Xarelto Fluid Retention (Page 10)
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I had to take Xarelto due to two sinus venous thrombosis in my head. 8 weeks of heparin injections showed no side effects. But with the first day of taking Xarelto my body reacted by retaining water. Within the first three weeks I gained 24.46 lb hill exercising 5 times a week and eating as I always did. After retaining more and more water I stopped taking it after three months. I started with a weight of 120 lb at a height of 5''8 and now I weigh 157 lb. I have to ad that I started taking it in the middle of March and stopped taking it at the end of June. I was not able to loose any water/weight. I eat less than I always did before even while I exercise. All doctors couldn't find the one thing that changed through Xarelto. Has anybody ever experienced something like this while taking Xarelto??

189 Replies (10 Pages)

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Try taking a probiotic. It helped with the bloating for me.

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I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with weight gain and bloating on Xarelto. I'm 47 and was on it for six months. Although I gained only 4-5 pounds during that time, it was all concentrated in the stomach/abdomen. I've been off the drug for a month now and feel like I'm carrying a spongy spare tire - despite my best efforts, the bloat around my middle will not go away. Diuretics don't seem to be the answer. If anyone has other suggestions . . . ?

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I am currently on a extended water fast to try and help this condition. I have lost considerable weigh (down 20lbs), but my abdomen is still distended and I still feel bloated. It cannot be fat - it must be water retention.
I have another 10 days to go - I will let you know if anything changes.

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Were you able to lose any weight now?
Because I am off for 1 ½ years and nothing has changed!

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Yes I have experienced the same problem with bloating and weight gain. I was on Xarelto for 6 months. Immediately when I started with the drug I started to feel bloated in my abdomen. My weight continued to rise until it was so uncomfortable that I stopped taking it. Doctors could not tell me why this was happening.
I was gaining weight despite fasting 2 days a week. I have been off the drug for 6 months now but I still feel bloated and my abdomen is still distended. This drug has clearly done something to our systems that is causing this to happen. I pray the damage is not permanent.

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For how long have you been on Xarelto now?

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That is so creepy . I've been so bloated 6 lbs. since being on xarelto and I've gained

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Hello Verwon
Thanks for your answer.
Yes we did try all diuretic that are available on the market right now. They helped a little bit on the first two days and after these two days all the water just came back. I've been sent to all different kind of doctors and they all tell me the same that they've never seen something like this before and that they have absolutely no clue how this could happen and how they could treat it. We had some experimenting me taking Metphormin, but it changed nothing.
The water does not concentrate on one specific area of the body but rather the whole body incl. fingers, toes, face, etc. And it shifts. After exercising, the water flowed down from my face and shoulders to my stomach and after an hour it just comes back up. Really creapy!

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Hello, Germangirl! How are you doing? Very sorry about the problem that you ran into.

Did your doctor have you try a diuretic? It's a medication they can prescribe to help remove the excess fluid from your body.

As to the Xarelto, if you scroll down the page for it on this site, you'll see that most of the posts regarding it are due to odd side effects…


So, you're not the only person that had a very bad experience with it.

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