Xefo 8 Halucination


I was treated for Lumbago shortly before back surgery ( Fusion + Laminectromy) I also took 2x 10mg/day Urbanol in the weeks before for stress. I stopped the Urbanol on admission to hospital. I took prescribed 8 mg/day Zefo tablets for 8 days untill the day before my operation and stopped it since my children said I acted weirdly after taking them. I am 67 years old. I found that there was acute numbness in both legs 5½ weeks after the operation when I ripped off my surgical stockings.This persists up to today 14 weeks later. Neurosurgen had no comments on 6 or 12 weeks - says he is satisfied. I think possibly Urbanol withdrawal symptoms. I also took Arcoxia tablets for pain in the hipbone from about 10 days after the operation in stead of Tramacet (causing extreme constipation). And started smoking again. There was no leaflet with the Arcoxia (Not Approved by FDA but available in South Africa). I learnt from a website that smoking while taking Arcoxia is disallowed.

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Erratum re Zefo. I may have incorrectly attributed halucination to Zefo. I was also prescribed another pain killer in the form of Oxynorm before my operation. This caused a facial rash, breathing difficulty, slurred speech and confusion. I can remenber the rash, breathing problem, slurred speach but not the confused state of mind. My children noticed this and dumped the medicine. Apparently only 1% of patients have these side effects. All the symptoms disappeared. The halucination/ clear dream after the operation may perhaps be attributed to withdrawal symptoms for Urbanol (bensodiazepine)

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Hello, Harry! How are you?

Yes, I agree that there is a higher chance it was caused by the Oxycodone, rather than the other medications. The FDA classifies it as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. You may want to stay away from it in the future, just in case.

But abruptly stopping the Urbanol could also have contributed, that's also well known to cause various problems, such as nervousness, anxiety, fever, chills and to create the risk of seizures.

Has there been any improvement to the numbness, yet?

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