Barium Sulfate
Category: Diagnostic AidBarium sulfate (or sulphate) is the inorganic compound with the chemical formula BaSO4. It is a white crystalline solid that is odorless and insoluble in water. It occurs as the mineral barite, which is the main commercial source of barium and materials prepared from it. The white opaque appearance and its high density are exploited in its main applications.[4] Contents 1 Uses 1.1 Drilling fluids 1.2 Radiocontrast agent 1.3 Pigment 1.4 Heat-reflecting paint 1.5 Paper brigh... [wikipedia]
2 DiscussionsDosage List
Related Brands
Drugs with the same active ingredients- Anatrast
- Baricon
- Baro-cat
- Barobag
- Baroflave
- Barosperse
- Bear-E.Yum CT
- Bear-E.Yum GI
- Cheetah
- Digibar 190
- E-z-hd
- Enecat
- Enhancer
- Entrobar
- EntroEase
- EntroEase Dry
- Epi-C
- Flo-Coat
- HD 200 Plus
- HD 85
- Imager ac
- Intropaste
- Liqui-Coat HD
- Liquid Barosperse
- Liquipake
- Medebar Plus
- Pediatric Bear-E-Bag
- Prepcat
- Readi-cat 2
- Tomocat
- Tonopaque
- Varibar Pudding
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