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Just wondering if anyone has experienced memory loss. I can remember brief flashes of things I may have done prior to falling asleep but cannot recall the actual experience...which is extremely odd for me. For example, I texted several messages to someone but had no memory of it the next morning other than breif flash backs of seeing my cell phone in my hand. It was hard to distinguish between reality and dreams because the dreams seem very real and plausible. I usually dream about mundane things when I take this medication. Anyone else?

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My husband tells me the next day of things I said just before falling asleep. Sometimes I have no memory. This morning I found all the things from my bathroom countertop on the floor, neatly arranged, and bags of dried fruit on the counter. I have a very vague recollection that I may have thought I wasn't sleeping, so got up and got a snack. I somehow got water all over the counter, so guess i moved stuff down. It alarms me that I was partly unconscious. But i also need to sleep, and without it I KNOW I toss and turn all night.

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I was sitting on the floor saying night prayers. The cat has his food in a bowl on their floor. As I was praying with them I started eating the cat food. The ran and got my husband who did not beleive it. They convinced him to come and get me. He led me to bed. I remember nothing of this. I have not touched the medicine since

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I experience the memory loss as soon as i take the pill but have learned ways to trigger keeping cirtain memories as they happen- now i almost always remember everything because of the triggers- however i have noticed memoy loss issues outside of taking the pill recently. like if im out and have a few drinks, i black out with no memory but its strange because im not waisted when im blacking out just buzzing and its not near or around when i take the pill and its been happening more the longer im taking the pill. i guess i feel like my memory in general is suffering from whatever it is causeing this memory loss after you take the pill.

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I have had this problem on numerous occasions I can remember taking the tablet but everything from the time of taking it until waking up I can't remember a single thing

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This is a well-known side effect of this medication.


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