Withdrawal From Vyvanse (Page 4)


My son had a terrible experience on wyvance. He has phyciatic systems to include halluciations. The doctor took him off the drup cold turkey and Ihe seems to be having withdrawal systems? Is that normal?

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Hi, my 17yr old son was prescribed vyvanse a month ago for adhd and I am not sure what to do to help him. At first it help him a ton at school with consentration and the desire to raise his grades. Before that he had such high anxiety and depression he started to smoked pot to relieve these symptoms but once we found out it was much harder for him to use his self prescribed drug. He was put on zoloft (made him sick to the stomach) which helped a little but not enough and then after much discussion with a counselor and doctor was digonosised with adhd and put on vyvance. He is doing terrible. He also took more than prescribed the first week because he said that when it wore off he would get so tired that he could do the homework in the evening that hours earilier he had comitted to doing. Because of that he didn't take it over the weekend to save it for school. He has lost weight and is still very very depressed, wants to be alone all the time, he also has a temper (rage) and high anxiety that seems impossible for him to control, at the same time he is so tired all the time. I have no idea what to do for him. Any suggestions or comments. I know that we are dealing with several things here, not just the vyvance, but if anyone out there has been there done that what do you suggest would be best thing for him. This is his last week of school and i am just trying to get him through it without a meltdown but that seems to be what i have been doing all sememster with other deadlines.
He has only been on this for a month! Could some of his increased anger, depression and anxiety be linked to the vyvance? As a mom that loves her son and knows that he hates himself for the way he is right now I can only hope that someone out there knows what step I should take next. I should also mention that today was his last vyvance with 4 days left of finals ahead of him. I dread the next 4 days.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Hello! Vyvanse is Lisdexamfetamine. Lisdexamfetamine breaks down to amphetamines in the body. It's just a legal version of it. Yes, it's very addictive. Yes, you may have adverse side effects. It is after all a psycho-active drug, Yes, you WILL become dependent on it. Yes, you WILL experience withdrawal if you stop taking it. Why won't doctors tell you this? Because that's not what the drug company told them to tell you.

Wake up people. Read the articles:

Lisdexamfetamine Details / from Drugs.com

Amphetamine Dependence

Methamphetamine Details

Desoxyn Details

BTW I take 70mg of Vyvanse daily. I've been on it for over 2 years. Has it helped me? Yup, at first. However over time, it becomes less and less effective. This is because tolerance is built up over time. Three choices: 1. Continue to increase dosage over time just to feel normal. 2. Maintain dosage over time -- it will always help you a little but will never be as effective as it was in the first few months. 3. Decrease dosage (quickly or slowly) over time to get yourself off of it, but then you are by yourself to deal with your ADHD ... which is not really a disease, just a psychological make-up which doesn't quite fit into today's society.

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Although you may experience withdrawl symptoms from Vyvance and other similar drugs, this withdrawl period only lasts for up to 4 days max. (provided you are getting sleep/rest). After you wake on the 3rd or 4th day, your mind and body will be back to your normal state. After this, any desire to take the drug again is merely psychological.

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I've been taking vyvanse for well over a year now 60 mg a day. I can personaly tell you the only withdraw symptoms I have gotten was aching muscles and extreme fatigue. Also it can become very addicting once you take it for long enough. However the only way yo will experience these symptoms is if you stop taking the medication for an extended period of time. And if a person were to decide to stop taking it then they should have their doctor slowly decrease the dosage amount until you are able to stop taking it safely.

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I already have a long story to tell, even in the short period of time I have been on the stuff.

I've been taking Vyvanse for almost 4 months now for ADHD-I (inattentive). My doctor started me off on 30mgs of the stuff. Like most people, It started out as a fairy tale. I could finally think clearly, and maintain focus for long periods of time. Dieting had never been easier, infact I've lost 30+ lbs so far. I felt level for the first time in
my life.

Unfortunately, this fairy tale does not last forever. After two months, my doctor moved me up from the 30mgs to 40mgs. I didn't notice much of a difference. Then I started to have tiny panic attacks during long bouts of inactivity. I could usually alleviate the problem with a good stretch and a little walk. Last week I ran out of my 40mg and went back to the 30mg as a back up. My God, I've never been more miserable in my life. Severe depression, agitation, anxiety, and malaise. Right now, I can barely focus on the computer screen.

Why can't I fix this problem and just refill my prescription? Because It's the same reason why I took it, The Job Corps. The Job Corps does not allow you to handle or dispense your own medication, nor go out and refill it without an outside party, such as your parents or loved ones, even if you are over the age of 18 (thank the US Gov't in it's all knowing wisdom on how to protect me from myself). I'm stuck on a campus with a bunch of noisy and irresponsible kids. Right now, I'm pretty much going through Hell with these withdrawl symptoms, that will recive no attention or care for the next few days.

So if you are on this drug, you should know what to expect. Do research. This is an Amphetamine. It is addictive. Abuse pontential is just as high as anything else. The only difference with Vyvanse is that It can only be ingested orally in pill form, not snorted, injected, or smoked (but, I have heard contrary). If your doctor says it's not addictive or not-as addictive, he's a lying quack or needs to seriously rephrase himself.

Be smart about it. Plan to handle withdrawl properly. If you are in a binding situation (like me), learn from my mistakes. make sure to have a better plan B than I did.

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I just wanted to say that for me this has been a very helpful drug, I have tryed everything out there and i either was too focused that i really wasnt in control of my mind or just unstable mood wise. For example on concerta, i felt high for 6 hours then crashed horriably. Vyvanse 60mg has been the most stable drug for me, i would say it has had to strongest affect on my apeaite compaired to any of them but also the most stablilizing effect on my mood and focus. It allows me to acomplish tasks but does not make me. Also its the most calming of any i tryed, it feels closer to an opaite then an ampethimene for me, how ever weird that sounds. I do not use it everday only roughly 4 days a week, on thoose days school/work and therapy sesaon are most acomplished. I do this because i am very strongly adverse to the idea of being dependt on a substance for succese and only want to use it as a tool to help me beter my abilty to achive with out it eventualy. Just my 2 cents, hope everyone finds somthing that works for them.

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I was planning on getting off Vyvanse and Wellbutrin eventually, but was forced to stop both suddenly. I was taking 300mg of Wellbutrin daily. I did manage to take half a dose for two or three days before stopping entirely. I was prescribed 70mg of Vyvanse, but had been taking only 35 mg a day for 2 months. This was partly due to side effects of a headache and trying to make the medication last longer since I no longer had any insurance. After I just refilled my prescription, only taking one and a half of the pills, they were stolen from my home.
It had only been a few days of no wellbutrin and now NO medication. The constant grogginess has been very difficult. Before I took vyvanse I could wake up in the morning using coffee, but it is almost ineffective. I do feel like I am getting more of my personality back though--when I feel awake enough or stimulated enough. I love to get up in the morning and read my bible, it is almost impossible to read a chapter without finding at least 10 other things to do at first or during.
Even though I have increased my caffiene intake, I still only drink it in the morning. Yet, I have been dealing with insomnia at times while feeling like I could fall asleep while driving if I stopped trying to stay awake.
Another side effect has been very achey joints. These issues only mirror part of the comments that I have read. It has been 15 days without either drug. Anyone else have any similar experiences?

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I have been on Wellbutrin 5 years, Kolopin 7, Vyvanse 1.5 years. Prior to Vyvanse, Adderall for 8. Today is 7 days off Vyvanse and 5 off Wellbutrin under medical supervision and taper. I was diagnosed hypothyroid 3 months ago. All the reasons I was prescribed Vyvanse and Wellbutrin were effects of hypothyroidism which now at 2 months on Armour Thyroid has eliminated feeling spacy and sad. So I'm now better everyday and shocked that a blood test would have saved me years of wondering why nothing got better. Because the cause was not adhd and depression, but Thyroid. Symptoms mimic Adhd, anxiety, depression. I'm grateful that a primary care doctor tested my blood. If it doesn't feel right, get bloodwork. The detox off kolopin shall take months but the reality is that I could have died without correct diagnosis. Please eliminate other causes before another day on Adhd and Depression Meds. I'm lucky I questioned my prescriptions and finally I feel alive.

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Hi, I'm a 19 year old female college student. I want to share with people the dangers of this drug. I am very frightened by how it has affected me, and how quickly I was put on this drug that truly has addictive properties.
I was put on Vyvanse a year ago after my first semester in college by my psychiatrist (she's been my doctor since I was 8 years old, after my dad died). I have been treated for depression and anxiety since 8 years old on Paxil, then Prozac (said to be safer than Paxil), then Prozac and Bupropion (for fatigue symptoms), and finally Prozac and Vyvanse last year.
I did poorly my first year adjusting to college--I hit an all time low in depression due to major life events. My doctor put me on Vyvanse because I was exhibiting signs of ADD in not being able to focus on my work, procrastinating, etc. Also my fatigue was awful. She said ADD symptoms could have been masked by my anxiety when I was younger. I was desperate for a cure--I've never done so poorly in school and can't afford to because I'm shooting for med school. So I jumped on it. It was the worst mistake of my life. Vyvanse was a miracle at first--I wasn't falling asleep in my classes or during the day and could focus for hours straight. It was the craziest thing and I loved it. I knew instinctively that it was not good for me, however. I couldn't sleep at all at night and ate hardly anything the first week or so on Vyvanse. Then those side-effects started to taper down and I just had trouble getting to sleep at night.
I've never done recreational drugs or even had a drink of alcohol because I'm afraid of the addictive properties and addiction runs in my family (my dad, a doctor, had depression/anxiety and died of a narcotics overdose). I tried to make this drug right in my mind because my doctor, who I trusted, told me it was formulated to not be addictive and be unable to abuse. But I felt high when I took it--my mind and heart would race, and I felt overall elated. It was all fake though--that's where you get in trouble. I totally agree with some of the previous posters about feeling this psychological numbness. It creeps up on you and you don't notice it until you're far gone--totally out of the world. I started isolating myself from others and became more depressed. My self esteem started plummeting incredibly. I felt worthless and like life didn't have meaning. I've been feeling this way for so long--it's scary. I can definitely see how someone could hurt themselves or others on this drug because it changes you--it induces a kind of psychosis, an unrealistic, unattached view of the world.

I thought Vyvanse was helping me focus and do better in my classes, but it actually backfired. My study habits were no better on Vyvanse in actuality. In fact, I was more apt to be distracted and focus for hours on something unrelated to my studies--like social justice, or news events. Time flew by really fast and I could waste it away without realizing it. Then I started picking at my skin and pulling my hair. It became an addiction and I could spend hours pulling my leg hair with tweezers without realizing it. I had so much pent up energy on this drug that had to go somewhere--into something consistent and mindless. So I became addicted to pulling my hair out. I was also picking at my face--I started to look like a meth addict. That scared me. I tried to stop Vyvanse 6 months into it when I realized how bad it was, but the withdrawal symptoms brought me back. I was sleeping all day long, and I was angry and frustrated at everything. This time aroud I've decided for sure I'm quitting. My psychiatrist is dying of cancer so I have a new doctor and it seems like time for change. I can't keep going on like this. And two days into withdrawal, I do feel tired, I do crave the drug somewhat, but when I do--I have to remind myself what it was like on the drug. I haven't felt true happiness since I started Vyvanse. I've been mentally numb for so long, I didn't know how it felt. The first day off the drug I felt that happiness when the water hit me in the shower and I feel alive again. I just pray to God that Vyvanse didn't permanently affect my brain. I used to be so smart and creative. I hope I can get that creativity and true will to live and better myself every day back. Please think hard before taking this drug, and especially putting your child on it. My heart breaks for them. Why would any child need to be on this drug? They are children--they are supposed to run around and be happy. They are supposed to be creative and slightly impulsive. On Vyvanse, I fear they will be numb and disappear just like I did. I fear for these children. Please, please realize the dangers of this drug and the proximity of its effects to recreational, addictive drugs like amphetamines. Because that's what it is.

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I hae been taking Vyvanse for 6 months now and I can tell a big diffrence. I have ADD as a child and stoped my medication at 21 and now at 34 I started back to school again I started medication again. I did not realize what a diffrence it was untill now. I dont take my medication everyday only the days that I have school and the days that I am going to study because I do remember the withdraws. When I take it this way it is not so bad going a few days without it. I have not decided to stay on my meds after i graduate but I am more productive with it.

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Kelsey hit the nail on the head!

Please do not take this med!!! This crap messed up my brain in the worst way. My story is very similar to most here. So if you ended up on this page because you're not sure about the drug or whether it's for you or not, just trust most of us here. Good (or seems like it) at first, then one day you'll wake up with your moral/mental compass so out of wak that you'll decide to stop taking the stuff which in turn will mess your head up even more that you'll come back here to let everybody know how bad this stuff is for you. I'm gonna go back to my post vyvanse life now which I would trade in a heartbeat for the one I had before.

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I've been on vyvanse for about 2 months now and I dont have insurance so when it came time to get my next months supply I had to go a week with out my meds because they are so expensive during that week I experianced many withdraw symptoms I felt horrible and I have never been on any other adhd meds before the vyvanse and I only take the perscribed dose

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I was on 40mg's 2x a day, for a month, and just recently quit cold turkey. It has been four days, and I can't believe how exhausted I am. I have gone through opiate withdrawals before, and that obviously takes the cake for chemicals to be physically dependent on, but this was a startling runner up. I can't keep my eyes open if I'm sitting down and trying to focus. I have to constantly up and walking around so it doesn't seem like I'm nodding out to my mom, who will inevitably get the wrong impression. Beware, whoever says it doesn’t have withdrawal symptoms is an idiot. EVERYTHING has withdrawal symptoms caffeine and nicotine have withdrawal symptoms a schedule II narcotic is obviously going to have some kind of withdrawal symptom!

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So my roomate gets 50mg vyvanse and i usually take it when i study. And only when i study. I will open it and take about half of the capsule for the entire day. So i take anywhere from 20-30mg about 10-12 times a month. It is great for studying but if i take it late in the afternoon i can never fall asleep. It also makes me feel depressed while it is wearing off, and a little the next day maybe. As of now I have no desire to take it besides when i study. I am just curious if more bad side effects will start to occur? I dont want this to turn into me becoming depressed and dependent of the drug. I will be finished with college this coming may, so i feel like i should be okay by taking it moderately until then. Can anyone give me some feedback? thanks

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I've been on Vyvanse for two and a half years now (started when I was 17, am now 20). Occasionally, because my mom and doctor live 4 hours away, I have trouble getting my prescription refilled on time and sent to me. On those days that I had to go without, I was extremely sleepy--up to 20 hours of straight sleep at a time. I had little motivation and energy, and just an overall crappy feeling. My parents encouraged me to stop taking it, to see if I could get it out of my system or just get over the addiction. I went for up to a week without taking it before I broke down because the lethargy and hopelessness was too much. I don't know how long it takes to get over Vyvanse, or if anyone has any tips. While the perks (better ability to pay attention, more energy, focus, etc) have definitely helped me out, I don't know if it's worth being so dependent on this expensive medicine.

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I have been on Vyvanse for about 2 years. I have heard from a few different people that Vyvanse should not be taken over a long period of time because of the long term side effects on the brain and memory. I am now taking myself off all my meds (paxil and vyvanse) Cold turkey! I am dizzy and tired, my mood is ok. I just want to be done with meds. I only hope that I can get through this without losing my job or something.

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Vyvanse is not really all that bad. I'm 18 and I've been on vyvanse about 8 months, it helped a lot. The only complain is sometimes I became very depressed on it. But I can go off 70mg doses any time I want, ill go weeks. I was prescribed bupropion for the depression, that's a bastard drug. That was the mean one so I quit that cold turkey. If you people think vyvanse is hard to stop taking cold turkey, try going cold turkey on daily doses of 150mg of antidepressents. Compare the two and vyvanse is like a child's toy. The trick to quitting a substance cold turkey is mental strength. Bite the bullet, isolate yourself, and prepare yourself for the mental and physical hell about to rain down on you. If you want to quit, then do it, its that easy I guarantee you.

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can i take my nine year old off cold turkey of 40 mg of vyvanse? i understand the effects that will come with it sleepyness grumpy... etc. but will it hurt her? she is way out of character and doing nothing but getting worse and the doc just bumped it up more to cure that...... whatever... i want my lil girl back..

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Some Dr's do not care about the possibilities of a New drug..this drug is only a couple years old..everyone taking it is being used as an experiment..do your homework about the company..they have a 1.5 billion dollar goal..it's all about the money..and only until hundreds of thousands of human lives have been affected will they even begin to look at the drug and the problems that go with it..from an experienced mother who's daughter now has brain damage from taking vyvanse..good luck to all

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Hey guys, this is Kelsey the 19 yo college student from below. I just got an email that someone replied to my post, but I don't know how that works exactly. But it did remind me about this post, and so I want to give an update and put some disclaimers on some of what I said. Because I'm a little bit wiser now in my right mind (I'm back!) and also I am reading posts about people thinking about taking themselves or their children off this drug cold turkey, which I do not support.

First of all, all of that was true about my OWN personal experience with Vyvanse. I've been off Vyvanse for 2 months now and am now taking Effexor and Adderall. These fit my symptoms of depression, anxiety, OCD, and ADD. And I am finally doing well, and hope to stay that way. I am also changing my diet and exercise habits. But the change in drugs was what helped me get to this point, so I want to remind people who are feeling hopeless and broken that it's not your fault--these imbalances in neurotransmitters and the brain chemistry in general is a complex process and it will take time to find what works for you, but I have faith that you WILL find it. Because I was at the point of giving up, but I found that correct balance for my own body with the help of a doctor I trusted and I am getting better.

In other words, remember that feeling totally empty and as if life has no meaning is not a normal, healthy feeling and thus there is generally some pathology (or imbalance) going on here. And that can be dealt with. I used to feel like there was something intrinsically wrong or broken with ME, but now I am able to understand it better in a physiological sense. Remember this when you feel like nothing is going to work for you, and you just want to give up--this is NOT a permanent state and there is a solution. I hope to be a doctor soon so I can help people like those posting on this forum. I feel connected to you and I want you all to see an improvement in your quality of life.

Also, I do not believe in quitting cold turkey from a psychiatric drug and think this could be dangerous due to the rapid change in brain chemistry (it can cause serious symptoms, including increased suicidality). This goes especially for children. Doctors know how to taper off the drug in a safer way, and I highly recommend you address your concerns clearly about this drug to the prescribing doctor, be honest about your symptoms, and do the withdrawal with the support of a doctor. Of course, not all doctors are very helpful or patient, so I recommend you find one who really cares about your health and one you can trust as soon as possible. This can take some time, but they are out there!

One last thing: one danger about these types of sites where people post their own personal experiences with a particular drug is that it suggests those symptoms to others and plants a seed of fear or doubt where there may not have been one previously. I highly suggest not viewing these sites for medical insight during treatment, unless you have serious doubts or worries about a symptom and want to see if others are experiencing that as well. In that sense, this can be a powerful source. But your body is very specific and VERY different from someone else's, so take everything with a grain of salt. Talk to your doctor about your fears and expect them to listen to you and address those issues. If they continually brush your concerns off, then it's time to find another doctor. And believe that you can get better!

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