Is Coveram Tablet 5 10 For Blood Pressure

26 Topics Found

I was placed on coveram 10/10, but can't always afford it, can I use phaemapress 10 my in the meantime, until I can afford it again, , couple off years ago, I used a different high blood pressure tablet, with ridaq and something to prevent gout ( can't remember those names), what is your suggestion, for me to do ## I would suggest speaking to your doctor to ask them about prescribing a more affordable option. They shouldn't have a problem doing so, especially since having you on one medication consistently is better than having you switching regularly due to high prices. Typical side effects of medications for high blood pressure may include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension. Are you on any other medications?

1 REPLY Filed under Perindopril

How long does it take to become effective and reduce blood pressure from the start of the treatment? ## Hi, Tatow! How are you? This contains the active ingredients Perindopril and Amlodipine. It will take about 4 to 6 weeks for it to reach its full effectiveness in your body. That's about the same time that the side effects, if you have any, will reach their peak in intensity and start to taper off. They may include nausea, dizziness, headache and hypotension. You can learn more Peridopril details here and there are more Amlodipine details here. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thank You So Much. Being a new patient on this medication, I do confirm That You are perfectly right.. ## I am taking a coveram 10/10 but my prescription is finished and I need to get a refill. How...

3 REPLIES Filed under Perindopril

I am 57 and have been taking coveram 5mg for 6 months. About 4 months ago my face started looking like it was permanently sunburnt. My doctor has taken me off it and put me on Coversyl 10mg. Will my face return to its normal colour and if so how long will it take? ## Hello, Annalise! How are you? It depends on what caused the facial flushing. How high is your blood pressure? High blood pressure can cause that in some people and if that's what caused it, it may linger. If it was due to the medication, then it should only take a few weeks for things to return to normal. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hi Verwon, Thanks for your reply. My blood pressure was normal whilst taking the Coveram. I have been taking a different bp medication for the last month and the redness has g...

4 REPLIES Filed under Blood Pressure

Hi. I am taking Coveram 5 dys now. I am experiencing a dry irritating cough with this medication. Will the cough subside soon, or will I have to change my medication? ## hi.....I am taking coveram 5/ I take another medicine for my high blood pressure? ## Hi. I've been taking coveram 10/5 for a week now and my gout is much worse. Can coveram help treat gout? Thanks. ## Coveram contains Perindopril, and Amolodipine, it is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure, and certain cardiac conditions. The NIH warns that it may cause a dry cough, as a side effect, and yes, you may need to try a different medication, Trini, because it doesn't usually go away. Grace, how is this medication working for you? Herman, it might actually worsen gout, according to NIH reports. O...

4 REPLIES Filed under Perindopril

Hello, dear doctor. I'm 65 years old and I was using Tritace 10 mg (1 daily), Natrilix SR 1.5 mg (1/2 or 1 daily) and Noten 50 mg (1/2 daily) for my high blood pressure for the past 8 years.Now the cardiologist asked me to change to Coveram 10/5, because my medications are too old now. After 10 days taking Coveram I noticed that my average blood pressure from 137/81 became 134/78 which is almost the same, but my pulse increased from 64 to 75 (in average). What is the normal pulse should be in my age? And can I stay on Coveram only or add Noten (1/4 or 1/2 tablet) with it? Or get back to previous medications? Your opinion is very important to me. Thank you. Kind Regards, Jack ## I live in Australia, New South Wales, Sydney. I concern about the pulse. After I started Coveram it became...

3 REPLIES Filed under Blood Pressure

I was using olmetec 20 and amlodipine 5 mg for my high blood pressure for the past 7 years. Now the cardiologist asked me change to civeram 10. After I take this I had recurrence of CSR eye problem and swollan ankle. Can I get back to previous medication. Tnx. Jahan ## Hello, Jahan! How are you? That is entirely up to your doctor. Why did he want you to switch? If the other medications were working, there is no need to change. Other side effects may also possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypotension. You may also need a diuretic due to the swelling. What have your blood pressure levels been?

1 REPLY Filed under Amlodipine

Can you suggest a substitute tablet for Coveram 10/5 in India..... ## may i know where i will get this bp tablets in India ## Coverma 10/5 mg which medicine is suitale in indian. ## Coveram is listed as containing the active ingredients Amlodipine, and Perindopril, so you would want to look for something that contains those ingredients, either together, or separately. Coveram is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure, and certain cardiac conditions. Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hello Sir, I m using COVERAM tablet 10/5 mg. I working in Qatar. Now in India. My medicine now finish. Pls suggests for me substitute medicine for that. Where did I can get that medicine ...

4 REPLIES Filed under Amlodipine

Hello, dear doctor, my mum ate converam three days, she had a serious dry cough, shopped two weeks, but she still dry cough heavily, do you think the dry cough is still because of the converam medicine, if it does, could you please advice how to treat it? Your earliest reply will be very appreciated. Kind Regards Hope ## I am not a doctor, but Coveram contains Amlodipine and Perindopril, both of which are used to help treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. And they have been known to cause a cough as a side effect in some people, but it usually goes away, when they switch to a different medication. Learn more Amlodipine details here. Learn more Perindopril details here. Has she consulted a doctor? If she is still coughing, then it is possible that it's not related...

2 REPLIES Filed under Amlodipine

I am 64 very active and on coveram 10/10 sometimes I need to take cataflam. My question: Can I take the coveram 10/10 in the morning and later in the day cataflam if I am injured, and trying to get over my injury mainly inflamation in the knee. I had my cartlage on both knees removed the early years, and ocassionally it flares up thanx ## Hello, Basil! How are you? Actually, you need to check with your doctor, before taking Cataflam. It contains the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory Diclofenac, which can sometimes cause fluid retention and elevated blood pressure as side effects, according to the FDA. Thus, it may not be safe for you to take, if you have high blood pressure or a cardiac condition. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I'm 60yrs my Bp is 170/110.Dr prescrib to take...

2 REPLIES Filed under Cataflam

I cant sleep while taking coveram 10/10, is this normal? How long will the side effects last? The DR gave me 60 tablets for 2 months. ## Since taking coveram 10/10 for about a year now I have been experiencing symptoms of ED. Once I climax it takes forever to get ready again. It is frustrating for my partner. ## This medication contains Amlodipine and Perindopril, it most commonly used to treat high blood pressure, and some cardiac conditions. Harry, the Amlodipine is known to cause insomnia in some people that take it, along with nausea, headache, increased urination, and hypotension, according to NIH reports. Denhow, that can also be a normal side effect according to the NIH. Additionally, it is also normal for a man to take awhile to be ready to engage in intercourse, again, that is ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Amlodipine

I had been taking 10 mg Losartan for several years. Checked my blood pressure yesterday and it was at 180/80. So I took one 5mg Coveram yesterday, and today my blood pressure is 117/77. No side effects whatsoever. Coveram 5mg worked immediately. ## It really varies from person to person, different medications work better for different people, since everyone is different. The NIH lists the typical ones for this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension. How are you doing, now?

1 REPLY Filed under Losartan

I have been taking Coveram 10 for about 2 years and other blood pressure medication for about 7 years before that. I suffer from cold legs and the problem has been getting steadily worse so that they are cold even in 35 degree heat, and even when my feet get warm. I have been told by my TCM practitioner that my kidney energy is extremely low. Is there a connection with the kidney energy and blood pressure medication? I also have muscle cramps in my legs and feet. ## Hello, Duffiana! How are you? Yes, the medication could be causing Reynaud's syndrome, I've had it happen to me before with a couple that I tried, as well. Have you consulted your doctor? You'll likely need to switch to a different high blood pressure medication. As to the TCM and kidney energy, I am sorry, but I...

1 REPLY Filed under Blood Pressure

I take 10/10 mg everyday. I have some problems. 1. back pain. 2. Weakness. 3. Slipping problem ## This contains Perindopril, and Amlodipine, it is most commonly used to treat high blood pressures, and certain cardiac conditions. What do you consider to be a slipping problem? Back pain, and weakness can be normal side effects of this medication, according to the NIH, but you may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, and increased urination.

1 REPLY Filed under Perindopril

I am taking Coveram 5mg/5mg , can I take Viagra or Cialles pills with it. I am 55 years old with good health. ## HI, Adam! How are your blood pressure levels? That is what needs to be looked at, before you take something such as Viagra or Cialis. They work in a similar way that blood pressure medications do, but dilating blood vessels and improving blood flow, thus there is a chance that combining them could cause your blood pressure and heart rate to fall too low and put you in danger. The best suggestion I can make is that you check with your doctor, before doing so, due to the risks. ## Hi I'm Jose can I take sildenafil with coveram 10 /5

2 REPLIES Filed under Viagra

I am 54 years old, on Coveram 5/10 and I'm pretty certain that I could manage my blood pressure on my own with diet and exercise. I think I was put on it too hastily without really giving these other ways a good go first. I want to stop taking Coveram and try on my own. What are the risks in stopping Coveram suddenly? ## Hello, Jules! How are you? It could cause your blood pressure and heart rate to rebound, which could cause them to hit dangerously high levels. When going off of a medication like this, you should taper off slowly, with your doctor's supervision. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypotension. What are your current levels? ## My doctor has said that I should be 130/...

2 REPLIES Filed under Blood Pressure

I was prescribed by my doctor to take this meds for a while because of too high blood pressure and headache for almost 2 weeks. ## HI, Mikey! Sorry about the issue that you've been having. How are you feeling today? Coveram contains the active ingredients Perindopril and Amlodipine, it is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and hypotension. Learn more Perindopril details here and there are more Amlodipine details here. ## I am having kidney priblems I had operations on both knees. I suffers with vetigo I have a spine problem and plenty inflammation in my body. Please lrt me know if coveram is good for me to take I also have acid reflux. ## Hi I am suffering from high blood pressure a...

13 REPLIES Filed under Perindopril

Hi may I ask if I stop the coveram suddenly ?is there any bad effect monitoring my BP and as of now everyday is normal. ## Yes, it could cause a rebound elevation in your blood pressure and heart rate, which may reach dangerous levels, according to the NIH. Why did you stop taking it? Are you on any other medications?

1 REPLY Filed under Blood Pressure

Can coveram cause urine incontinence during the night? ## Hello, Brett! How are you? The FDA lists Coveram as containing Amlodipine and Perindopril, it is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. Its typical side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain and hypotension. No, it has been known to cause you to wake up, due to having to urinate, but not actual incontinence. Is the person on any other medications? ## Yes, Coveram can cause increased need to urinate at night! This extract is directly from the packet insert: Uncommon side effects (occur in less than 1 in 100 users but in more than 1 in 1000 users): mood swings, anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, sleep disturbances, trembling, fainting, loss of pa...

4 REPLIES Filed under Amlodipine

I am taking coveram 10/10 for 1 year now I am 50 years old and i think it helps me in maintaining my blood pressure level. I'm working in Palau and coveram is not available in this country so I have to get it from the Philippines which is very hectic specially if you are running out of supplies. Is there a medicine like coveram that is international meaning generic and readily available in most countries of the world. Palau is a former US territory and they follow US law regarding medicines.

Filed under Blood Pressure

I.V BEEN TAKING NOTEN 50 MG FOR NEARLY 10 YEARS BUT MY BLOOD PRESSURE STILL HIGH 150/90. NOW MY DOCTOR ASK ME TO TAKE COVERAM 5MG. CAN I TAKE NOTEN AND COVERAM TOGHETER? ALSO ANY EFFECT FROM ALCOHOL AS I DRINK 3 SHOT OF SCOTCH EVERY NIGHT ## Hello, Sakhr! How are you? Yes, you can take both of these medications, at once. Such medications are often combined, when someone has treatment resistant high blood pressure. Side effects may include nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, hypotension, dry cough and stomach pain. And yes, alcohol can be cardiotoxic, so it could be contributing to your problem and could also worsen the side effects of the medication. Are there any other questions or concerns?

1 REPLY Filed under Blood Pressure

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