Eliquis And Weight

24 Topics Found

Hi, I just started taking Eliquis a few days ago for a DVT and I am wondering can you lose weight while using this medication? I've read that people have gained weight but what about losing weight? ## Yes, it is possible and has been reported as happening to some people that take it, but it is a very rare occurrence. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have gained weight. I have been taking for one month. I just don’t know about this. I am a incomplete paraplegic and I only gain 10 lbs in 9 years and I have gained over that in month... ## No definitely not. I have gained almost twenty pounds. I am going to Dr Friday and see what else ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Eliquis

Today I am speaking with my hemotologist about switching from Xarelto to Eliquis. Xarelto has caused me, a runner with a very slim diet, to gain almost 14 pounds in 4 weeks. 7 of those pounds in the last two weeks. I need to know of any serious weight gain issues with Eliquis. Doctors always swear that the side effects listed are the only ones but I was never told by my doctor nor the literature that Xarelto causes abnormal weight gain either. Google had to tell me that after yesterday's terrible weigh-in. I'm looking for absolute candor. I am 34 and female and I'd be taking it for PE. Thanks. ## Anytime you want to know all possible side effects, it's best to ask a pharmacist, visit a site like this, or research it on your own. Doctor's aren't trained as much in...

102 REPLIES Filed under Eliquis

I have been taking Eliquis for 3 weeks and have had 3 gout flare-ups. I am not drinking beer and have had limited red meat and seafood (3 of the more popular triggers). Is there a connection between Eliquis and gout flare-ups? ## Hello, Todd! How are you doing? I am sorry about the problem you're having. Yes, gout is a common side effect of this medication, according to FDA reports, you may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding, and easy bruising. Are you on any other medications? ## I started taking Indomethacin for the gout flare-ups and it worked good. I am not on any other medications. My doctor believes the gout flare-ups were due to rapid weight loss (down 25 pounds in 1.5 months).

2 REPLIES Filed under Eliquis

Hi, my name is Laura and I just started taking eliquis about 2 1/2 months ago and I have gained 21 pounds which is highly unusual for me. Usually my weight remains steady. I have also been incredibly tired all day long which makes work next to impossible. As well as not having any energy to spend with my children. I am only 30, and was put on eliquis due to having a second pe and cumaden not being an efficient way to control my blood. Is it possible the eliquis is causing these problems? My Dr. Just blows them off when I talk to him. It is very frustrating. ## Hello, Laura! How are you? Yes, you are not the first person to report experiencing such side effects from this medication and the FDA does report that they are possible. You may also experience headache, dizziness, easy bruising ...

50 REPLIES Filed under Eliquis

Since taking Eliquis my weigh keeps going up. If I take a waterpill once a week, I lose 3-4 pounds overnight. I think there is a lower dosage like 2.5. It must be available at that strength. My food intake or activity are the same. I always maintained the same weight. ## Yes, weight gain is a typical side effect of Eliquis, many people have reported experiencing it. As reported by the FDA, you may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. And yes, it is available in both 2.5mgs and 5mgs. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have gained 25 pounds and recently stopped eating any carbs and back working out 1 hour a day. not even a budge on the scale. I also have a swollen belly not sure if this is a side effect or not. ## I have been...

7 REPLIES Filed under Eliquis

I've been on multaq for my afib diagnosis since April and have gained 12 lbs. in such a short time after just having lost 40 lbs in the many months prior to diagnosis. My healthy eating has not changed and exercising doesn't help to rid the pounds. I can only attribute this new additional weight to multaq. Has anyone else experienced weight gain being on multaq? ## Yes, that is a possible side effect of this medication, along with nausea, dizziness, headache, and dry mouth. However, it should top out around this gain amount and should not continue. If it does, you should contact your doctor. Are you on any other medications? ## Only other new Med started at the same time as Multaq is Eliquis. Otherwise I've been on couple other meds for years.

2 REPLIES Filed under Multaq

I have been on Eliquis for about a month. I have some itching, weight gain, and swelling in my legs and feet that has become very painful. Also frequent urination. They are taking me off the meds. Has anyone else had the swelling? ## I have had very painful burning and aching with some numbness on the soles of my feet for 3 months.After being blood-tested for every disease in the world,it dawned on me it might be the Eliquis. The doctors (3) assured me that the drug was an unlikely culprit.I went off the Eliquis on my own,and within a week all my "peripheral neuropathy" was gone. ## Hello, Glenda! How are you? Yes, it is a known possible side effect of this medication, as listed by the FDA. You may also experience nausea, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. D...

7 REPLIES Filed under Eliquis

I only take 2.5 mg of eliquis. I was supposed to take it 2x a day but with the side effects I'm not going to. It's affecting my stomach, weight, and cough. Bad ## Hello, Carol! How are you? Those can be normal side effects of it, as reported by the FDA. You may also experience headache, dizziness, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. However, if you're afraid of the side effects and don't want to take it as prescribed, you should talk to your doctor, they may be able to prescribe an alternative medication. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Eliquis

I'm a healthy 74 year old male who works out with weights heavily in April developed an asymptomatic tachycardia with a classical a fib beat took eliquis for 4_weeks no problems then cardioversion immediately back to normal sinus rhythm and 4_weeks more on eliquis with very slight hemorroidal bleeding minimal. Was the put back on baby aspirin back on schedule and ad of 8 /21_feel great Stephen ## I am so very glad that it worked so well for you, that's awesome! Did you experience any other side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, or easy bruising? Did you have to make any changes to your workout routine?

1 REPLY Filed under Eliquis

have used this here in the u.k for 4 months as I was diagnosed with a.f. 5mgs x2 per day. Wish I had never been given them. So far strange pain in the top of head. stomach cramps. blood in urine. pain in back passage cant sleep more than 3 hours per night. affecting spinal stenosis and arthritis. Recently diagnosed with muscle wasting disease Myasthenia Gravis and I think there is a problem with taking Eliquis and having this condition. ANYONE HAVE PROBLEMS LIKE THIS? oh forgot urine bleeding started after a 5hour flight ## I began Eliquis on thursday evening and within a day began feeling my pulse pounding in my brain and top of the head. Also felt unbalanced, like I might fall over. Also, felt like I had a weight on the top of my head. Stopped taking it yesterday morning and began war...

3 REPLIES Filed under Eliquis

I have been on Eliquis for 4 months now for afib. Have only had one episode of Afib. have a cardiologist that doesn't listen. He's just a drug pusher and wants to do ablations. So I don't bother with him. He just turned me back over to my nurse practitioner anyway. I am wasting away on this eliquis 2.5 mg twice a day. Can't gain weight. Most people gain. Not me. Suffering all over body pain. Memory problems. Nausea. Hair falling out. Weak. No motivation. Think it's messing with my blood pressure. Sometimes sweating and fever. I looked up side effect. Drs won't even listen about side effects. Just want to push more pills. I don't sleep well. Hardly slept last night. This stuff can also affect the liver since most of it goes through the liver. I want to hear fr...

1 REPLY Filed under Eliquis

Since starting Eliquis two weeks ago I have been gaining weight and experiencing extreme tiredness. I discontinued Coumadin, after three tears for a PE as it was not able to be regulated. Any thoughts ? ## Hello, Dennis! How are you? Those are typical side effects of Eliquis, as listed by the FDA, you may also experience nausea, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. There have been quite a few posts about it. Sadly, no medications are side effect free. However, they do tend to be transient and should taper off, once your body gets used to the medication, which may take about 4 to 6 weeks. If they don't, then you should speak to your doctor. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Eliquis

I have been taking Apixaban for PE's for nearly 2 years now thinking that it was great as Warfarin was unreliable and had to have too many blood tests. I am 56 and have now put on a lot of weight but didn't realize that this drug can cause this. My lifestyle hasn't changed very much so I couldn't understand why I was putting on weight. Also at night when sleeping my arm on the opposite side of how I'm sleeping also goes numb and I wonder if this can have anything to do with the drug too, as well as feeling really tired all the time. Is there an alternative as I really am feeling depressed about my weight? ## I am on Apixaban and I am having a very dry mouth and have to drink water the whole night. I talked to my doctor and he says it's because of the medicine and...

9 REPLIES Filed under Eliquis

on eliquis 2.5mg twice daily Feet swell. Pamphlet reads possible side effect. I keep feet highly elevated when sitting. Want to avoid taking diuretic. No high blood pressure, not over weight. Who has experienced this & what have you done. I am considering compression stockings. I have frequent urination, that is not a problem. In the past my feet would swell when siting at the p.c. for a lengthy period of time before I was on any meds. My next dr. appt. coming up in 2 weeks. Appreciate any feedback ## Hello, Jackie! How are you doing? How did your doctor's appointment go? Yes, just as you've read, the FDA says that can be a side effect of this medication, along with nausea, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. You may need to take a diuretic or switch to a...

1 REPLY Filed under Eliquis

I have been taking Eliquis for 1 1/2 Months and I think I am allergic to it. Everything was okay until this week. My stomach looks like I have been sunburned and is swollen I also have gained weight, and losing more memory. My urine is also real dark. this is just not normal. Do I need to go back to Warfin? Do you think Eliquis is working for me? ## Hi Lucille, Sorry to hear about your situation. If you've developed a rash and inflammation, I agree with you that those are probable signs of an allergic reaction. However, according to medlineplus.gov, "red, brown, or pink urine" listed as a potentially serious side effect as well as a possible overdose symptom that should be brought to your doctor's attention immediately. On the other hand, dark urine could also be attribu...

1 REPLY Filed under Eliquis

I was prescribed Eliquis because of AFIB. I work 12 hour shifts, mostly sitting at a computer, and have to urinate often. I'm also gaining weight and my ankles are swelling. But the worst part is I can't get a good nights sleep because I wake up 2-3 times to urinate. I feel exhausted. Is this caused by the AFIB or the Eliquis? ## That can happen as side effect of many medications, according to FDA reports, however, there is also a chance that you have a urinary tract infection, which is another known side effect. The other issues are also reported as being known to occur with this medication. You might need to try a different one. Have you informed your doctor? ## My cardiologist ordered the U/A and it came back clear. The frequent urination has slowed down some. Maybe it's ...

4 REPLIES Filed under Eliquis

My dad has been in Eliquis for past 3 months to treat a-fib. He also has CHF and weight gain (20 lbs) with swelling. Also nosebleeds. Thinking Eliquis is caysibgyall if this. Will pursue going back to Coumadin ## Hello, Moe! How is your dad doing? Yes, the Eliquis could be the cause and his doctor should be informed, there are other medications he can try, as well as switching back to the Coumadin. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Coumadin as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising. Is he on a diuretic? ## I've been on Xerelto, for about a month. I've got swollen legs and feet, have occasional headaches, very distended stomach and weight gain. I'm tired all the time. As I've read many posts from others experie...

10 REPLIES Filed under Eliquis

Has anyone had good luck using alternative natural supplements instead of taking Eliquis? I've been on it for 4 months and it just keeps getting worse. All over body pain and weakness. Chest pain. Messes with my BP. Itching. Can't sleep. Nausea. Tingling in legs. No motivation. Headaches. Hair loss. Eye pain. Can't gain weight. It's awful. Any advice or help would be appreciated. Thanks. ## Unfortunately, those are all fairly common side effects of Eliquis, according to the FDA, and in some cases, they have been so bad that people had to stop taking it. Warfarin is often used to prevent the same types of clotting issues, but it does require regular blood draws to check your clotting factor, and frequent dosage adjustments. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possib...

5 REPLIES Filed under Eliquis

My 8 yr. old granddaughter is over weight and her mother is giving her a medication called Riomet. Is this medication harmful to my grandchild? Her face is looking puffy today. please respond. ## Hello, Eve! Has it been prescribed by the child's doctor? This is a prescription medication to control blood sugar levels, so it shouldn't be taken if it hasn't been prescribed, especially not by a child. ## eliquis caused many badside effects for me...I was in hospitals more than five times with muscle aches, (especially upper back neck and upper arms) extreme bruising , numbeness, confusion,blisters , other drug interactions and fainting. My heart doctor (not believing it was medication at first) took me off and then put me back on ..over 2 years...then gave me smaller doses after...

2 REPLIES Filed under Riomet

I'm 57 and had lone afib. It occurred 5 times in 5 years. They have done a cryoablation 4.5 months ago. I've worn the monitor now for 3 weeks and debt it back. Overt the last 2 weeks I called my doctor 4 times and never gotten a call back. Eliquis, in just the last 2 months has caused me memory problems, very bad knee pain, BP had gone from around 125/ 70 to 145/80. Feeling very tired and lethargic. Weight gain, and the latest protien in urine. Since it was just spared to be for 3 months and I can't even talk to the office to make an appointment, just the answering service, today I'm switching over to aspirin ## Hello, Giss! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problems that you're having. Many people have had problems with Eliquis and quite a few people have ha...

1 REPLY Filed under Eliquis

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