Zepose 10 By Cipla
10 Replies
Hi Ebby, How are you?
From what I could gather, 10mg Zepose tablets manufactured by Cipla Limited are in fact real. However the company's website displays it as going by the generic name "Diazepam" rather than "Zepose" or "Valium" (which are brand names).
You can verify this by visiting the manufacturer's product page linked below. All you have to do is type in "Diazepam" within the search field to see what compositions and dosage forms they provide:
I hope this info helps!
the brand name is zeopose10 made by cipla onthe back says diazapam 10mili made by cipla
Zeopose 10 is about 1 mg of phenobarbital and contains NO benzo at all. When taken they cause an onset of drowsiness with no anxiolytic or relaxant effects. None what so ever - only drowsiness that lasts about 1/2 hour followed by NOTHING. They aren't worth anything besides seizure disorder or sleep problems.
I have received several products by Cipla and my take, they are a basement company pumping out bulls*** on all levels.
Zepoze 10 mg. Is this diazepam 10 mg.? They come in blister packs of 10 and the tables are
white, round with no markings
Mine just say zpose tablets,and above that diazepam I.P. are these the same as the others that are being called zepose
is there a consensus here on a quality reliable online site for authentic drugs made by quality mfrs? Can I just drive into mexico or canada and get valium? Are there US sites or reliable US sites? thanks
I can normally have a Diazipam & handle the Taste . I have just got Some Zepose off a friend &these taste like metal . It does say in very small writing Diazipam but I'm not so sure they have no writing on them I Am addicted to benzodiazepines So am frightened they won't hold me & I'll withdraw
If you have a physical dependence on benzos these will truly have no clinical effect on you. I have great empathy for those addicted.Iam a recovering addict BLESSED NOT TO HAVE HAD A primary benzo habit BUT I've witnessed more then a few undergoing a medical detox with a taper protocol and that was beyond horrific.please if you are unable to acquire legit benzos to starve off physical withdrawal seek medical assistance asap. A25 year benzo history is prolific and you will NEED ASSISTANCE.it can be done but only you know when your ready for this journey. God speed, Kenie.....
Mine where definitely fakes but showed a microscopic amount of benzo when evaluated with a professional U/A.
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