Withdrawal From Klonopin 1mg Daily


I have been on kolonopin 1 mg daily for 14 months now I am depressed and very anxious most of the time I want to get off this drug but from what i have read It should be cut down slowly and over a long peroid of time. has anyone gone through a simlar situation that may have some advise

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I've been on this since 1989 and had one dr take me off cold turkery.. Please I ended up in ER .Had to be given A shot of it and was placed back on it .I have panic attacks.. If your coming off only under dr's care...You don't won't this kind of withdrawal..

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Yes, please speak to your doctor for advice on the best way to stop this medication and prevent the worst of the withdrawal effects.

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I have been taking kolonopin 2mg. for over 10 years after I went through a violent assault and then PTSD due to that.

I've wanted to go off of it for a long time. The problem is that your body gets used to it to the point where it is almost not doing what it's supposed to, but if you begin to taper off of it (and YES - I'm a psychiatric social worker and know from clients and first hand experience that you MUST taper off of any sort of medication like this VERY slowly - it can be dangerous!) your body will start to feel it quickly and dramatically.

I still haven't figured out how to go off of it. Psychiatrists usually say very slowly and tapering it but even tapering the slightest bit is almost too hard for me.

But if you want to try it (you should let your doctor konw for sure) then try tapering it down by halves for several days and then quarters for several days and so forth. It will be uncomfortable but if you can get through it you might be able to get off of it.

If you are depressed it would be helpful for you to see a psychiatrist (not just a general doctor) for a medication that addresses both depression and anxiety and I always adamentally recommend the combination of medication and talk therapy.

Again, don't do anything without a professional's advice, knowledge, and assistance. It can be dangerous. Hope this helps!

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I took myself off this med cold turkey and did not know what the side effects would be, I thought I was going to die. I went through it alone and loss so much weight but had no one to care for me so I did it on my own. It took about two weeks to fully come back to what I felt was normal again, but I did it. My doc did not tell me it was addictive, what a wake up call. I feel great now. Best to you.

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Please listen to me and others here.I don't begin to know how Shell came off this cold turkey ...I beg of you NOT TO DO THAT...
It can cause heart problems as well as other very REAL MEDICAL PROBLEMS as well. Please seek help from A Good Doctor..
Good Luck Friend And God Bless,

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Andi is absolutley right, please seek medical attention before going off this drug, I did not know what was wrong with me at the time. I did not know what it was because I stopped the medication, as I said I was told it was not addictive. They were wrong. I should have gone to the hospital, I was so sick but did not realize till I was better what I was going through. Again, seek medical attention before going off this med. Best to all.

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Anyone taking any type of benzo (Klonopin, Ativan, the list goes on...) for any length of time AS TO BE WEENED OFF UNDER A DOCTORS CARE!!!! This is nothing to just stop on your own!!!!

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I have been on 1.5 milligrams since Januray of this year. Now down to 1 mg and tapering will take me 16 more weeks. I cut by 1/8th per week and have had no problems at this taper. I did have problems cutting down any larger quantities than that. But this seems to be working well. I also take zoloft and seroquel to help with sleep and depresssion and side effects of withdrawal. Very low doses Im on but so far this seems to be a success!

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I'd love to stay in touch with you. I am starting a taper from 1mg of Klonopin. Also trying to cut pill by 1/4, and plan to do that every 14 days. I'd love to be in touch with someone on the same path. Thanks!

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I was on Klonopin .5mg for 6 months. I was diagnosed with panic/anxiety disorder. The emergency room physician just threw a prescription for Klonopin at me and said I was free to leave. I had never had a panic attack before and knew nothing about xanax and klonopin. My family physician took me off of it gradually. I experienced withdrawal symptoms even with a gradual tapering off. It was a nightmare on it,a nightmare coming off of it and still after being off for 2 months I feel bad. My balance is off,my judgement/reasoning is bad, my vision weakened while on klonopin,I gained weight,my short term memory is awful,still have abnormal eye movements. Its like my nervous system is still sending my brain a message saying it misses the Klonopin. I wish I had known all of this before taking it. Someone who was healthy,riding a bicycle 25-30 miles a day and to be derailed like this. I don't know if I'll feel the same again(before Klonopin). I haven't had an attack in 7 months. But with all the side effects,it makes the panic/anxiety seem minor. I'm currently taking no drugs. Please help.

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I'm with depression caused by several factors, perhaps by successive traumas I had in the past, and 4 months behind on this, both related to domestic violence, sexual abuse (when he was 34 years) and mental violence, by my late husband who passed me SDT - all this has destroyed my self esteem and had panic disorder, iMUITA Anxiety, insomnia - FEAR OF SLEEP; feeling of impotence, guilt, and habit of always wanting to serve someone, to things I have, even of Valras and care. My psychiatrist prescribed me 1mg klonopin and fluxiotina 40g (20g was taking, he increased the dose). However, had already taken the drug in 2005, and I told my doctor that Klinopin not felt so good, anyway, he prescribed me. These drugs help in my illnes?

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I have been taking 1MG of Klonopin for just about a year now. I have never gone over that what I was supposed to take . I really want to get off of this I have tried to taper by a 1/4 of the .5 mg tablet every few weeks and would alaways end up going back up to the 1mg daily. In the past several few weeks even after taking my 1mg dose within about six hours I really feel terrible ...not quite a withdrwal but just like Im trembeling inside and comming out of my skin. I think I should try to taper by 1/8 of a tablet at a time . I take Serequel at night and sleep like a baby but shkortly after waking and taking the klonopin I really feel bad. Im not going to panic I am on a small dose but would welcome any advice. I was put on this by a doctor for anxiety and its giving me much more. Thanks

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hi i have tb i take myrin its almost 18 days in im bleeding coz i take wrong medacetion.....i eat 1st b4r i take ..pls help me i want to know if is that dangerouse..
thank u merrlita

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I also have been on 1MG of Klonopin for about a year,and am trying to taper off by a .25 of a pill every two weeks. I'm taking 3/4 of a MG now and feel pretty bad. It will be one week tomorrow at this level . I hope I level out so next week I can make another adjustment . Its funny if I drink alot of water it helps to take away this feeling that is like a partial withdrwal. I also take Seroquel and sleep very well. I do hope Im able to come off of this and live a life this is no fun. I hope to hear from those who know much more than I do about this. When I get to .5 mg I belive I will taper by only 1/8 every two weeks and see if that makes lit any better.

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Whatever you do DON'T miss a dose of klonopin 1mg. I missed 2 does due to not being able to get refills due to the Dr's office being closed and oh my God I thought I was going to die. I went into withdrawal-climbing out of my skin-swets-headache-muscle cramps-stomach pain. After missing the dose I am so afraid of this med. now. I didn't know that missing it would make me feel so bad.

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I have been on .5 Klonopin for about 7 or 8 years. Tried to taper off one time about two years ago - went into seizures (which I had NEVER before experienced) and wound up in the hospital. I am working on trying to forgive the doctor who put me on this medicine. He did not tell me that it was addictive and had I known, I would never have put the first pill in my mouth. It's BAD NEWS.

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My doctor prescribed 1mg klonopin to help with IC. I took it a few times but did not like the mental feeling at all but it helped with pain. I then tried breaking the 1mg tablet into 10 (TEN) pieces and taking that tiny 1/10 mg and it helped without any brain fog. So now I've been taking this tiny 1/10 th mg piece of klonopin for about four months and am worried about stopping. I have five 1mg tablets left which is like fifty doses - should I taper those every other day and if no problem just stop.

I am hoping that the tiny slither of the pill I have been taking is not enough to cause dependence. My doctor says I can just stop, he does not think that the amount I have been taking is enough for the body to get hooked, He chuckles when I show him the bottle of tabs chopped into little 1/10th bits.

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Andi is right,i have heart problems from withdrawing off Benzo's.The withdrawals are every bit as bad as opiates if not worse.I had been on Ativan for 6 yrs. and i was withdrawing on the 3rd month.I cant believe any dr. of good conscience would abuptly stop prescribing,but they do.I am not the same since i have stopped.

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I'm on worker comp, they have paying for klonopin, they have been for 18 years (4-5mg day), however went two days without any, and it was very bad. I don't have the money and they pulled with without warning. Dr.'s are behind me in an appeal, but will take months. Can't take the withdrawal. workers comp say as it is not curitive, took all meds away they pay for, heart med too, no more! Are they not handing me a death sentence/??

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put in jail. been taking 2mg a day 5 years or more. they dont supply narcotics there so no dope. didnt miss it after a couple of days. same with smoking. also was on hydracodone much longer didnt really miss that either except for some pain. whats the world coming too good god

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They switched me from 2mg Clonazepam (Klonopin) to Chlordiazepoxide (Librium). This worked very well for me. I felt fine in about a week. I have been taking Klonopin for about 20 years.

Klonopin has an elimination half-life of 19–60 hours! Trying to taper off of this drug is just a bad idea. They say 1 mg of Klonopin is ~10 mg Valuim.

Librium is around 5 to 30 hours for elimination. Long term use may take 36 to 200 hours, so do not abuse the Librium!

Hope this helps. I had this done while in a hospital.

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Re: jennifer (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I was doing zanex for about a year and weened off it rather quickly , only five days and then after that I just had cold sweats and felt like I had the flue for a couple weeks but that's about it . What I tell everyone coming off an addictive drug is to exercise . It really helps a lot and makes you feel better and back to normal a lot faster than sitting around feeling sorry for yourself and experiencing every little withdrawal symptom . So you might give that a try after speaking with your doctor first , of course! Good luck , you will succeed if you really give it your best shot . Oh and don't ask the doctor about what kind of withdrawal symptoms you might experience cuz when I do , I seem to contract every one of them , lol . Best of luck to you !

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Re: TS (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I’m in the exact process May 21, 2018 @ mg from 1.5

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I have felt trapped on two medications: adderall and klonopin. After 8 years and several attempts to get off I'm working on it again as I know there's hope. I think after a certain amount of time the medications kind of take a turn and then like what I've been reading by many, we weren't informed by the doctor of the seriousness of the meds. I'm working on the adderall first. I took a big leap at first lowering from 60mg to 30mg over a week. It's been a little bit longer now, I'm not going to go so fast with the last 30 mg and I'm going to make sure I have support as I have already felt crazy a bit, but not any crazier than I was feeling before so I'm okay. :) Once I taper off the adderall over the next weeks/months, I then hope to start a taper of the 1mg of klonopin I'm on.

I have tapered off of this before and know its possible. And yes it must be done in small increments, it can be tough as I don't have a pill cutter and break them up. I think I will get a pill cutter to be safe. I have ADD symptoms and generalized anxiety, I didn't have either of these before I went to the doctor 8 years ago saying I can't focus and have anxiety. God has other plans for me. Or maybe the plan is for me to learn how to get through this so I can help others! There are probably millions out there suffering. This needs to be addressed and exposed. My doctor tells me to break them in half for a few days and be done. With adderall and klonopin? Are you serious? People will go seriously crazy as I felt like I was following this insane advice.

Take it slow and ask someone to help you to be accountable as I will be doing within the next few days. It's not time to be tough and do it on our own. And this isn't something where you hide in your house and wait to shake it off. We have to reach out even when we don't feel like it. I have a young daughter and these meds are not good for me as a single father. I have faith in God and I know he will guide me through. I also learned to not demonize the meds as for some it's the right thing for them for the moment. It's so vital we know what we're taking though before we take it. Sometimes it's so easy to get excited but the reality is years can go by and we could be doing damage that's not repairable. We are the guinea pigs, we are the statistics they study.

We are all different but we are all human. The anxiety we have is that of the flight or fight kind that many years ago was actually a great benefit. Think about living where wild animals also live or during a time of war. It's good to have anxiety then. The issue is now we leave in different times where the world is very populated and there's so much noise polution and electronics and people think it's normal to be trying to do a million things at once. It's not. I can't even go into a store most days without feeling like I need to run out of there. And yes certain experiences in our past can be a part of these things so make sure you learn about your past when making these decisions. I'm in my 10th year in college pursuing my Master's degree and I feel like a slave to these meds. I will rely on my faith in God and support and tapering plan and I won't give up until this is completed. I tried quitting cigarettes many times and finally was able to cut that out and that was ironically 8-9 years ago, right before my daughter was born and right before I started on meds. I could only afford meds because I had insurance suddenly once my daughter was born. I almost feel like she hasn't met her real dad yet. It's exciting, weird, and very strange but I'm okay with that. It's time for new beginnings!!! :) Spreading God's Love to All.

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I do 60 .5 a MTH. 6 years. I stopped cold turkey lasted two weeks and a second time two weeks and counting ( still as I type). The first time was worse then the second time. I fought the withdrawal and always lost when no sleep was happening. The first week after stopping one time felt like duct tape or Gorillaz Tape was being pealed off my liver spleen and kidneys (felt like a moving peeling) day and night finally fadeing to RLS and some twangs. Second time hasn't finished wluk.

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Re: jennifer (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

i have only been on clonapin 1mg at night for 3 months, i tried to taper down, by cutting down 1/4 of a tablet for a week, 1st night could not even sleep, insomia was crazy, can anyone help me come off this, not getting much doctor help and the medicine is giving me an issue that i need to come off of but can not. I cannot believe i was not told how addictive this drug was before being put on it. and i dont usually take a dose for 24hrs inbetween.....help

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Does Melatonin 10mg really help you to sleep?

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I am taking .75mg for a year. My problem with insomnia was biggest struggle while reducing dosage. PLEASE EDUCATE ME ON SLEEPLESSNESS TO OVERCOME. I do have most of withdrawals symptoms but resisting on these. Thanks!

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My new dr told me to reduce by 1/4 every 2 weeks and I will feel bad for two months. I had reduced from 2 mg to 1 mg three years ago and didn't do so slowly. It was hell. Hoping this time will be easier with longer time.

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