Blue Football Shaped Pill
80 Topics FoundI have inclement anxiety and taking these pills has been really helpful. Just don't over do it, one is enough every 8 hours or so depending on the sevarity of your anxiety. Feel free to express your feelings on the pill and how it works for you! ## To be a little more specific, this tablet contains 1mg of Alprazolam, the active ingredient in Xanax, it is Benzodiazepine that is commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability. They are also a controlled substance, because they can cause addiction and have the propensity to be abused, so they should never be used, without a doctor's supervision. Learn more: Are there any questions or comments? ## Identify oval dark blue pill.markings on the pill are V 208...
its a little light blue football shaped pill with rxp 75 on one side and nothing but a crease on the other, was told it was a sleeping pill or to help with sleeping but im not too sure cuz i got a few more pills from that person and they didnt turn out to be what he said they were :S ## the blue pills are you have to go to bed. I am on 1.5 and I am still up and its 2:28AM here.
it really small like a football blue not light blue but blue with 2089 and the letter v under the numbers ## This tablet contains 1mg of Alprazolam. the active ingredient in Xanax, this is a Benzodiazepine, used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability. Read more: Are there any questions or comments? ## I'm having anxiety does it also help calm my heart beat slower
Very small football shped blue pill with one side blank with a line going through it. The other side has 4 numbers with a v underneath ## Hi, Savannah! Can you please post back and include those numbers? The full imprint is needed in order for the tablet to be identified. Thanks!
Its a white football shaped pill with blue spots and the number 5273 ## white football shape with bue specks and k 25 on one side. ## It's Phentermine - Appetite Suppressant ## A white with blue speckled pill with k/25 on one side and is oval in shape. What is this used for? ## That's correct, it is a Phentermine tablet and to be more specific, it is a 37.5mg one, it's most commonly used to aid in weight loss. Since it is a type of stimulant, its side effects may include nausea, dizziness, anorexia and insomnia. Are there any questions? You can learn more Phentermine details here. ## It is diet pill called addpex used to treat weight loss ## It is blue pill shape like a football with a line across it and says 44386 please tell me what it is???? ## Blue pill shape like a foot...
Light blue football shaped , with a line on one side ## blue oblonges shaped pill with 866 on one side and 9 on the other ## Blue oval pill,pms on one side/Line through the Center on otherside. What is it? ## I have found some pills. Light blue with a line on one side and L444 on the other. Does anyone know what they are?
foot ball shaped, white with blue dots, r 159, pill ## This is generic phentermine 37.5mg. It is generic for the brand name Ionamin. It is typically used as a weight loss pill. It can be addictive and has quite a few side effects. It can raise your blood pressure significantly, cause headaches, lots of sweating, insomnia. ## THIS PILL HAS DISTROYED MY LIFE !!!!!!!!!!!! IM NOW SKITSOACTIVE.. I HAVE ANXITY THAT NEVER GOS AWAY AND A SLEEPING DISORDER THAT CAUSES BYBOLAR SO IM CRAZY EGZOSTED AND FAT I GAINED ALL THE WAIT RITE BACK AND NOW I FEEL HUNGRY ALL THE TIME AM=ND HAVE NO MATAPALIZUM ALL THANKS TO A WHITE AND BLUE TABLET. BECAUSE I COULDNT JUST EAT HEALTHY I WAS LAZZY AND WAS LOOKING FOR A MERICAL ## yes i have a pill that says xanax on one side and 2 on back its shaped like a rectan...
The pill's ends are a bit pointed. A bright blue, almost periwinkle color. I need help identifying it. I'm sure it's not prescription. Found it on the floor of my uncle's car. It's short too. Will try to include a picture. ## Sounds like an OTC Cold Remedy or sleeping aid. It could be anything, good thing you noticed it. I'd ask my Uncle, look around for more so his Car is clean.
Tell me what kind of pill that looks like a football blue in color with l346 on it ## I can't say for sure, but this is most likely an over the counter sleeping aide. There doesn't seem to be a definitive ID for this pill online, but usually, when the imprint starts with an L, in the way you described it, then it is an over the counter type of Acetaminophen or Tylenol with Diphenhydramine. Hopefully someone else on here who has it in their possession can post something more affirming. ## Blue pill shape like a football with line across it says 44386 what is it ## Blue pill shape like a football with line across it says 44386 ## Have found pill blue football shaped with nothing on one side and L368 on other side. Is this Xanax and what strength if it is?
one side of the pill has pfizer on one side and vgr 50 on the other. and is shaped like football and is blue ## This isa 50mg Viagra tablet, it contains the active ingredient Sildenafil and is used to treat erectile dysfunction. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stuffy nose. Read more: Are there any comments or questions?
Is there a green football shaped Xanax? ## Yes, there are some, however, since the shape and color mean nothing, the only way to tell is from the actual markings on the tablet in question. For insance, one marking on such a tablet is: S 902, which is a 1mg tablet There are also many tablets on the market that are green and football shaped, but contain other medications completely unrelated to Xanax. If the above marking doesn't match your pill, please post back with the markings on the tablet you are checking and I will gladly look it up for you! ## there is also a triangular shaped xanax that is green and is extended release and 3mg ## I got some light blue footballs supposedly xanax however no writing and no scibes on them can u help me figure out wtf these are however they do tas...
football shaped light blue with the letter M a slash and the number 312 ## The pill in description is Verapamil HCl (180 mg). To view information about this drug, please click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.
one side has a line on it with 886 on the left and 1 on the right the other side of the pill has a 9 printed on it. it is a light blue colored football shaped pill. rounded not boxy looking ## 886 1 b contains 1mg of Estradiol, a hormone, commonly used in HRT. Read more: Is there anything else I can help you with?
It's been wet so the imprints are gone. It was in my nephew's room. I need know what it is. It looks just like a blue Xanax but it's a lil thicker and a tad bigger with one cut only on one side. ## If the imprints are gone due to water damage, then I'm afraid the only accurate way to identify this would be to have it's contents analyzed by a lab. We can certainly make speculations based on related pills with score lines, but all we'd be doing is taking shots in the dark with no sense of direction as to what that former imprint might've been... Would you say the cut down the middle is fairly thick (wide) or ultra thin? Also, have you considered discussing this at all with your nephew? Maybe you could bring it up in such a way that doesn't make him feel def...
is and blue football shaped with Upjohn 90 on it. Is it a 1mg Xanax? ## Hello, Tab! How are you? According to what I've found, this is Pfizer's international version, which contains 1mg of Alprazolam, the active ingredient in Xanax. This medication carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Are there any other questions or concerns? ## You're right but some of the other side effects are actual death don't forget that please but very rare. You also forgot a lot of the other side effects that life long unless you take them for a short period of time? But everyone's body is different and reacts differently. If you have any other questions please don't answer or ask the other person not ...
Blue oblong (football shaped) Alprazolam tablet with imprint G3721. ## This is Alprazolam 1mg, a generic for Xanax. Manufacturer: Greenstone LLC NDC: 59762-3721 Imprint: G3721 Size (mm): 9.00 Shape: Oval Inactive Ingredients: -Powdered Cellulose -Starch, Corn -Docusate Sodium -Lactose -Magnesium Stearate -Silicon Dioxide -Sodium Benzoate -Fd&c Blue No. 2 ## I want to know if I am getting placebos. The alleged Alprazolam pill that I have is blue and football-shaped, imprinted with G3721. ## Where are you getting it from? If it's a licensed Pharmacy they would not have or sell a Placebo to you. ## How can I tell if a xanax is real or not. These are the biue football's that are labeled G 3721 but the odd thing that stands out is the shade of blue is unusually light light blue.
Has a new white xanax or xanax clone been released recently that is alot like the blue footballs we all know. Difference is this one is white. Has 832 8m1 on one side ## Alprazolam does can it come plan white with line on one side ## The tablet with the 832 BM1 marking actually contains 1mg of Benztropine, which is used in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease. You can learn more Benztropine details here. Side effects may include dry mouth, blurred vision, anorexia and urinary retention. And as to the question from Skindog… All manufactured prescription medications in the U.S. are required to have markings to enable their identification. Thus, if a tablet is unmarked, it is most likely an over the counter product of some type. Are there any questions or comments? Is...
i've got a medium sized light blue pill with LILLY 4415 on it. i need to know if it's really xanex? ## This is not Xanax. The pill in description is Zyprexa (15 mg); which is an atypical antipsychotic, approved by the FDA for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. To view information about this drug, please click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## So a lilly4415 a xanex or no just asking cause its blue and football shaped right? ## If yu can't find something like that out call poison control that's wut I do
I have a large oblong blue chalk pill, non coated with a dent in the middle and on back and written in the front is M361, could be an antidepressant? ## that is not a antidepressant it is loracet 10/650 a controled pain medication ## Light blue oval/oblong/football shaped tablet, Scored one side Other side imprinted 1441 or 1447 ## That is correct, the light blue tablet with the marking M 361 is manufactured by Mallinkcrodt Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 10mgs of Hydrocodone, and 325mgs of Acetaminophen, it is an opiate analgesic. NDC: 00406-0361 The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth. I believe the marking on the other tablet is actually L441, it is ma...
found this in my teenage neice's room ## Sorry, if there is no imprint then it must be something over the counter. All prescription drugs in the United States are required by law to have an imprint on the tablets, so they can be identified according to drug, dosage and manufacturer. With no markings there is no way to know for sure what it is, it could be a generic for Tylenol PM, Advil PM, Aleve or anything else for that matter. ## I have located a supply of totally unmarked football shaped pills in my good friend's room; I have no knowledge of him taking any prescription meds and I would know if he were. They were in an old prescription bottle with the label ripped off (probably not even the original container). These pills look exactly like the little blue football Xanax pill...