Xanax And Grapefruit (Top voted first)
UpdatedWhat happens if you mix Xanax with grapefruit?
Once you get past the sleepiness of the drug and gain tolerance, you will fell great euphoria and relaxation. I can not go to Walmart without it!
If you want a calming/euphoric effect you need to go out with a friend crush a coupple of blue locarb-monster energy drinks, put yourself in a social situation, have 1 single alcoholic drink of choice and let the good times roll my friend. I do stress single drink because you better watch yourself especially if you dont weigh much. you could wake up the next day wondering how you got home, only to find out you insulted, maybe even assaulted, everybody who gave you a bad vibe, and f***ed or at least tried to f*** every one who gave you a good vibe. Or you could wake up in jail, or a hospital, or the afterlife.
What online pharmacy did you use #4? I have been looking for a SECURE one for a very long time and have not been brave enough to submit my card information.
think of grapefruit juice as an enzyme highway system for your body that just built more roads and since there is more roads to the brain, more can be metabolized. Rather than taking a bunch to get the same effect. Kind of like a poor mans way of increasing their dosage. But remember there are also drugs that would do the exact opposite effect with the 450 enzyme rendering the drug ineffective. Thats what I hope and you hope your doctor look at when they prescribe certain antibiotics etc and the big words here: cytochrome isoenzymes CYP #(letter)#, many grouped categories.
ive been having trouble with safe online pharmacy. can you please help me out and tell me the website you received your prescription from? i would really appreciate it, thanks.
Sorry, I have removed the incorrect information to avoid future confusion.
Xanax DOES react with grapefruit, it increases the concentration of it in your body, which can result in your having to high a dose of the Xanax in your body for too long a period of time.
I have been taking around 6-12 2 mg xanax for about 5 years and i am 29. brand name is a weee bit more potent but as long as u get a known brand u cant really tell the difference like sandoz, propac,mylan, the white ones one with 1 g 1 with 2 g's, i wouldnt trust any pills with no markings
My girlfriend goes to a shrink he prescribes her something for bipolor disorder. OCD. I don't what this illness is called but she's afaid to leave the house because she thinks everybody on the street is staring and judging her and she also has extreme panic attacks. She told her Dr. and he put her on .5mg of klonopin about 3 month ago needless to say, it really isn't working anymore only if she takes 4 .5mg klonopins will they do the trick. She was thinking of asking her Dr. if she could change to 2mg xanax. It;s not like she's faking everything is her file from when she was 11yrs old she's now 27NRJQN
I would like to know if there is such a xanax pill with a yellow color and oval in shape?
I have been reading this message board and starring in horror. First off, buying xanax from these online pharmacies is absolutely the worst thing someone can do. Most (as documented) contain haldol rather than xanax. Haldol is a major sedative and interacts with your body and other drugs completely different than xanax. Additionally, I noted that people spoke of the half life of both Klonopin and xanax - The effects of xanax are short lived (aprox 4 hours) while Klonopin lasts between 8 and 12 hours. Both pills are classified as benzodiazapams and attach via the GABA receptors in your nervous system - however the delivery to your body varies by each drug and therefore effects your body differently - Klonopin has a increased effect on muscle tissue while xanax does not.
Zanax is not an "upper". It is used to treat anxiety disorder, panic attacks, agoraphobia, night time racing thoughts, all of which I have. I have been on it for years. It does not make me euphoric. It makes me normal. I can function as a normal person.
for #15, it is called Agoraphobia-Agoraphobic, thats when you are afraid of leaving your home. I have it myself, except i can go out as long as someone i know well is with me!
im a nurse youre trippin, im looking at a rec published med book and xanax half life is 6 hours...common knowledge,, knlonopin is 18 same as valium, xanax is fast acting so is ativan , valium and klonis are long acting, you have to eat a couple grapefruits or drink100% gf juice but its a fool proof way to bump up the absorption of ANY benzo!
I too had ordered alprazolam online and my first order form India was legit. when I spoke to a sales rep, he thought i should be ordering from inside the states. Well need less to say, I agreed. 2 Mg bars were completely bogus !! So Im waiting for myrefund and new order back from India. Keep ya posted a be careful you never know who you can trust!!
6-12 2mg tabs of xanax a day thats so dangerous especially is you stop suddenly. You will definitely have a seizure if you stop xanax suddenly or if you run out for a day or two. As far as the brand name being more potent, that is totaly not true. The FAD has standers for generic meds. They have to have the same ingredients, and amounts of set mednations. Plus they are made in the same state of the art factorys that the brand is. The generic versions are cheaper because they dont have to spend as much money on marketing. It really breaks down to preference. I prefore the generic yellow 2mg Xanax over the generic white ones, they are even are both made in the same state, NJ. Some people are allergic to the dies in some generic meds so they have to have the brand name witch does not contain that die -coloring. All the generic meds are made in the USA for us and are never imported. Plus they are controled by tight regulations from the FAD.
i have been a medication nurse in psychiatric facilities for over 20 years. I think that gives me some professionalism to drugs. I take Xanax to sleep, and occasionally when my 20 year old has smoked too much herb and is crashing into the walls. Keeps the peace in a world where so many are stressing out. I'm pretty mellow, but there are times it all comes down and hits me too fast. Sort of like stopping an emotional Tsunami. Going with the flow, letting go, the only way to go. Enough of my bad poetry...stay cool
I've been on antianxiety meds for 12 years and find that Xanax works the best for me, although I am now up to 5mg. a day and started at 2mg. When I'm panicking, I chew my Xanax and it kicks it in about 10 minutes. I haven't trying bumping it up with grapefruit juice but I might. I have agoraphobia and Xanax is the only way I can go out at all.
I have panic attacks and am schitzoaffective. I couldn't live without my Xanax. You do build up a tolerance though, I've gone from 2mg to 5mg a day but life is intolerable without them. I say thank God for them. Haven't tried them with grapefruit juice to bump up the effect but am certainly going to.
right on, I hear you. I, too, get major anxiety upon entering that place!
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