Blue And White Capsule No Markings What It Is

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Light blue & white capsule no markings the cap of the capsule is light blue and its filled with a chalky white powder ## If there are no markings, it is going to be difficult to determine what this contains. We can rule it out as being a U.S. manufactured prescription medication, because they are all required to have markings to enable their identification. However, it could be any one of a large number of over the counter items, there is also a small chance that it could be a foreign medication. A third option would be something that was specially done by a compounding pharmacy, since they use capsules and there are usually no markings on them. Does anyone else have any ideas what this might be? ## If it's from a compounding pharmacy, the pills usually are not marked. The 2 or ...


Blue and white capsule with no markings ## I would need to know the markings or imprint on the pill inorder to locate the correct pill. Please post back with any more information so I can assist you better. ## it is a blue and white capsule blue on one end white on the other no markings at all can u help? ## blue/white capsule w no markings. white powder inside ## blue and white capsule with small indentations on blue side. do you know what this is? ## Blue and white capsule with pinkish powder on the inside


I found a half blue half white capsule in my brothers room it was not in any store bought packaging it was in a normal sandwich bag with several others I broke one open and inside were these strange small yellow rock/circle things they weren't perfectly round or anything just like little rock.does anyone know what this could be???

Would appreciate help identifying this small capsule. Thank you. ## Hi Fran, Based on the description provided, I found your capsule to be Hydrochlorothiazide (12.5 mg). Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) is often used in the treatment of hypertension, congestive heart failure, symptomatic edema and the prevention of kidney stones. To view information about this drug, please refer to the link below... If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you. ## Hi David, Thank You! Fran

2 REPLIES Filed under Blood Pressure

no markings...brown powder inside ## it is a little white and blue capsule and it says 4mg on it. all i know is it supposed to be a muscle relaxer but im not sure ## BLUE & WHITE CAPSULE WITH NO IMPRINTS AT ALL AND IS FILLED WITH A BROWN POWDERY SUBSTANCE ## I found the same pills in my house in a bottle marked Phentermine NP w/hoodia. It says on the bottle that it is a diet pill, but when I googled Phentermine none of the descriptions of what the pill looked like matched blue and white capsule. I found your post while doing some research on what it could possibly be and thought I should let you know what I've discovered. ## Hello, In the U.S. all prescription medication is required to at least have an unique combination of characteristics and imprint so we can rule out the poss...

4 REPLIES Filed under Phentermine

I found a blue and white empty capsule in my mom's room. We have caregivers from Mexico. No numbers nor markings on it. I'm afraid someone emptied it in my mom's food. Please help! ## Hello Carol, First thing is first, if you feel that someone has put any kind of medication in your mothers food you should report this to to her medical provider and monitor her behavior closely. Second I unfortunately can't identify this pill for you as there are no markings and any kind of medication could be put inside of a blank capsule. In fact it is common for people to purchase capsules in bulk and package their own vitamins. It is also possible that these pills could simply be vitamins, there are many blank pills that you can purchase from vitamin/supplement stores that come in caps...

4 REPLIES Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

diebetic life a death emercy ## When you are faced with a life and death emergency, please DO NOT post on a free website, waiting for a response. You should seek immediate medical care by going to your nearest emergency care facility or calling paramedics. this site is not medical professionals, so our means of assistance is very limited, this is an information only website. As to the capsule, it is possibly a 6mg Zanaflex capsule, which contains the active ingredient Tizanidine, a muscle relaxant. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and dizziness. Read more: This capsule should be blue on one half and a very light blue, almost white on the other and should have 6mg written on it in white. Are there any other markings?

1 REPLY Filed under Zanaflex

i know its some kind of Speed type pill you can get at health store. One is blue and black and one is white and blue both are large capsules. Does anyone know what they are called? ## Hi Stacy! Unfortunately, without any markings, it's likely going to be difficult to determine what these contain with any certainty. Do you have such a store nearby? If so, it may be easiest to go ask them if they recognize them, since the employees are usually familiar with the products they carry. I know the Stacker products all have markings on them, but this may be a generic version. Does anyone else recognize these? I'll do some more search and post back when I find something. ## Hello there black capsules pills it's not speed or a narcotic at all it's a striod meant to increase maximu...


I found a zip lock bag with blue and white capsules in it with white powder inside and no kind of markings. ive read other posts about kinds of pills like this and they have said that it is oxycodone. I have never seen no kind of pills like that with no markings on it. HELP ME PLEAASE!! ## No need to panic, they are most likely something that's available over the counter. They are not required to have markings and there are many on the market that don't. That rules them out as being Oxycodone, but they could be any one of a very large number of OTC supplements or medications. The best thing to do would just to properly dispose of them. Does anyone have any idea of what these might be? ## It's not oxycodone, it's vyvanse for adhd.

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

my sister claims this is amoxicillin... no imprints with blue and white capsule. has anyone ever had amox. with this appearance ? im kinda skeptical. ## This pill IS amoxicillin. Sold in mexico. Came in a bottle of 1000. Thanks anyhow, but we got the data needed :) Blue (like the default link color in HTML) and white. Healed my wound on my leg that was taking too long to heal. Gracias, amigo's ;) ## Hi Jay, Thanks for the heads up on the pill ID. Just out of curiosity, how were you able to end up identifying it since the pill has no markings? Was it through a lab analysis? That seems to me like the only reliable method for identification in situations like this, since you can't necessarily take someone's word for it alone. At any rate, I'm glad to hear that it helped hea...

6 REPLIES Filed under Amoxicillin

When I opened it up it was mostly a fine white powder, with little a little blue mixed with it. ## Hi Micky, Whereabouts did you get this dark blue capsule from? If it has no markings, then I think its origin is the probably one of the next most important factors to take into consideration (i.e. from a pharmacy, friend, internet source, etc?)... One thing is for certain though, and that is US (FDA) regulations require pharmaceuticals to bear an imprint for identification. Without these details present I can almost be certain it's not a legitimate US prescription drug. However this still leaves several other categories open, such as counterfeits, illicit drugs, foreign meds, over-the-counter meds & dietary supplements; including all the sub-categories within those parameters. If ...


Blue and white oblong capsule with white powder inside no letters or numbers just smaill circular indents all around the top of the blue side ## If there is no imprint the only way to positively identify it would be to pay to have it lab tested. There is always the possibility that someone may recognize it from those indents. It really could be any one of a number of over the counter items or foreign medications. Sorry, I wish I could help! ## I found a baggy full of blue and white pills. no markings on them. the white part it fullf powder actually so i guess it would be blue and clear? Anyone know what they are? ## I found some of the same pills and didn't even notice the top of the blue part until you pointed it out! However, I have no idea what they might be.


capsule white and blue ## Are there any markings on the capsule? It is the imprint that tells what it contains and the manufacturer. If it doesn't have any, it could be very hard to track down, since there are many capsules on the market that meet this description. The colors don't mean anything. Please post back and let me know if there is any imprint or logo of any type. ## i found a pill that is light blue on one side and says porte in little letters below another word that is scratched off but the word begines whith an N. on the other side it is white whith the imprint riker or rikcr ## yes, it says 201 201 and is light blue or torquoise like the circle after the above post a reply to this topic. I thought it was Ritalin LA but when i looked in up on Pill Identification ther...

3 REPLIES Filed under Ritalin

It is a blue and white capsule, blue on one end and white on the other, it has a red ring around the middle no other markings ## I am having a difficult time locating this pill. I will continue trying to find a match. Untill I do, is there any more information you can give me to help me better in assisting you.


azitromicina samitrogen ## 1/2 dark purple and 1/2 white capsule with no markings on it...what could it be? ## In regards to the original post, that's the Mexican/Spanish name for the antibiotic Azithromycin, which is used to treat various types of infections. It may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more Azithromycin details here. As to the post from Shelly, I'm sorry, but if there are no markings on it, then it is very difficult to track down what it is. Does anyone else have any ideas? ## What is a half white and half dark purple pill with no markings and brown powder inside? ## Anyone received any updates on this? I just bought 9 pills from Cozumel Mexico yesterday. Same here, blue and purple pills with no markings. ## ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Azithromycin

I found a blue and white capsule with a tan/off white powder inside. The blue part of the capsule has indentations around it. The capsule is pretty large, bigger than a multi-vitamin size. It is encased in a small, plastic cylinder that opens. There are no markings on the capsule. Any ideas on what this is? ## It sounds like some sort of herbal compound and/or a dietary supplement. I actually used to take pre-workout capsules that were similar in description; but since there's no markings on this, it could literally be anyone's best guess. If I were you I'd consider having its contents analyzed by a lab in order to know for certain. However if the cost of doing so isn't justifiable then perhaps safely disposing of it would be the only feasible recourse. I think this is j...

1 REPLY Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

I've found some large white pills with blue specks. No imprint except a large "score" on one side right in the center. ??? Confused. ## All manufactured prescription tablets in the U.S. are required to have unique imprints to enable their identification, so we can rule this out as being a prescription medication. That means that it is most likely an over the counter product of some type. I'll do some searching and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else recognize this product? What is your general location? Some over the counter products are regional, so that may help to narrow it down.


blue and white capsule with no writing on it but it was filled with dark green powder ..what is it? ## Without a marking to identify it by, this could literally be anything from A to Z. However given the pill description I would lean toward some sort of OTC dietary supplement; maybe even a pre/post-workout related capsule, as these tend to have no markings but also bear a unique appearance that may be similar to this (at least some that I've taken in the past). But despite anyone's best efforts here, the only way to truly verify what it is would probably be to have its contents analyzed by a lab. If you don't mind me asking, whereabouts did you get it from?

1 REPLY Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

Big capsule thats half white and half blue no other markings ## If there are no markings on it, it is going to be hard to narrow down what this. We can rule out its being a U.S. prescription medication, since they are required by law to have markings to enable their identification. However, the field is wide open when it comes to over the counter items or foreign medications. There is nothing that says they have to have an imprint and the colors of something doesn't mean anything. Was it found in the U.S.?


Found blue capsule with no marking and white powder inside that has no taste to it. Do you have any clue as to what this is? ## I was given one of the same pills and I do not know what it is? I am perscribed roxies and I ran out and thats what a friend gave me? ## If there are no markings on it, it is going to be difficult to determine exactly what it contains. We can rule it out as being a manufactured U.S. prescription medication, because they are all required to have a unique imprint to enable their identification. However, it could be any one of a large number of over the counter products, or even a foreign medication. Does anyone else have any ideas what this is?


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