Birmingham Alabama

19 Topics Found

I am looking for a dr in Birmingham Alabama who readily prescribes adderall to treat add. I dont drive & have to ask family or friends to take me places, so i cant go to several drs until i find one that does prescribe it. Adderall is the only med of that kind that works for me. My life is chaos bc of add, and im sick of it please help!

Filed under Adderall

I'm a 26 year old male. I think I'm am suffering from ADD. I have a hard time focusing on things, my mind goes from one thing to another, and I have a hard time paying attention and holding conversations. I'm a.a mechanic at a car dealership and it is starting to affect my job performance and problems at work. So I was wondering if anyone knew of any doctors in the Birmingham Alabama metro area who treat adult ADD or who prescribe adderall. My fiance, who is in suffers from the same thing and she is prescribed adderall and it has really helped her. Can anyone please give me some suggestions? Please? ## There are plenty of doctors all over that treat adult ADHD, but I don't think anyone can promise that any certain doctor will or will not prescribe you any cert...

1 REPLY Filed under Adderall

moved here from delaware looking for pain clinic birmingham area who will perscribe oxycodone 30mg . i was given 4 a day. i was in a bad motorcycle accident in 2012. the dr im going to gives oxycotin 40mg 2x per day ive tried it there way 9 month im tired of being in pain to top it off just found out i have stage 3 cancer. please help thank you ## Preferred Pain, Trussville Al.

1 REPLY Filed under Oxycodone

need dr alabama who will persribe oxycodone 30 mg moved down here from Delaware the dr im going to in montgomery wont give anymore then two oxycotin 40mg i was in a bad accident 2012 broke neck back right leg tore acl lcl went through several surgeries now i just found out i have stage 3 cancer if anyone knows a dr in birmingham area please let me know. thank you for your help im only 47 yo

Filed under Oxycodone

I wanted to know what pharmacies carry the 2mg green xanax bars so I can fill my script. I live in a town called Bessemer, Alabama. If you know of any pharmacies around my location I would really appreciate the help. ## There is nothing in the green pill that you won't find in any other color. It won't do anything different, and green tablets don't taste better or cost less. Bessemer is a smaller town, try Target. ## Hi I’m live in the Birmingham/Bessemer area I have severe anxiety and panic attacks and my doctor moved to Wisconsin. So now I’m looking for a new doctor who will prescribe me clonazapm and Xanax. I’m having awful luck with current doctors and I’ve tried just about all the SSRI’s and mood enhancers they’re awful. Please who is...

4 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I'm having at least 3 panic attacks a day. My voice is always shaky and I can't even stand beside my own father or a man that's taller than me. I get really nervous and scared I freak out in crowds to the point where my blood pressure goes up and my face turns red I start sweating and feel as though I am going to pass out the only thing out there I have found to work is Xanax. I have to take up to 6 milligrams a day throughout the day not all at once to fill normal. I cannot find a doctor to even help me! I live close to Birmingham Alabama any advice? ## Hello, Ki! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problems that you're having. You can't contact a doctor and ask them upfront about prescribing a medication, such as Xanax. It is a controlled substance and doctor...

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I have been on adderall 30 mg 3x's day for years for SEVERE OVERACTIVE ADHD, klonopin 2mg 3x's day for impulse d/o, anxiety, nervous d/o, Suboxone 8mg 2x's day for 8 years for opiate addition at first but now for chronic pain I recently have to change doctors because my doctorretired I am looking for 1 in our am birmingham alabamao that since and I am looking for 1 in our am birmingham alabama ## Have you had any luck finding a Dr for all that or who prescribes that in bham, al? I'm in the same boat and trying to find one as well. If so plz email me at {edited for privacy}. Thanks so much!!!! ## My doctor recently passed away and I hv not bn able to find a Dr that will write my Adderall or Xanax and I hv bn on both these meds since I was 14 now 38 and I hv no idea what I...

19 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

I am currently trying to find a doctor that will prescribe Subutex instead of Suboxone and the Birmingham metropolitan area in Alabama. Anybody that could help it would be greatly appreciated. I am heading rashes on my face and on my arms and as on other areas from the Suboxone or rather the naloxone in Suboxone. Thank you ## Hi jerod, I'm misty n I'm the same way. I cannot take suboxone at all and need a Dr in the bham, al area to write subutex bc it actually works and helped. I took a couple before. So if u find a Dr let me know too please... Clinics won't usually write it so u gotta get an independent Dr. ## Yes it's almost impossible to get, a, Dr to write subutex n I don't know why because it's no different than suboxone, except suboxone has naloxone. Well I...

6 REPLIES Filed under Subutex

I currently have a doctor and he's taken 2 of my methadone away. I've been going to him 3 yrs. I've never been upted any never asked for more never failed a drug panel n have followed t rules.I'm not t only one he's done this too.I have chronic pain n I have to have my meds to work n take care if my kids.any advice? I don't know what is going on n I'm not happy so I feel like its time to find a good understanding pain doc.I live in the Birmingham area but can go hoover Tuscaloosa etc.I just need someone who understands my problem n will help me find a doctor.I've been on t meds for pain yrs now n I have been following the rules n have done everything he asks of me. can someone please help me ## Hello, Lisa! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem tha...

4 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I recently moved to Gadsden area and I am looking for a good PCP that is not judgmental and/or a psychiatrist that is not afraid to right scripts to treat anxiety and ADHD. My previous PCP managed my symptoms with Xanax, Adderall and Oxycodone but from what I have heard most docs in AL do not write meds to help and send you to all kinds of specialist. If anyone has recommendations of doctors in AL please let me know. If it is a sincere doctor I would drive as far as Huntsville, Guntersville or even Birmingham. Please help the new chic on the block.... ## Hello, Bama Chic! How are you? The doctors no longer have a choice in this matter, due to the new regulations that were put in place last year. If you require any type of controlled substance on a long-term ongoing basis, you'll hav...

11 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

What is the cheapest aoboxone clinic in Birmingham. Alabama ## Unfortunately, there is no central listing of their prices. The only suggestion I can make would be to go to the Suboxone website to get the numbers of doctors in your area and call to ask their prices. Learn more Suboxone details here. Do you have insurance? Some plans do cover it now. ## Suboxone is a Godsend. 14 years on about 400mg. of oxycocone and I was cured in 3 days. I only take a 1/4 tab daily and should be taking 0 in a week or so. They work! ## Hi Clean and Sober, Glad ya doing good! Suboxone doesn't cure addiction. It keeps away wds. and it kind of keeps away that urge to feel high. Be careful because once your off those urges could come back. It is good to read that your gonna be getting off the subs. How l...

4 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

I have just moved here five weeks ago from Birmingham, Alabama. I now find that I cannot get a doctor to prescribe the pain medications that I have been using for some five years. I have had three cervical surgeries and one lumbar surgeries. I have among other things, degeneration of the spine. I also have a list of about seven other maladies that I can't begin to name because of their names. I am in constant severe pain without my Exalgo and Hydromorphone. I will run out in ten days and I'm told that I won't be able to even get into a doctor who prescribes these types of meds for at least five weeks. What do they expect me to do in the meantime? Does anyone know of a doctor that prescribes pain medications that doesn't have a LONG waiting list. I'm desperate. I also...

12 REPLIES Filed under Exalgo

My son recently applied for Medicaid and goes to a methadone clinic in Birmingham Alabama, but was told he was not eligible. He also goes to a clinic for mental treatment. The worker and her supervisor claim they know nothing about this program! I know many people who are on Medicaid for this problem. Could someone please explain to me what kind of form or application is needed for this program? My son desperately needs help and struggles to pay for this medication. ## Hi, sorry to hear this. First call the methadone clinic u went to and ask what kind of insurance they take, like priority partners, but not the one u have. So if this is the case call medicaid and switch. Explain that u got this mainly for this reason to cover a clinic. Hope this helps. God bless. I suggest detoxing down ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I no longer have insurance and I am wondering if there were any free treatment centers in the Birmingham Alabama that prescribed silicone? ## Hello, Connie! How are you? Unfortunately, there are none that treat with Suboxone that I'm aware of, it is actually provided by private doctors that have the special waver to treat with it. Have you considered Methadone treatment? This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. ## I would stay away from methadone. Bad for your teeth. Makes you sleepy. More easy to decrease your suboxone than methadone. That's my opinion .

2 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

i am on medicaid and need to find a dr that will write a prescription for methadone. I live in Birmingham Ala ## I am not in Alabama to give you direct information, such as if they take Medicaid or anything, but from what I can find online, there are 2 Methadone clinics listed as being in Birmingham. Here is the information so you can check into them: Tri County Treatment Center 14050 Town Loop Boulevard 1101 East Park Drive Birmingham AL 35235 (205) 836-3345 Birmingham Metro Treatment Center 151 Industrial Drive Birmingham, AL 35211 (205) 941-1799 Does anyone else know of any? ## I am in birmingham, I go to a clinic If have medicaid or cash go to bessemer, 205-425-1200, its clean,, there is no line. YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO TO THE METRO CLINIC AT GREENSPRINGS. IT IS DIRTY AND THERE IS LON...

2 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I live in Jasper, Alabama and have been on methadone for 15 years. It's the only thing that's helped during my chemo or when my ruptured disc are bothering me. The doctor I had just up and left and left all his patients hunting a new doctor. Does anyone know a doctor in or around Jasper or Birmingham that I can see that writes Methadone? ## Really, your best bet is to see a new doctor and make sure they get your medical records, so they can speak for themselves. Asking a doctor to prescribe a specific medication is often seen as being drug seeking behavior. Does anyone else have any suggestions to offer? ## Yeah, I'd definitely move from the deep South as fast as possible. Sorry about the comment Florida sounds like your closest bet to find an outpatient treatment center for...

5 REPLIES Filed under Methadose

Okay guys, I need some feedback and fast. I am only 25 and I have severe TMJ I live in Mobile, AL and because my condition is so severe I have to go to Birmingham (5 hours away) to see a doctor that is qualified to handle it. Because of Alabama Drug laws. A doctor in a different city has to have seen you to prescribe you Narcotic pain medication. I was going to Birmingham about once every 2-3 weeks to get my prescriptions filled but that was getting costly so my doctor referred me to a Pain Management Specialist here. Without even looking at my MRIs or surgery history he put me on Suboxone, and told me it was a strong pain medication. I took it for about 3 weeks then went to see my Oral surgeon in Birm. He was furious he told me that Suboxone was for people with a dependancy problem and...

14 REPLIES Filed under Suboxone

i need a pain clinic in alabama with in house pharmecy that will see someone with fl id thank you for your info ## I'm sorry, but we have no way of knowing whether or not any given facility has an in house pharmacy, or what their policy is regarding identification requirements. In addition, you may get better responses if you give, at least, your general location, since Alabama is pretty big. Have you tried contacting a local hospital to see if they can assist you? ## anywhere from dothen to birmingham would be ok and looking for in house so i want have problem filling meds with flordia id. i have all mri and past pharmecy records also thanks for you help ## Does anyone know of a pain clinic in Montgomery AL? Someone stole my prescriptions and I won't be going back for a couple ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

My son and daughter inlaw are on methadone and they both are on medicaid. Is there a Medicaid Dr in birmingham where they can receive a prescription for methadone without having to pay the high cost of the dose wheter it is from pain or from addiction???? Please help me I am on SS and try to help them but I can only do so much. They have tried Suboxone but it made them sick. I would rather see them on methadone than on pills or whatever addiction. ## NWATC is a methadone treatment center in Bessemer Alabama. NWATC is a medicaid provider. If you are interested in finding out more about our treatment facility please call 205-425-1200 or e-mail me at the address above. ## Methadone is one of the cheapest pills to be on, if you have a prescription. I get 270 10 mg. pills for $27.22. That is...

29 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

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