Yellow Oblong Hydrocodone Watson 10325
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yellow oblong hydrocodone marked Watson 10/325 scored on other side coloring on pills looks blochy.
What symptoms was your friend that went to hospital having?
The one im talking about is the yellow 3601 v..people i know been put in the hospital w/ the symtoms you just named..i was told by that person it was lead and they are making em w/ a machine...he almost died..
They have the fake yellow v 3601the color isn't the same and they have the fake Watson 853 which the real ones are pure white and the fake is a dingy color
Verwon, while the information about environmental damage and damage during the manufacturing procesa might be correct, what you said was definitely incorrect and potentially harmful.
Ad previously stated, NO Watson (or any other brand of opiate for that matter) is ever inscribed with dosage information. They are always inscribed with specific numbers, usually 3-4, or and/or other markings to make each type of pill easily identifiable.
Yes, took some of these yellow 10/325 Watson and I will tell you I have taken the white Watson 10/325 for years and I feel as though I am going thru withdrawal and anxiety on these yellow things. Definitely will not get again. Only go thru a regular pharmacy in the States.
Hey! You still alive? :-) First, thank you for your service. Second, so sorry you are in so much pain. I have a few ideas for yowl Don't know if they let me put my email, but i will try tmredmann at the "y" server, and you know the rest. reach me if you would like to hear some alternative treatments like my sister used for her arthritis and it made a huge difference-this involved apple cider vinegar and iodine drops. Anyway, it's always a struggle. It's terrible about your appeals. I wonder if an attorney, even a free attorney from, geez. forget what it's called. I'll remember later. Good luck and hope you find a lighter road on y our journey! Tere
What he is saying is correct! Yellow oblong pills marked Watson 10/325 ARE FAKE. They are even coated like the real Norco. They're chalky and break/crush easily. They size & color is inconsistent. If you didn't get your medication from a legitimate pharmacy then you are putting yourself in jeopardy! I check all my medications from the pharmacy, for one reason to make sure it's the right prescription and I also count them to make sure I wasn't shorted, especially when taking Norco or anything stronger.
Hi gang,
Interesting discussions we are all having here about Norco. You raised a concern so I checked my prescription and it is white, oblong, center scored on one side, has M 367 on the other side and I assume that's Mallickrodt.
Now for the discussion. Like many of you, I am in pain...extreme pain, and have been on pain killers for years. Generally, it's headaches or arthritis. But I guarantee you every morning I will wake up with a headache and take two of these pills to start my day. Yes, been to the hospital on several occasions, had CT Scans and MRI's, all coming back negative. So the Docs are stymied and continue filling me with this Norco.
Problem is, it's not effective any longer. What used to keep me pain free for 4-6 hours eventually dropped to 4 hours, and now has dropped to 2-4 hours.
With respect to the provider, I have had occasion to get this prescription at a local supermarket pharmacy and the pill was a nice shade of yellow and scored but I do not recall the number on it.
All I know is that my doctor is really getting "Gun Shy" and is talking about me signing a narcotics agreement. Well, that's find and good. Maybe though he should try to find out the cause...just a thought.
In the mean time, what is the next step? Where do I go from here? What is the next medication, "UP" from here that will provide the relief that I need from the pain.
This is no game's no fun to be in pain. And, I do not feel "High" or "Buzzed" from any of this medication. All I know is that I've been taking more...and more...just to control, P*A*I*N.
Anyone have any suggestions. If you have a manufacturer that is better than another, let us know. I have always wondered if there were any controls over the manufacture of this pill. Who says that there is actually 10 mg of codeine and 325mg of tylenol in the particular pill that you just received either in the mail or from your local pharmacy? How do you know what's in it?
Let me give you one more example. At one time my doctor prescribed Fiorinol # 3 for my headaches. That, as many of you know, is a compound packed into a yellow/blue capsule consisting of Butabital, Caffeine, 325mg of Aspirin, and finally, 30 mg of Codeine.
In the beginning, years ago, this pill really did the job, and yes, this pill did leave me with a "Buzz." More importantly, it knocked out the headache and I could get by with 30 capsules per month without any problem and still have some left over.
Well, the headaches are still there, but now there is old age and arthritis to contend with. So what's changed? The only thing that has changed is Firoinol # 3 no longer works for me...doesn't do a thing.
Yet, the Hydrocodone 10-325 is still working with apparently only 10 mg of codeine and 325mg of tylenol.
So, why? Why can I take a pill that has three times the codeine in it and have it not work at all?
I do not have an answer for that and I really just do not know where to go from here. I still have the pain and I require vast amounts of Norco just to control it.
Lately, there have been a few side effects...drowsiness, not just sleepy but I was in CA driving, feeling okay, and had taken 2 Norco as I have done in the past while operating a motor vehicle.
It had never bothered me before. But, this time was different. I was stopped for a red light and actually fell asleep at the wheel.
That's when I realized that these drugs were/are taking over my body...little by little with subtle changes at I think that I need to get my eyeglass prescription changed, not quite as sharp as I was before but it's been three years, maybe it's time for new glasses.
Now a new symptom, all of the tylenol is causing my stomach to develop extreme pain.
Back to my local drug store for Prilosec. (the Knock off just did not work, needed the brand) So I started taking Prilosec to control the stomach pain.
Well, being on this great government Social Security program I soon found out that $ 24.00 for less than a couple dozen pills was going to really make a dent in just having the ability to purchase food.
Then the Prilosec would not take me through with only one pill, now I needed one pill twice per day. Not to worry, that hasn't changed, one pill in the morning and one at night to control the stomach pain.
What has changed is that I cannot afford almost $ 40.00 for this additional medicine and was lucky enough to have my doctor prescribe Pantoprazole 40mg which seemed to work okay but still requires two pills per day.
It's generic and I can get 180 of them for $ 20.00. (So, if you have stomach trouble, you might think about taking a look at this)
To sum up, I'm getting old, I've got arthritis running throughout my body with locked and deformed joints hands and feet and now spreading to elbows and shoulders. I have guaranteed headaches that require a lot, and I mean a lot, of 10-325's to control the pain.
And over the years the Nsaids that I have been taking to control the arthritis have caused my blood vessels to raise closer to the surface of my skin in my hands and arms. So much so that all I have to do is "bump" lightly against something and I will have a two inch bruise develop within ten minutes.
This (my illness) all started out originally while in the Navy years ago with my finger joints getting swollen and turning red and painful to move. Luckily at that time, aspirin seem to control it. This was the start of what was diagnosed officially in 1970 as arthritis.
Over time it just got worse and I have gone through over thirty doctors and drugs such as methotrexate oral and injectable, Gold both types, every Non-Steroidal that they had on the books, and anything else that they could find to try, the latest was injectable Embrel.
Nothing I am relegated to spending what years I might have left - in pain. And, I can accept that. I can accept the fact that I probably will be dead within ten years. After all, everyone in my family has developed Cancer and then died. I lost my mother, then my father, then my sister, and now my other sister has leukemia and the other just found out she has breast cancer. And yesterday, we found out my niece has ovarian cancer at age 50.
So, pretty much the dye is cast...just a matter of time.
I do not need anyone, any doctor, any administrator, or anyone telling me that I can NOT have a pill that will relieve my pain. And, I am sure that everyone of you will agree with me on that issue. So, why then are they making the pills so expensive that I am unable to buy them? There just does not seem to be any 'fairness' left in this compassion.
That's my story with the exception of one anecdote...kind of the icing on the cake, so to speak.
I did a four year hitch in the Navy and ran two operations over in Vietnam...and along with the Agent Orange that no one told us anything about.
For years, it was covered up. And I mean to tell you that it was not until 20 to 30 years after the war that it started to leak out, about Agent Orange and the problems it could cause.
Well, I didn't know anything about it and although I had been exposed to it, it is extremely difficult to get the powers that be to agree that your disease is tied to anything that happened to you in the service.
Okay, fast forward to 1970, that was the actual year that I first saw and actually owned a computer..a desktop. I actually had a machine that no one had written any software for yet, green screen and I was learning to program in DOS. It has nothing to do with my story but then again, it does in a way.
When my hands were red and swollen in the Navy, if I did not have aspirin, I would ask the corpman for a couple...and let it go at that. It's an important point.
My arthritis which was first treated with aspirin and not diagnosed as such until 1970, almost a year after I had been discharged from the Navy, had never been noted by any corpman on any of my Navy records.
I mean, after all it was just a couple of aspirin but they were anti-inflamatory pills that had gone unnoticed.
Along comes the development of the Internet. And by the year 2008, the Veterans Administration now had developed their very own web site. One evening while surfing in November 2008, I ran across their page and I was impressed.
They were putting out so much information to the servicemen that had served their country. They even invited anyone to apply for disability or pension. They made it clear that we had nothing to lose, just fill out the form on the internet and...ya never know.
Well, I believe it was called the 21-526 application for benefits. I sat there one evening answering all of the questions that they were asking, e.g. length of service, branch, rating, exposure to this and that, places that one served, Vietnam vet or not, etc.etc.
The darn thing turned out to be 21 pages long on the internet. And all the time you're filling it out you're saying to yourself, " I just know my computer is going to crash before we get through this." Well luckily I got to the end, held my breath and hit the "Send" key and low and behold, it took it and gave me some sort of a confirmation number. I was truly relieved that I had made it through that.
I thought, well that's that, I'll never hear from them again.
But to my surprise, within a month they responded and within two months I was summoned to my local VA facility for a medical examination.
All went well, the doctor saw that my hands and feet were swollen and my joints were locked and my range of motion was very limited. He must of been impressed because he had someone take pictures of my hands for the record.
About two to three months later I receive a letter from the VA with their decision. They decided that I was 100% disabled with respect to pension benefits which basically meant that the VA was willing to give me a non-service connected pension.
But only if I was not drawing another pension that was less than what the current VA pension rate was at the time.
Unfortunately for me, I had been drawing Social Security disability since 1993 that was a few dollars more than what they had in mine. So, of course our government would not allow you to double-dip as it were so, no pension was to be had.
But....there was still the question of whether or not my disability was in any way service-connected and that record had to be sent to a different VA location for a decision.
And they wanted medical records of all the doctors I had ever seen. This was not an easy task. If I had known years before that I was to document and save all of my medical records because I might be eligible for a pension, you bet I would have.
But, I did have some records, they started in 1987 and continued to the application date of 2008, a pretty fair collection. Couple that with two "Buddy" statements from guys that I had worked with in the service and within one-year of discharge attesting to the fact of the condition of my hands, limited mobility, etc.
Months went by and finally they responded with their decision. Of course, I was denied. I did not have any doctors records from 1969 or 1970 that could have been used to reinforce my disability claim.
And, as they said in their comments, the (Navy) medical records are silent for any visit to sick bay for anything having to do with my swollen red hands. The corpman never wrote down that he had given me a couple of aspirins.
But what about the "Buddy Statements?" The VA had an answer for that too. They claimed that my co-workers were not "Trained Observers" and their observations would not be given any weight at all.
These are the same people (VA) that suggested that you include these buddy statements in your application. If they only knew how hard it was just to find someone after forty years...only for the VA to completely blow off what they had to say.
So, next the appeal process. Of course I appealed. I found every doctor I could find that had any record at all of a visit from me. But, I was stuck. In order to qualify for this "Service-Connected" disability. it had to be a doctor's record from a doctor I saw while in the service or within one year of discharge.
I racked my brain and did remember seeing my local GP for swollen fingers in 1970. And, that was within their one-year time frame. Oh Boy! I was getting excited. I just hope he remembers me.
So, I called his office and the phone was disconnected..not a good sign. Upon further investigation I found out that he had just passed away a few months before.
If only I had known that I should have been using my time to seek him out while the VA was making their decision, I might have been able to get his records while he was alive. Come to find out, he had sold his practice and because of all the time that had passed, the new doctor that assumed his patients had destroyed all of the medical records.
Fun stuff, huh? Not done yet...almost. Then I remembered that there was this doctor that had worked with him, a young guy and he actually became my GP a few years later.
I contacted him and low and behold he remembered me and what was in my chart. So long story short, this last doctor did write a letter to the VA on my behalf. And, I thought that I might just be able to collect benefits when I found out that somewhere along the line, two doctors from the 1970ish doctor and one from my current rheumatologist, although submitted along with my last appeal, never made it into the decision process.
The VA never saw them...and I was turned down , once again.
That was in 2010. I am currently in appeal, my last one I might add, to have a hearing in front of the VA Appeals board in person.
I started my claim in 2008, I appealed three times. This last time was an appeal in June 2010.
Finally, I received a letter from the VA in December 2011 that said in part, some three years after starting this disability application, and I quote,
"Travel board or video hearings are held at a VA regional Office about 8 to 12 times per year based on the availability of judges from the Board of Veterans Appeals to conduct those hearings. Appeals are scheduled for hearings based on the date of receipt of the Form 9 (the last appeal from 6-10-10) oldest first. In the Denver Regional Office, we currently have over 1650 appeals pending a hearing. With only 300 hearing slots per year, it takes several years to schedule a hearing....."
And so, it has been a long hard fight, but the VA who first invited me to apply for disability, apparently will never get to my case because....I will be dead by the time they get to me.
Well, that's my story. So, if I have a headache that I can't get rid of, please don't think ill of me for wanting a little pain medication.
I just refilled my norco 10/325 at Walgreens. My pills are yello with Watson 853. These are the real deal. The ones with 10/325 on them are fake. Trust me I have been on Watson Norco for 3 years.
I bought 120 of these. After taking 3 over the course of 5-6 hours I noticed CONSIDERABLE/STRANGE drowsiness not usually experienced with regular hydrocodone. I had SEVERE cotton mouth, night sweats, and almost checked myself into the ER. Be very careful buying these online. The 10-325. They are fake.
no one is reading
actual reading on pill
WATSON 853 = real
WATSON 10/325 = FAKE!!!
that is a percocet 10 i got them from the doctor and that is what they were
Goodsam is right read what he is saying. Real Watson have 853 inscription. And yes there is a way to find out if they are fake without a lab. Read the pill and research.
Hello Amanda,
I took a few of the pills all of you are talking about and they gave me cotton mouth. They gave me a felling like I was on Benidril. I got them over the internet from this guy>Jim James. He told me they weren't fake...I still have 50 of them and He won't give me my money back.
Does the inscription on your pill say 10/325 or 853 under WATSON? I am willing to bet that it says 853 because the pills inscribed with 10/325 are FAKE.
Look anywhere for an image of a pill with WATSON 10/325 on it, you wont find one, esspecially on the WATSON web page because they dont make one. It is fake. The pill they make is inscribed, WATSON 853. Look closely!!
You guys do not know what you are talking about. I think we all know that these pills were ordered over the internet and they do not resemble the normal hydrocodone 10 mg/325 acetametaphine combo that they should but they are exactly that. They are no PCP or anything crazy like that. I have taken 20 out of the 30 I have ordered and I feel the same way I feel with my vicodin from the pharmacy. Maybe you guys ordered from somewhere out of the country, but these were made and shipped in the US.
I posted what I know of a pill with that marking.
What I posted is not incorrect. I cannot state whether or not a pill was fake based on limited information in a post and I did ask for other details, which we always do.
Without actual lab testing there is no way to say definitively, if they are fake or not.
Improper storage, as I stated, can cause similar changes to pills.
If the incription is "WATSON 10/325" this pill is a FAKE containing a potentioally fatal dose and mixture of drugs.
The inscription on the real pill is "WATSON 853"
The pill described above: yellow oblong, center scored, has the inscription, "WATSON" and "10/325" below it (inscription is on the non-scored side of the pill).
IS A FAKE!!!!!
This pill is not and never has been produced by Watson Pharm. This is a poor fake, intended to replicate a pill produced by Watson that contains 10mg of hydrocodone and 325mg of acetaminophen. The real pill is also yellow, oblong, and center scored. However, the oblong shape is swolen in the center, making the real pill slighly more circular. The real pill is also smaller than the fake. The most obvious difference is that the real pill is inscribed with "WATSON" and "853" below it. The real pill DOES NOT conatin the incription, "10/325"
This fake pill does contain powerful poisons, possibly including dangerous levels of barbituates and PCP. The combination is DEADLY!!!! It causes severe confusion, dangerously elevated blood pressure, sleepiness, nausia, and lethargy lasting up to several days after ingestion.
VERWON, please be careful with your answers. You apparently did not pay enough attention to the details of the posted question and responded incorrecly, possibly leading to dangerous misconsecptions and assumptions by other viewers.
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