Active Ingredient(s): NimesulideCategory: Anti-Inflammatory
Nimesulide is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with pain medication and fever reducing properties. Its approved indications are the treatment of acute pain, the symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis, and primary dysmenorrhoea in adolescents and adults above 12 years old. Side effects may include liver problems.[1] It has a multifactorial mode of action and is characterized by a fast onset of action. It works by blocking the production of prostaglandins (a chemic... [wikipedia]
Related Brands
Drugs with the same active ingredients- Ainex
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- Antiflogil
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- Deflogen
- Donulide
- Eskaflam
- Eudolene
- Fansidol
- Flogovital N.F
- Flolid
- Guaxan
- Heugan
- Jabasulide
- Laidor
- Ledoren
- Mesid
- Mesulid
- Metaflex
- Nexen
- Nide
- Nidol
- Nimed
- Nimedex
- Nimesil
- Nimesulene
- Nimesulide Dorom
- Nimind
- Nims
- Nimulid
- Nisal
- Nisulid
- Octaprin
- Remov
- Resulin
- Scaflam
- Scaflan
- Scalid
- Sintalgin
- Sulide
- Sulidene
- Sulimed
- Teonim
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