Will Suboxone Show Up In A Dot Drug Test
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I am going to get my cdl class a licenses... Will suboxone I took two weeks ago show up in my screening? They send it to a lab

134 Replies (7 Pages)

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Re: T lee (# 133) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been on suboxone for a few years and get drug tested regularly as I’m a Paramedic. Suboxone has never shown up on any drug test. Unless they specifically test for it and they don’t. If I can drive an ambulance you’ll be fine. Don’t worry.

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Re: Andrew K (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I know this was a long time ago, but did you disclose that you were on it? Did you pass? Did they look at medical records? I'm in this predicament now and don't know if I should say anything or not? Do I get a clearance letter from my dr. I'm almost off of it, but not quite

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Can anyone update this, it's 2023 and still want to know if DOT tests for suboxone?? I need a certain yes or no... Thank you

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Re: Ash (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

As someone who works in HR, I certainly would not want to be part of your company. One thing if opiates that make you dopey, another is being on meds that level you. We ask for paperwork that proves employee is not abusing the drug and we ask for history of behavior If the employee wants to provide. This comes from their physician. Suboxone does not make you dizzy or unable to perform your duties. When it is prescribed and not abused, it is okay. Discrimination is very much alive in this Country. Firing people who have legal right to their meds and who did not cause any accidents that resulted from taking meds is helluva way to treat your employees. You are aware many meds can affect ability to perform which can be heart meds, BP meds, thyroid meds and MORE. Wow just wow have a great day. Your attitude stinks and I hope a law suit will level you out a notch.

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Re: Gary (# 129) Expand Referenced Message

Gary were you taking Suboxone or Subutex at the time you took the DOT 10 panel? I have looked online to purchase drug test kits and have seen some 10 panel tests that do include Suboxone or “BUP”. For the test I am due to take, I was told it is a “10 panel drug AND alcohol test”. When I was looking online to purchase drug tests I didn’t not see any 10 panel tests that included both Suboxone and alcohol. Basically what I am asking is how do you know what the test was testing for? Did you see the labels on the test kit? Thanks.

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Re: RickyMags (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I just took a DOT 10 panel and suboxone or subutex was not on the panel. The company must test for the Acronym BUP. By the NAATB this not considered a synthetic drug tested on a 10 panel DOT urine screen. It is a semi synthetic drug that they would have to test for specifically. If anyone tells you different go to naatb.org if they need a lesson to show them to keep their mouths closed until they read or do research like I did for hours.

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Re: Ash (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Misinformation... It is NOT tested for on a DOT drug screen even 4 years after this original message. An employer May or May not test for it but it is highly doubtful.

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Re: Billy (# 125) Expand Referenced Message

I posted the answer like 3 times. NO IT IS NOT TESTED FOR. If someone says it is, they're lying. Period.

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Re: duhduhduh (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Dot test for oxycodone on the new drug panel starting 1-1-18

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Re: Drew (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Are you sure this is true. It would be really nice to know

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Re: DUSTING2017 (# 121) Expand Referenced Message

Concentra is ruining drivers careers with their BS. DOT needs to approve this medication. It has NO...ZERO affect on a drivers ability. Drove on it for two yrs and won numerous safety recognitions. One for accident avoidance that was on camera. I hope concentra goes belly up. Their Dr's have no right to view my medications online. It's Dr/Patient confidentiality.

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Re: suboxonejoe (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Suboxone doesn't show up. But some medical examiner's can go to a data base and see that you are prescribed suboxone. This happened to me so it was "quit my job or suboxone".

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Would someone post an example of a letter written by a prescriber for a driver taking prescription buprenorphine?

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I want to share my s*** storm. Dec 2016 I got a DOT physical for 1 year due to being on Subs. Went back to the same Concentra this Dec and I was told I could no longer get a DOT card while being on Subs. So I went to my doctor tried to wean off and got a letter saying I was through. Went back to get a dot Card at the same Concentra and they told me that I had to be off subs for a year before I could get another dot Card. So now I'm screwed. So now I'm going for a second opinion soon. According to First Source I have to list on my new. Card that I was issued a one-year dot Card because of Subs. I'm hoping that the next Doctor I see will not tell me that I have to be off of them one year before I can get a card. In the past I never even told them I was using Subs but had a little mix-up and got caught by First Source and had to add it to my card. So we will see what happens. Super stressful especially at Christmas.

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Re: vplw (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

You are right. I have been driving a truck for 22 years and have been on methadone for 17 years. I have never tested positive. I take Suboxone and now I'm getting ready to have my first 5-panel drug screen. I really hope it doesn't show up. I don't think it will.

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I'm going for a drug test for E-ZPASS through Wilson Employment NH and i'm on Suboxone. I believe its a DOT test because its for e-zpass. The test is next week 12/7/17 . I need to know if they've changed the testing style to include sub. I think it will be lab tested! If anyone has RECENTLY passed their test please let me know! I really need/want this job but i don't know if it will be out of my system by then! Thank you

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Re: Question17 (# 117) Expand Referenced Message

So the subs does not show up for sure on a pre employment test or dot test?

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Re: A bupe patient (# 115) Expand Referenced Message

Actually... It's the very opposite... My problem is I did read all the responses... Got 10 different answers! But I found out myself that you do pass a 5 panel dot test while on subs. (I lowered my dose for 3 days and didn't take any the day of test) and passed. So I got my answer...Test will be negative!

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Re: David (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I'm glad the MRO renewed his card. I think anyone going out of their way to make it difficult for the driver is an *****! LOTS of *****s out there. Let the guy do his job. Suboxone has absolutely NO BEARING on a driver's driving abilities. Not mood altering in anyway. No high involved at all!!!

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Re: Question17 (# 114) Expand Referenced Message

This very same question has been asked several times throughout this thread's long life. When you decide to forgo actually Reading the thread, you're basically telling people "hey, I'm too lazy to read through this whole thing but could you take some of your time to do my work for me and then give me the answer for free?" Just thought I'd point that out.

A 5 panel drug test means that only 5 drugs classes are being tested for. Those drugs are generally THC, Cocaine, Amphetamines, Opioids, PCP.

Many drugs are close relatives of very different drugs. Amphet test will pop you dirty for Methamphetamine and MDMA at the same time. But you could also be called a Methamphetamine-head if you forgot that you took one of your buddy's adderall 2 days ago to help you stay up and study for a test. Similarly, you might be called a heroin junkie if you take a Vicoden as both pop dirty as Opioids. Your test will ONLY differentiate between these alike kinds of drugs if your urine is forwarded to have complete lab work done on it. Some test facilities only request full lab work in the case of your urine testing dirty during the initial Test Strip (similar to an at home pregnancy test). Other facilities will give you AND your employer/potential employer the preliminary test results in the case of your urine came up clean according to the Test Strip method then they will forward the specimen to a lab for complete labwork to be done also. If later they find something, they can update you and the employer. It will be difficult for you to know which version of that will apply to your test. However, the more tests that are requested the more expensive the drug test becomes. Every single test they are asked to perform will raise the cost of the test. For this reason, they will never test for extra things such as male vs female urine or human vs canine urine or pregnancy hormone test. Yes you can substitute your dog's pee and that will work! Only, just hope the dog hasn't pulled a cheech n chong and ate some of your stash. LOL! Just follow him/her around with a soup ladle, trust me it works.

Now, the question of Buprenorphine showing up on the test is confusing because YES..... It is true that it is an opioid. However, it is made in a completely different way. It is made by somehow converting the opiate-stimulant.

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