Withdrawal From Vyvanse (Page 17)


My son had a terrible experience on wyvance. He has phyciatic systems to include halluciations. The doctor took him off the drup cold turkey and Ihe seems to be having withdrawal systems? Is that normal?

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My suggestion is to talk to your doc and. Tell him or her how ur feeling. If you just stop cold turkey the withdraw symtoms are brutals.

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How long have you been off of Vyvanse for? I'm experiencing some of the same things and it's been about four days for me

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If you had that experience with Vyvanse, it's not that it's a bad medication,it's just that your body and mind don't agree with the medication. There are a large sum more positive reports on Vyvanse than negative ones. Vyvanse has done everything to me that it did to you at first, and continues to. I have never had this depression or thoughts towards life that you had when you were on the medication. Simply put: Medications act differently on different people

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I took Vyvanse for 4 years and I choose to quit. I will never touch it again. I strongly encourage you and all people everywhere to get your freedom from Vyvanse and I mean permanently. I smashed a very good paid for BMW and my marriage to bits because of Vyvase. Only 40 mg a day of it turned me from a very sweet lady with ADD into a very unhappy woman. It gave me anxiety so bad that I was unfit to drive and had chest pains severe enough to call 911 on 2 occasions. My decision to live with ADD without Vyvanse has me healthy and happy. I'm functional with ADD, but I wasn't functioning right at all on the Vyvanse. My marriage is saved.I have another fine car. I will have a good life with no Vyvase in the picture. Psalm 40 to those who are suffering. Pray and get your freedom!

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Amen! Jesus is the only way!

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I am 37 years old I have A history of alcoholism and drug addiction. I have been sober over two years. I also have adult ADD I'm in school part time and work full time. ADD has caused me a lot of suffering and my LPC recommended I see a psychiatrist to get on some medication for my ADD which was causing me a lot of anxiety. I started on Strattera and had an allergic reaction, then I started on by Vyvance and worked my way up to a 60 mg per day dose. The medication started to wear off about 3 PM when I began feeling agitated irritated and extremely depressed. I would then start feeling like I "wanted more". Then my head would start spinning with racing thoughts about, was I addicted? Do I need to take more so that it will last longer throughout the day? Did this happened everyone else? Am I going crazy? I began obsessing about this medication. When my doctor did not want to increase my dose I felt like I was going to go crazy, I couldn't stop thinking about it I was so confused. I finally flushed the pills down the toilet and I decided to go back to my regular life with ADD and just to make lifestyle/workload adjustments instead. It's just not worth my sobriety, peace of mind, and my spiritual connection with my higher power. The hardest part for me was that by Vyvance did seem to work for my ADD symptoms but it also triggered an addiction response in my body, which then triggered a huge amount of guilt. If you are an addict you don't have to feel guilty you were born this way, but we need to be aware when things make us feel this way so that we can talk to someone about it and make the right choice. I have only been off by Vyvance now for 24 hours, I am irritable angry and still a little bit confused I feel sorry for those who have had terrible withdrawal symptoms I'm glad I only took this medication for less than one month. Best of luck to everyone!!

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Hey bro you will be ok! Glad that you noticed the downside of vyvanse before you really did get addicted. It is defiantly not good for former addicts of any kind. Trust in Jesus he will never put anything on you that you can't handle, so know that you can survive with ADHD just like you said! Hang in there ! \o/ praise God \o/ another person has seen the Light and it is not vyvanse !

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I'm 18 years old 130 pounds male. I was prescribed Vyvanse about a year ago now, and I found it very helpful in completing the remainder of grade twelve. I would take a 20mg pill every morning and take one day off on the weekend. I experienced a whole bunch of different side effects in the beginning: "The sweats", "The shakes", once rage, but the only one of any regularity being anxiety- the first time I ever felt anxiety was from taking Vyvanse, I'd never experienced it before. The anxiety was typically set of by something random, typically something which does really merit worry/anxiety over (e.g. waving at someone and them not seeing you). But there were very positive effects as well, I no longer fell asleep in class, I was engaged, even french class was interesting. I was able to deal with the side effects thanks to friends and family, and took a break from taking it over the summer- no withdrawal symptoms or anything. At that point I did feel like taking Vyvanse was a good thing, even with the side-effects, it was exciting even though it was scary/ panic inducing at times. I started first year engineering at university this year, and I've taken a Vyvanse every single day for 4 months now. On the days I forget to take it first thing in the morning, I feel pretty normal. But eventually I realize that the reason why I feel so sleepy and distracted is because I forgot my pill. It's exams time and my side-effects are becoming worse and worse. I'm a touch worried about stopping taking my Vyvanse when I get home, just from reading the previous comments.

My most recent side effects are: sever anxiety to the point of ambiguous paranoia (worried and scared but not about anything in specific), a general feeling of unrest, feeling sleepy during the day, irregular sleep habits (though that maybe my fault, not the Vyvanse)

It sounds very negative when I say it but, I feel compelled to take Vyvanse everyday, regardless of the side-effects and I feel like I won't be able to succeed at school like I want to without it.

I'm going to go cold turkey over Christmas break and try giving myself a weekly break next semester.

I suggest seriously considering this medication before taking using this medication. Although most of what i described was negative, I have experiance a large number of positive qualties

sorry for the length of this post...

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Hi, so I've been taking vyvanse for 8 months now? and without having a chance for a prescription refill on these crazy holidays I've had terrible side effects. constantly sleepy, irritable, sad, headaches, overly hungry BUT that was cold turkey off 40mg.
My experience with the drug has been overall very good. sweating and increase anxiety (already have anxiety Haha) and insomnia are completely worth the focus and organization I get. even with insomnia I'm not tired and after starting a mood stabilizer in conjunction my mood is great. less anxious and hardly sad.
withdrawal isn't fun but honestly vyvanse has been great for me. not all reactions are bad :) and sometimes you just need the right combination!
female, 19 - 110lbs

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My 15 yr old son has been on vyvanse for yrs. He is now on 70 mg. Someone, I think I know who came into my home and took 12 of them. I would have never for a minute thought that this ex foster child of mine would do this but that is no longer the issue. Now my son has been 2 days without it and is throwing up so bad that it stopped up the toilet. I don't know if this is withdraw or what and I can't get a copy of the police report and try to replace them until tomorrow.

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That's terrible that happened! Its probably withdrawal from such a high dose to nothing. Keep trying to get fluids into him and hopefully he has no obligations for a few days. Get the Meds back asap I suppose :( Good luck!

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You both need to listen to what your saying. The withdrawals only get worse and the benifits get less! You are asking for trouble if you stay on the meds.

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But its not good to go off cold turkey. Get back on the medication, wean off slowly, and try something else. Why make the withdrawal harder now or later. I get not staying on but...

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No get off n stay off drug is no good once long term effects and withdrawal kick in trust me I've been fighting it for 2years.

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I have been taking it for 4 months and my prescription plan forced me to quit. I have been chronically tired, drained, depressed, and have a lack of motivation. I feel completely tanked and have been eating like crazy, sleeping for extended hours, and watching endless hours of TV.
I think it's a major side effect of quoting (chronic fatigue).

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YES! I have been contemplating stopping this med for about 6 months now. All I want to do is stay home and watch TV. Nothing sounds fun or worth the effort.
On days where I forgot to take it, I slept all day. It was awful. So, I feel I have to wean myself off of it. I'm a 45 yr old female.

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Hello all. I had been on vyvanse for quite sometime (about 4 years) and had an insurance issue one time and had to take myself off of it. I am now on it again after about a 2 year gap. One of my roommates stole 9 of my pills. I am currently taking 60mg. Withdrawal symptoms have consistently been the same for me; Extreme lack of energy to the point where I physically cannot do anything but sleep and eat. I also want to eat everything and anything. For me, withdrawal symptoms are the worst for the it at two days. After that, I am more functional, but just need a couple hours more sleep than usual. For me, I can manage going to work after two days, but I really need the first two days of being off meds to sleep and to do l, basically nothing.

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vyvanse actually tends to help me drive, without it im too distracted!! it may be the cause of the accident depending on how vyvanse effects her, it effects everyone differently, however vyvanse does increase my anxiety, i have been on and off it throughout highschool and college, im 19, i fear long term after effects of vyvanse so i tend to stay away from daily consumption although its hard being adhd, but not being on meds seems to pay off in the long run so its worth the struggle

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legaly taking 140 mg and coming down 40 mg at a time how should i do this and what should i expect with withdrawal

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Hey bud , I did pretty much this same taper off and it ended up going good. It will be hard for the first couple weeks but you will make it and you will be fine! I took 2 70 mg pills for a very long time and eventually got completely off the drug at somewhere around 30 mg per day. I feel great now and I owe it all to God for helping me see the light on the other side of this darkness called vyvanse. You can be assured that Jesus will help you to get your life back on track if you will turn to him during this time. I battled with this drug for way to long, and for a while I thought I would never be right without taking it but that was all a lie ! Life is so much better without vyvanse bro and you will soon see that ! Hang in there and be strong! God has your back, he will get you through this ! You can holler at me anytime on here as well if you want, I have been posting in here for about 2 years and you can go back through the old posts and read what all I went through! You will be ok! I'll be praying for you!

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