Xarelto Fluid Retention (Page 7)


I had to take Xarelto due to two sinus venous thrombosis in my head. 8 weeks of heparin injections showed no side effects. But with the first day of taking Xarelto my body reacted by retaining water. Within the first three weeks I gained 24.46 lb hill exercising 5 times a week and eating as I always did. After retaining more and more water I stopped taking it after three months. I started with a weight of 120 lb at a height of 5''8 and now I weigh 157 lb. I have to ad that I started taking it in the middle of March and stopped taking it at the end of June. I was not able to loose any water/weight. I eat less than I always did before even while I exercise. All doctors couldn't find the one thing that changed through Xarelto. Has anybody ever experienced something like this while taking Xarelto??

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Hi everyone, just wanted to chime in and add my evidence! I am 21 and got a DVT in my right leg (groin to calf) while in Italy in January. I was put on a new drug called edoxaban, but was switched to xarelto in mid February since edoxaban is not commonly used here. So far I've gained 15 pounds since being on this medication and I've been exercising extra and eating as I always have (healthy). As everyone else I am worried about the potential permanent effects and am wondering if the same side effects occur with similar drugs like eliquis? I gained weight while on edoxaban as well so is it likely that all the Xa inhibitors have this strange water retention effect? I'm considering switching my medication but don't want to deal with the frequent blood work while on Coumadin. Thanks for everyone's input!

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@Stef, Regarding the frequent blood work with Warfarin - if you can find an anti-coagulation clinic, they make life soooo much easier. Once you're stable on Warfarin, there are at home tests to enable you to self test & send your results to your doctor. I'm not sure of the costs or what is covered by insurance, but it is worth looking into.

@Tndrhrt - I'm right there with you... my drs think it's nothing, but obviously Xarelto screws up my ecosystem & the effects seem to be lasting. I'm hoping that with the warm weather & moving more outside will help ease the side effects that haven't gone away.

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Hey @Stef! I was on Coumadin 6 years ago for 6 mo & I did get abdominal bloating...but it never affected my muscular definition anywhere else or gave me this gross orange peel cellulite skin I'm still dealing with. The water weight was isolated to my abdomen only. Also once I stopped the drug it took about 6-8 mo & I was back to normal again. It will be a year in August that I stopped Xarelto & I was only on it for 3 mo!! What happened to us?...I hope we will find out soon.

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Just checking on everyone's progress. It will be a year in August that I've been off Xarelto & im JUST starting to see results! The 3 things that I have been doing/taking religiously are lemon juice in water, balance of nature brand supplements & biking. I feel my energy level rising & im actually starting to feel comfortable in clothes that I couldn't even fit into 6 mo ago. I'm sending positive thoughts to everyone hopefully you all will begin to see results soon too. It's been & still will be a long journey but I'm glad we're here to go through it together.

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I'm just happy we finally hit in something that helps... With the lemon water I am down at least 15 pounds...I have had to ease up on it a little now the hot weather is upon us... But I do feel so much better having got rid of some of it... My blood pressure doesn't seem to fluctuate as much either... Sincerely hope others are having as much success.

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Thank you both! I am down 7 lbs since starting lemon water... I've got a LOT more to go, but it's something. All the best to you!

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Hi. Just checking i n. It's been a year since I've stopped taking Xarelto. Was on it almost 6 mo's. Like Supermommy, I'm beginning have more energy, however no weight loss yet. I've gone through a large Bragg apple cider bottle, bromalain and turmeric, celery, parsley, and lemon water. I just did a 14 day Renew cleanse. I'm working out 1 1/2 hrs(spinning, weight lifting, and eliptical. No high impact.) Also napping sometimes. I'm going to try the celery first thing in the morning, and up my lemon water intake and wait...

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Good luck... I hope you find the right combination for you... Lemon water and I'm down 17 lbs since January... At least now I don't feel like an overinflated water balloon.

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How much lemon is everyone putting in their water, and how many glasses a day is everyone drinking? Also, I noticed on Post 70 Lou said his blood tests showed he was low on iron, and lost 15lbs after adding it?? I might add a daily iron pill?

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Also, can I have coffee before I drink the lemon water? If not, is after ok?

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I'm putting about 4 thin slices in a standard bottle of water.. Then just add water throughout the day to it as it gets low... And I drink my coffee all day long as usual at least 2-3 mugs s day... Didn't see that about the iron guess I better start taking my over 50 multis again.

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Hey guys, I actually squeeze the entire juice of 1 lemon in 8oz of water every day about an hour after my breakfast. I save the tablespoon of braggs apple cider vinegar for the nighttime in 4 oz of water about an hour b4 bed. It has cured my acid reflux & my stomach seems a bit less bloated in the morning. I have also just received "the waterfall diet" Book. I am starting the diet tomorrow & plan to keep on it for 2 weeks. I will let u know my results. Finally I have added the whole food supplement "balance of nature". It's expensive but i have taken them in the past & have been very pleased with the results. I did not get sick once this year! One or more of our systems have been disrupted or suppressed with this drug. It's just a matter of time b4 Xarelto admits this symptom & offers some cure for us or we stumble on a cure through our own research or through one of our drs. Keep sharing!!

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Thanks guys! You rock!! I'll get right on it : ) I'm glad you have stumbled upon some possible cures?!

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Replying to my last post...the Waterfall diet is AWESOME!! I'm afraid to ever cheat!! 7 days on & my face looks more angular & I can actually see visible muscular definition beginning to poke through my arms & stomach. I am still riding my bike 10mi/day but this is the first time in almost a year that I've seen any major results. The explanation of why the book says it works makes a lot of sense especially with what we're dealing with. Make sure u read it & not just flip to the diet part. ;););)

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Terrific ...will be sure to get that book... I know has glad you are that something is working finally... Not to sure I want xarelto to come up with a cure... It would probably be another pill with more rotten side effects... I just realized the rash I have had on my leg since February was being caused by my lyrica...I hate drugs... LOL

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I have been on xarelto for 3 months. After a massive PE that came close to killing me. The bloating is the worst - and have been looking for a way to eliminate it - or if there are other blood thinner medications I could take without that effect - as the doctors have told me that I have to be on them the rest of my life. Reading the posts the Master Cleanse seems like a possibility and wondering if it takes away the bloating. I can barely eat a bowl of cereal without feeling full.

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Hey Everybody!!! I have possibly great news! The back story is, before I knew I had a DVT, I was walking around for 6mo's with an enlarged right leg. I workout daily, so I would just tell my friends around town and at the health club that I pulled a muscle and was sore. I didn't know anything about a blood clot. One day I went to my chiropractor and told him the same thing, and he said "that looks like a dvt blood clot. You better get a DOP ultrasound". Well sure enough he was right. When I was prescribed xarelto I gained 25 lbs of fluid and have yet to lose it 1 year later. Also my stomach is still distended and feels like I'm 8 months pregnant. Well... My husband just got back from the same chiropractor and he asked about me. My husband told him the whole story and he immediately said he had seen it before, and knew exactly what it was. He knew all about the bad side effects of Xarelto. He said I have LEAKY GUT, and then gave him this holistic liquid supplement called RESTORE (restore4life) to give to me. He said it has helped others. I'm SOOOO EXCITED at the thought of getting back to the old me, and feeling healthy again!!! I'll check back and let everyone know how its going. I'm sure it will not happen over night!

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Sounds great... Sometimes you find help in the most unlikely places... Looking forward to your update

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I am a male 73, still working in my own lawn sprinkler repair which is pretty physical. lots of walking, digging and ups and downs for repairs. I have diverticulosis and have severe at times diverticulitis. I had a heart attack at age 59 and since then stents in left and center heart arteries. I have been on Plavix up till the last part of 2016. My doctor planned on taking me off of Plavix and just put on asprin at that time. in late November
I started having a diverticulitis attack which became so severs that I ended up with a almost complete stomach blockage. The blockage caused swelling to the point of my not being able to breath except in very short pants, and I went to the emergency and was admitted. I think that part of the reason that I at the time had a very high pulse that I was diagnosed with A/Fib. I have no history of clots. They gave me electro shock therapy and started me on xeralto 20 mg. This was in jan. 2017. my diverticulitis has remained active, and I have bloating and leg and knee pain. I stopped the xeralto 8 days ago and am taking 3 asprin a day and feel much better. Im tired of the diverticulitis,pain and bloating and feel that xeralto is a major part of the cause. as I said I have no history of clotting [my heart attack was a 95 per cent blockage
in my descending heart artery] my next doctors appointment is next week and I will not go back on anything more than Plavix!

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I can definitely relate! I started taking Xarelto in Feb. 2017 and I stopped taking them on June 5th. I too gained over 20 pounds and the doctor to me that Xarelto was the cause of it.

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