Milrinone Lactate In 5% Dextrose In Plastic Container

Active Ingredient(s): Milrinone Lactate
FDA Approved: * July 20, 2005
Pharm Company: * APOTEX
Category: Heart (Cardiac)

Milrinone, commonly known and marketed under the brand name Primacor, is a pulmonary vasodilator[1] used in patients who have heart failure. It is a phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor that works to increase the heart's contractility and decrease pulmonary vascular resistance. Milrinone also works to vasodilate which helps alleviate increased pressures (afterload) on the heart, thus improving its pumping action. While it has been used in people with heart failure for many years,... [wikipedia]

* May have multiple approval dates, manufacturers, or labelers.

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