Active Ingredient(s): Ammonium LactateFDA Approved: * February 7, 2006
Pharm Company: * PADDOCK
Category: Skin Care
Ammonium lactate is a compound with formula NH4(C2H4(OH)COO). It is the ammonium salt of lactic acid. It has mild anti-bacterial properties. It has E number "E328" and is the active ingredient of the skin lotions Amlactin and Lac-Hydrin.[1] Ammonium lactate is the chemical combination of lactic acid and ammonium hydroxide. It is used as a skin moisturizer lotion to treat dry, scaly, itchy skin. Those who are using it should avoid exposure to sunlight or artificial UV rays, suc... [wikipedia]
* May have multiple approval dates, manufacturers, or labelers.8 Discussions
Dosage List
Ammonium Bromatum 2 [hp_x]/1 Oral Pellet
NDC: 15631-0026
Rxhomeo Private Limited D.b.a. Rxhomeo, Inc
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