Xarelto Fluid Retention (Page 9)
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I had to take Xarelto due to two sinus venous thrombosis in my head. 8 weeks of heparin injections showed no side effects. But with the first day of taking Xarelto my body reacted by retaining water. Within the first three weeks I gained 24.46 lb hill exercising 5 times a week and eating as I always did. After retaining more and more water I stopped taking it after three months. I started with a weight of 120 lb at a height of 5''8 and now I weigh 157 lb. I have to ad that I started taking it in the middle of March and stopped taking it at the end of June. I was not able to loose any water/weight. I eat less than I always did before even while I exercise. All doctors couldn't find the one thing that changed through Xarelto. Has anybody ever experienced something like this while taking Xarelto??

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Since my last post I have lost 30 lbs. Still working out six days a week. In July I got sick and could not eat for three days. That is when I started losing weight. Since July I have felt full after eating very little food. It takes me twenty minutes to finish a bowl of cereal. I get hungry and feel like I could eat a horse, but after about six bites I feel so bloated I have to force myself to finish the meal. I am sure it is the Xarelto, but am stuck because I can not get regulated on coumadin.

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I have been on xarelto for 6 months post tummy tuck/ breast reduction that lead to bilateral PE's. Today is my last dose and I couldn't be happier! I, like many of you have experienced bad headaches and severe swelling. I am a nurse and work very long shifts. When I am at work I get so bloated and swollen that I literally feel as though my stomach may rip open. I wake up in the morning with a very flat stomach only to look 9 months pregnant by mid afternoon. I am unsure of my weight gain but I do know that it definitely has increased. I am so upset thinking that this will not go away now that I am going to be off the xarelto. Has anyone had any luck getting the weight off and has the swelling subsided? If so, what helped or what did you do? Please help this Mom feel good about herself again :(

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I've approached this issue from a different perspective. Similar results to everyone here and a spongy stomach with weight gain and diet making no difference. I wonder whether Xeralto weakens the muscles, especially affecting the abdominals. It turns out that I have a Diastasis Recti (separation of the abs) and have started Physio therapy plus following the Tupler Technique with a band and transverse muscle exercises (sit ups are a bad idea). The Diastasis ties in with my Xeralto treatment timing wise and seems an odd coincidence. The core strengthening exercises are changing the shape, size and strength of my abdomen and I feel more in control. I don't think that it's a fitness issue, more muscular although fitness will follow once my stomach returns to its normal strength and size. I'll keep you posted. PS, I'm a 51 year old male and the doctor was surprised about the Diastasis as it is normally associated with pregnancy. Could Xeralto bring about some sort of hormonal change affecting abdominal muscles?

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Yes, I take 20mg everyday. I have gained 24 lb. I take it for afib. Been on for 4 months. I was on Coumadin, but lots of nosebleeds. Now on Xarelto I gain weight, hips,knees and all joints ache.

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I was diagnosed with a DVT in May and given Xarelto. Within a week I felt strange and started to feel bloated. After 17 days I asked to go back onto Fragmin and have now been referred for an ultrasound as I has suspected Ascites. I have no doubt whatsoever that Xarelto was the catalyst / cause and my stomach is still very bloated and uncomfortable. I will keep you posted...

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Likewise, I have been on Xarelto for 3 weeks and am continually feeling bloated. I am feeling less hungry and eating healthily, with small portions but it makes no difference. My stomach feels bloated and this is not listed as a side effect on the leaflet that comes with the medication. I will call my consultant tomorrow and see if I can inj. Fragmin instead. Any other suggestions? I'm concerned with this as an irreversible side effect.

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Hi again,

I've seen another doctor which made it right. Put me off from xarelto straight away and gave me warfarin instead, also gave me some diuretic (bumetanide). After 10 days I'm almost as normal as I used to be before anything happened. It is just the ankles that are a little swolen. Hope this helped you.

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I have been off Xarelto since the beginning of April and so far the weight I gained (about 20 lb or so in a little over 6 months) has stayed. I have "thinned" though, in my stomach (nearly flat) and face mostly but legs, butt and thighs stay the same even though I eat well and exercise. I can see he water that has accumulated there when I do some Yoga poses and it looks like watery cellulite, Yikes! Goodbye shorts this summer.

So far I have lost about 3.5 pounds but I have decreased in size quite a bit. I'm guessing the water is still there and I don't know how to get rid of it. I drink water all the time, and pineapple juice, I eat bananas and cranberries but the water doesn't leave my body. Going to have to ask my doctor for diuretics I think. Any successes on those?

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I have been going to Weight Watchers since February of 2014 (about 15 months) and I have averaged about a 5 pound loss every 2 to 3 weeks for a total of 90 pounds. I started on Xarelto on March 15th and I first gained weight and since I have maintained even though I am on the same diet as before and I am exercising at least an hour a day, sometimes twice that amount. I have lost 4 pounds since March 15th. I am convinced it is the Xarelto. It is the only thing that has changed. I haven't changed eating at all--same amount of Weight Watcher points per day and I am writing down everything I eat. I get off in October, I hope this isn"t permanent. I am taking 20 units of lasix a day and a couple days a week I am doubling the dose. I am definitely bringing this up with my Dr. next month.

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I'm 27 years old, discovered DVT in left leg just after cristmas. Started Xarelto in the begining of the year which makes it 5 and a half months. I started swelling in the ankles about 2 weeks ago and slowly started growing into the calf of right leg, stomach and face. I feel like my stomach is going to explode. I only gained 5kg on top of my 64, but I have to say I've never seen my ankles and stomach so big! After reading these posts I will have to speak to my doctor and ask for a change. I will keep u updated.

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I see I'm not the only one who thinks Xarelto caused weight gain. I am up 25lbs. I work out for an hour per day (Aerobic, weights, stretching) six days per week.

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Yes I have gained over 14 LBS since being on Xarelto. This is my last month on it, supposedly. Started September 1st for huge DVT in left thigh. I also have tingling in my right calf, that I have seen as a side effect but weight gain is not on there. I hope it is fluid retention and can't wait to get off of it so I can start my detox/cleanse again! Glad to see I am not alone! Thanks for this blog.

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My husband is now off Xarelto for two weeks and still on Lasix. He has lost 7 of the 30 pounds he gained while on this drug for 6 months. He still has swelling in his left foot and sparadically has bouts of severe pain in those areas. His abdomen isn't quite as swollen. I wish we knew how long it takes or what to do to help alleviate these problems.

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I switched from Coumadin to Xarelto after taking coumadin for 7 years (for a protein S deficiency) and generally being sick of it. To my surprise I started to swell almost right away and in about 6 months I gained 20 pounds. I went from 119 lbs to 138.8 lbs (and let me tell you that when you're 5'1 it shows) for no reason even if I ate better and watched my portions. To give a concrete exemple, in the space of two days while barely eating anything aside from healthy meals I gained 2 1/2 pounds

I'm a healthy 25 years old and now I'm stuck with that weight gain. What is weird is that it isn't exactly fat, I don't fit in some of my pants anymore and my breats are bigger/swollen, but then again I don't have love handles, it is very weird.

I've been off Xarelto for a almost a week now, going back to Coumadin, and I'm not losing weight. The first couple of days I peed A LOT and lost about 3 pounds of liquid but it stopped after that and my weight is not fluctuating anymore even though I eat even less than I did while on Xarelto.

Did anybody manage to lose the weight after they stopped taking Xarelto and could you explain how?

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I am now on a diuretic again which is called: Dytide H. I also got support tights and the combination helped. I've already lost 5 kg and you can see that water is gone from my body. At the moment, I am fasting and hope that some water will stay away. I think my body is finally recovering and finds the strength again to let the water go. I hope it continues like this.

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Hi Everyone. I'm 26yrs old, I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Embolism (Right Lung) I'm on Xarelto for 2weeks now and I must say I have gained 4lbs! I'm experiencing bloating, constipation, super tired, and my legs and feet feels fat but not visually. I asked my MD and he told me to eat FiberOne for constipation and bloating and it helps but it doesn't seem my stomach is going down. I'm hoping (like the rest of you of here) this is not permanent!! Besides the fact I have this problem trying to cure it, I got weight gain and all this gastro problem. Ugh! Horrible problem!!

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My husband has been on this drug for six months with the exact same symptoms. He gained 30 pounds within days! He has pain and swelling in his legs, feet, and hands. I have read all these reviews and it sounds like most still have the distended abdomen etc.My husband is still on this drug but demanding off of it. Has your problems resolved yet and what medication If any did you use to replace it?

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Others have had no success with diuretics. Was yours successful? What did you use?

I have researched these Factor Xa Inhibitors (Xarelto & Elliquis). These drugs are highly protein bound in the blood and are not easily removed or filtered.
Could this protein binding be causing our systems to treat it as a protein deficiency which causes fluid/water retention?

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I am a 52 year old woman on Xarelto for about a month. I had open-heart surgery almost four months ago for a birth defect and then an ablation a five weeks ago for an atrial flutter. I resumed exercise about three weeks ago.
I have gained 8 lbs in a month, despite eating an extremely healthy diet and exercising 5 days a week. I have water weight in my abdomen and I had a tummy-tuck four years ago!! It was a relief to find this discussion because I was exasperated—examining my daily habits—wondering why all of a sudden I couldn't control my weight.
Well, I’m back to the doctor on Monday and our discussion will begin with me getting off this medication. Then I’m doing a cleanse to get it out of my system. It concerns me greatly that even after others have stopped taking the medication, the symptoms persist. I hope this is not the case for all.

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I'm a cardiologist and have had three patients with swelling. Drug representitive said no reported cases. I switched them to traditional Coumadin with low dose diuretic and gone in five days. I think xarelto causes swelling.

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