacations. Have you contacted your doctor? ## i started taking lo loestrin fe the first day of my last period and during the 3rd week i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. i had been having breakthough bleeding. Is this okay? id missed one pill at the beging of the ...

379 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

If I don't want to get my period on weekends is it ok the start y first pack of loestrtin fe on Friday which is the 4th day of my period? My doctor said you are supposed to start the day after my period ends but would rather start on a Friday. ## Hello, Jenn! How are you? That's very odd, you are normally supposed to start them the first or second day of your period, so they are immediately effective at protecting you against pregnancy, according to the FDA. You can actually start them at any time, but if it is later in your cycle than the first or second of your period, it will take 7 days, before they become effective to prevent pregnancy, which means you will have to use a backup method of contraception until the 8th day of taking them. The typical side effects are listed as ...

1 REPLY Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

Period started at 11pm Sunday. Started taking my pills at 7am Monday. I keep waking up after 7am and so i'm taking pills at 8:30a, 9:00a. I'm finally in week two now and I missed a pill yesterday. I realized it when I woke up and was bleeding. I took two this morning to make up for the missed blue pill. How do I change my time from 7am to like...12pm? And did I start too late to begin with? If this is my period beginning, do I continue taking the pills or throw this pack out? I'm so confused!! (first time BCer) ## I am very sorry about the confusion and am happy to help clear this up for you. If you started them on the first or second day of your period, then you started when you should have and are immediately protected against pregnancy, since they will prevent ovulation t...

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I was told to start Lo Loestrin Fe on the first day of my period however, the norm for me is light bleeding (mostly just when urinating and wiping but nothing on a pad) and then nothing for a day or two and then my full on period. Do I start taking it the very first time I start bleeding even though it is so light or wait until the day I have my normal, heavier bleeding? ## Hello, Maureen! How are you? The FDA states that it should be started at the first sign of bleeding. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I started taking Lo Loestrin Fe on July 2nd, 2012. I was previously on Beyaz for about a year until my yearly checkup with my gynecologist. She switched me to Lo Loestrin Fe because of all of the recent blood clot and legal scares with Beyaz. Anyway, on Beyaz, I was used to having a VERY regular period that started the morning of my last pill in the pack. I was expecting to get my period on the same day as usual with Lo Loestrin Fe, but I have never actually bled. All that I have been shedding is a thick, brown substance. This was normal in the beginning and end of my periods on Beyaz, but on Lo Loestrin Fe, I have never actually had a normal period. I don't know if this is because of the hormonal differences in the pills or if I am pregnant. It is currently 2 days after I should ha...

7 REPLIES Filed under Beyaz

Hey I've never been on birth control before, this is my first time. I started lo loestrin fe the first day of my period and it seems lighter than usual which my Gyno said is normal but tomorrow would be my third day on it. Could the birth control have taken effect by now to prevent me from getting pregnant, or is it too early because its only my 3rd day tomorrow? ## Hello, Jacklyn! How are you? Unless your doctor instructs otherwise, you should be immediately protected, if you started it the first or second day of your period. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, weight changes and spotting. If you want to be completely safe, you could wait a full 7 days, to be sure. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

Hi all, I just had a few questions about my birth control. I started taking Lo Loestrin Fe a month ago, and my gyno directed me to start with the white pill on the first day of my period and go through the two white, two brown, and through the blue. I finished my last blue pill yesterday, and no sign of period yet. I was spotting randomly during the month of taking the pills which is normal according to side effects and I have had unprotected intercourse twice in the month (yes he did come in me, I know, not smart) well after the first week of taking the pills. I don't think I'm pregnant only because I'm not showing any signs, (but I will take a test and check!!) but I am showing signs of my period, which should be coming today or tonight. So my question is, if my period doe...

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I'm a little confued. I got my period on a Friday Jan 1, 2016 and started the pack on the first friday of the pack. Should i have done that or just started on the first sunday of the pack? I'm entering into the third week of the pack, therefore should I finish the blue pills of the first week before taking the white pills. Today is Jan 16, 2016 and I'm not scheduled to get my period unto Feb 1 or Jan 31. I think the answer is yes on the blue pills. I though the day yiu got your period and the day you take the blue pill had to match, but I don't think that is the case. Also, if get my period on a day I'm supposed to take the white or brown pills do I take the white or brown pill and a blue pill or just the first blue pill of the next pack? Let me know, please. Thanks....

3 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

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