Xarelto Fluid Retention (Page 8)


I had to take Xarelto due to two sinus venous thrombosis in my head. 8 weeks of heparin injections showed no side effects. But with the first day of taking Xarelto my body reacted by retaining water. Within the first three weeks I gained 24.46 lb hill exercising 5 times a week and eating as I always did. After retaining more and more water I stopped taking it after three months. I started with a weight of 120 lb at a height of 5''8 and now I weigh 157 lb. I have to ad that I started taking it in the middle of March and stopped taking it at the end of June. I was not able to loose any water/weight. I eat less than I always did before even while I exercise. All doctors couldn't find the one thing that changed through Xarelto. Has anybody ever experienced something like this while taking Xarelto??

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@ Michael - I stopped taking Xarelto for the reasons you mentioned-severe bloating, weight gain & loss of appetite. I am back on the tried & true - Warfarin. This time, I sought out an anti-coagulation clinic. It has been great. I got within range quickly & go to the lab every 3 weeks for a blood draw to check my INR. The anti-coag clinic was able to get me in range & stable very quickly - much faster than my primary care dr. several years ago when I was on it. I stopped Xarelto 9/2016 and got a superficial clot in early 11/2016 which turned into a DVT early 12/2016 then became a bi-lateral PE in mid 12/2016. If you go off Xarelto, follow your dr. instructions closely.

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Wow he actually admitted it? The rest of us all got looked at like we were crazy... Have you been able to get any of the fluid gone yet?

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Hey guys, so I am seeing a female endocrinologist who listened to my concerns & didn't look at me like I was crazy. She sent me out for lots of blood tests including glandular testing of all kinds. I am awaiting results. One thing she did notice from a blood test that was done right after I stopped Xarelto was my cholesterol was 240! Now this was very odd for me b/c my cholesterol has never been higher than 138! Ever! The dr that did the test never even notified me about it but this new dr immediately noticed. Has anyone's cholesterol skyrocketed on Xarelto? Xarelto has been linked to major liver damage & ironically the liver is where cholesterol is metabolized! I swear I feel like we're playing a medical game of CLUE!

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Now we have to worry about liver and cholesterol... Great... I haven't had my cholesterol checked since early 2016 before xarelto.

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Hey all! This will probably be my official last entry as I am finally on the mend & losing weight a bit faster now after 10 months off this devil drug! Here's what I know. While on Xarelto as well as 4 months post Xarelto I was pre-diabetic, had abnormal platelet count, and had high cholesterol 214 (my normal was 138). Now after being on a very strict Paleo diet for the last 6 mo & exercising every day my cholesterol is down to 180, I am no longer pre diabetic & my platelet levels are boarderline high instead of very high. I am going to continue to do exactly what I have been doing for 6 more months & get a complete blood work up again. I hope this helps everyone & good luck with all of your healing! The key seems to be discipline & patience! Never give up!

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Good to hear things are turning around for you... If they ever tell me I need xarelto again, I think I would rather take my chances without...I found something else that might help with the cholesterol... Serrapeptase...a natural enzyme... Anyway what you said about the cholesterol did explain a few things to me about some of my other side effects... Haven't had it checked yet because I don't want to argue with my PCP about taking statins... Hope everything continued to go well for you... Glad someone was here to help me fight the fight... Thanks

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After hearing from everyone about their problems taking xarelto and in addition to mine - I switched off xarelto and am now on Eliquis for the last 30 days. It has treated me much better than the xarelto. I am such high risk that I need to be on these blood thinners the rest of my life. The bloating has gone - I have stopped throwing up etc. While my appetite hasn't returned - it is the least of my problems and was never a big eater anyways. Though I do miss my meatball subs. So would recommend trying Eliquis if Doctor agrees.

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I have been on Xarelto for 1 month and am experiencing problems with my bladder. Feels like an infection, but my urine does not show any sign other than a burning sensation.

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Would definitely consult your primary care doctor about that...

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Re: Supermommy43 (# 143) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I just had my cholesterol checked and it's really high too. All my other tests are normal and my doctor is trying to say I'm nuts. I'd really appreciate it if you could share your results. {edited for privacy}. I could really use your advice.

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Re: Tamara (# 150) Expand Referenced Message

Check out my post #145. The one thing that really helped was chefvcleanse 3 day or 5 day if u can handle it. It seemed to jump start something. Also work out w/weights at a gym if u can. I do a cleanse 3 days/ month. I will never be the same but I have learned to work around the changes....I’ve also been on the Paleo diet for 6 mo now. That has made a huge difference. Hope that helps.

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Yeah.. I did... Took xarelto for 6 months... Gained about 30 lbs... Finally started losing after I started drinking water with 2-3 slices of lemon per bottle all day... Now am finally where I belong

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Re: Supermommy43 (# 145) Expand Referenced Message

Congratulations on getting better! I'll miss your posts on this thread. All the best!!

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Re: Kim (# 153) Expand Referenced Message

I still come by from time to time to see how others are doing... Still think this stuff has messed up more than we think... Got rid of the water weight but still have problems with my bp dropping and swearing more than usual.. But it seems to be gradually getting less often

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Re: Tamara (# 150) Expand Referenced Message

I just wanted to chime in with Marti about the lemon water...I don’t know why it seems to work so well but I can’t stress enough the need to drink water with fresh lemon juice every day!! I keep a large pitcher of lemon water in my fridge & drink about 3-4 tall glasses from it a day. Hope that helps you.

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Re: Tamara (# 150) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Tamara, My cholesterol also jumped when on Xarelto... but not enough for my dr to worry about it as my levels were low to begin with.

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Re: Stoevno1 (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I am in a hospital at the moment because i have diverticulitis. Now one doctor told me that they believe that xarelto weakens the lining of the stomach and bowel, they took me of Xarelto for 2 days incase i needed an operation, my burning feet aching bones and swollen legs disappeared, I slept so well, put me back on xarelto yesterday everything came back had such a bad night, hospital came an saw means said it wouldn’t be xarelto and gave me antihistermines which i refused to take, so i thought i would look on the net and see if there wasaforum on xarelto, i honestly cried, all the wait gain and pain and fluid retention huge stomach, others have suffered, i am not a lone, why are these doctors not telling us the truth, I have asked my cardi doctor to drop by, i have asked these question about these side effects and he said no way it wasn’t xarelto. I will let you know what his reply is.

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Re: sally (# 157) Expand Referenced Message

Show him this... You have plenty of back up here... Hang in there... Hope you feel better soon

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Thank you Supermommy and everyone else for sharing your info. I too am on the Paleo diet(85% of the time). I have been off Xarelto since May 2016. I lost 9 lbs so far. I attribute it to eating celery (3 or 4 stalks in morning and night) non stop lemon water ( sometimes with unsweetened cranberry juice for the liver) and a good probiotic 2x's a day. Yes I lift weights 2 or 3 times a week (group power/body pump) and I do elliptical or spin classes most days and walk 2 dogs 2 or 3 miles. My body still feels unfamiliar to me. Distended stomach and swelling in legs and feet, and tired sometimes. I'm staying the course and hope over time I will continue to lose weight. It's frustrating when other people just tell you " Well you are getting older..." Nonsense. I never had any of these issues before Xarelto. Never gained more than a pound a year.

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Re: Bella824 (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Four pounds is minimal. If it keeps happening then let your doctor know. My doctor switched me to Coumadin because I gained 20 pounds in two months. Mine is fluid retention. I can feel it.

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