Zyladex Plus (Top voted first)


weight loss pill

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I heard bad things about this pill, such as adverse effects and ineffectiveness. It contains Caffeine and Ephedrine which can probably make anyone flip !

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looking for info about zyladex+1100 want 2 no all i can before trying

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well i ordered some but i havent started them i want to know more about them too but they have a money back guarantee if they dont work.

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Zyladex sent me the results of a small open label study where participants were asked not to make any lifestyle changes while taking Zyladex to see if the pills caused weight loss absent diet or exercise. Researchers were astounded to learn that in a 30 day period, Zyladex users lost and average of 12 pounds.

Imagine losing 12 pounds in a month, effortlessly without dieting! And that’s the average. Some participants lost much more! Better yet, other benefits included lower blood pressure, a general feeling of calm and reduced need for insulin. In fact, some type 2 diabetics were able to get off insulin all together in only 4 weeks!!!!

However, rather than tout this remarkable breakthrough, sadly it is rumored that once the pharmaceutical giants got wind of these reports, they used their mighty bank accounts and highly paid Washington lobbyists to pressure the government to remove Zyladex from the market.

Imagine how much money the makers of Alli would lose with Zyladex on the market. After following a very strict diet for an entire month, people who take Alli may lose a single pound as compared to the 12 pounds Zyladex users lost while not dieting at all. Plus Ali has noticeable, embarrassing side effects like painful gastritis and uncontrollable, greasy diarrhea that has caused many Alli users to soil their clothes in public. Let’s face it, anyone with diarrhea can lose a pound in a month but how embarrassing would it be to learn that unbeknownst to you, your greasy Alli stools left you with much more than a little ring around the collar! Now there are increasing reports of liver damage in Alli users, too. Does anyone doubt the unbridled influence and power these mega companies wield in the legislative halls of our cash hungry politicians?

On top of that, just how much money do you think insulin giant Eli Lilly, who by the way imports its insulin from China, could stand to lose from a side-effect free, over the counter pill that may actually prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, or at the very least dramatically reduce the need for insulin or eliminate it all together. Is it any wonder why these pharmaceutical giants want Zyladex off the market?

Don’t dare think the Federal government is on your side. It sides where the politicians get their money - Big Pharma and the hell with your health.

Fortunately, Zyladex is challenging the government’s case. Interested parties and concerned citizens are asked to contact their Congresspersons and Senators imploring them to stop the government take over of health care and support the rights and freedom of all citizens to choose the best remedies for their improved health even if those choices don’t line the pockets of politicians with contributions from multinational drug companies whose only motivations are shareholder equity and mega million dollar bonuses at the expense of effective, affordable healthcare options.

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