Xanor Sr Help


Have been struggling badly with GAD and my doctor has just prescribed me a 0.5mg dose a day. I'm just worried it is going to affect me at work and make me pick up weight. My previous contraceptive aided in my weight gain and I cannot afford to pick up more. It will only make me feel worse. I basically just want to know if it will be okay to take for a while until I feel better?

3 Replies

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Hello, Sarah! How are you?

This medication is listed as containing the active ingredient Alprazolam, which is a benzodiazepine that's most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders.

However, no it doesn't usually cause weight gain. But it does carry the risk of being habit forming and the FDA lists that it could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Well I have been on it for a while now. And i feel a lot better. But I am just concerned about when i stop taking it.

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My name is Yusuf. I am suffering with severe lower back pain which also gives me severe abdominal pains as well. I have been prescribed tramahexal twice daily plus xanor sr 0.5mg when necessary but neither seems to alleviate the pain. My work involves sometimes carrying heavy items. I am 73 years old otherwise in good health. Only at times the pain is unbearable. Please advise.

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