Yes There Are Generic Suboxone (Page 4) (Top voted first)
Updatedthere is a generic Suboxone out now. they begin shipping them to pharmacies the last week of February. also, if you have any type of insurance you will automatically get the generic suboxin. The doctor has no say in whether you get the name brand or generic really. even if he writes a prescription for suboxone, the pharmacist will automatically give you the generics if you have insurance. if you don't have any insurance, you can ask the pharmacist to give you generics because they are cheaper. Plus, R and B has stopped making the name brand suboxin pills. they are only making be films now. So whenever your pharmacy runs out of the original suboxin, there will not be any more.
Passport im sorry to say are stopping all payment for any type of suboxine unlrss u can find a doctor that will except therr office visit fee of 22 dollars shame in medicad for doing this to ones thats been on it for a year or longer no fair
Hi I take subs and I'm getting the strips and I rather have the pill my guestion is wut is the name of it the pill from because I called my insurance company to make sure that the pill would b covered if I switched to the pill and they could not find it my pharmacy has them to I called the pill form of suboxone they have.So I would have my doctor write it out as the pill form also is it the same price as the strips.
Do you happen to know by any chance who the manufacturer is or what the new generic Suboxone is supposed to look like?
I came across a very brief article (shown below), stating the following:
"Actavis, Inc. has announced that it has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on its Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) for Buprenorphine HCl and Naloxone HCl Dihydrate SL Tablets, 2 mg/0.5 mg and 8 mg/2 mg, the generic equivalent to Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare's Suboxone."
However I have not seen much more information than this and am just curious as to how reputable that source is. Thanks for sharing any feedback!
I have seen the 2 mg strips and they are labeled N2. They are made by different companies under the R B name and some of them are very very faint and the imprint is also. They have a different taste to them and work awfully. If you are not happy with the efficacy of the medicine talk to your Dr. I was very pleased with the pills and then was switched to the films and then they cut me down to 12 mgs daily. That's half of my dose. All in order to keep monthly. I have been sent to different pharmacies to get it filled and each store has always had a different looking film. I also have noticed that on the wrapper is a number 1 through 8. The higher the number the more bupenorphine. You can see it if you hold it up to a light. All the dark spots are the bupe. You can take my advice and if you sort out the films by number and add the numbers up and take the average. Then I sort them out and take the highest average doses each day so I can get a steady stream of medicine. An example is like I get about 18 films labeled 2 on the bottom and then a few 8 and 1 and such. I will take a 2 each day and then if I have a low number one I take the whole thing, if I have an 8 I will only take the one. I essentially try and get each day to have the number on the wrapper to be as close to 8 as possible. The medicine is not all going to be 8 mgs in every strip and the healthcare system does not tell you. If you are taking 8 mgs daily and get 28 for the month, of the 28 you are not going to get all 8mgs. You will get an assortment of strengths. That's why I am going to see about zubsolve tomorrow
What a load of crap. Where are you getting your info. You need to get your facts straight before posting.
I Am taking the strips not the pill form. that could be why I have not seen them or heard about them. I would rather have the film instead of the pill form. they dissolve faster than the pill form..
How much is the difference in price???
Wher is the office ,I've been on subs over a year feel great now thier telling my doc be can't pecribe them unless be takes passport and that can take a year ..all new
they are white ones too!! i just get my prescription and take it to CVS and they gave me the white one
does anyone know for sure if passport health plan and medicaid will pay for soboxone treatment? i really need to know because no way that i can afford to ever pay out of pocket fir offi e vjsit and then prescription.
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