0998-0315 : Isopto Homatropine 50 mg/ml Ophthalmic Solution

Labeler: Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
Product Type: Human Prescription Drug
Drug Name:  Isopto Homatropine
Dosage Form: Ophthalmic Solution
Rev. Date: 

NDC Package Codes:

  • 0998-0315-05: 5 ML IN 1 BOTTLE, DROPPER (0998‑0315‑05)

Active Ingredients:

  • Homatropine Hydrobromide

Dosage Strength:

  • 50 mg/mL

Pharmaceutical Classes:

  • Cholinergic Muscarinic Agonist [EPC]
  • Cholinergic Muscarinic Agonists [MoA]

Related Products:

Based on records with the same trade name.
  • 0998-0311 Isopto Homatropine 20 mg/ml Ophthalmic Solution by Alcon Laboratories, Inc.


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Note: The RxChat NDC Database uses publicly available data from the FDA and the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM); The NLM is not responsible for the data presented and does not endorse or recommend this or any other product. While we make every effort to ensure that the information presented is accurate, you should assume that all results are unvalidated. To report any errors or inconsistencies please contact us.