Will Fentanyl Show Up In Drug Test As An Opiate (Page 3)
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Man the amount of people who have no clue what they are talking about yet spitting advice on it like they are an expert is bewildering. NO FENTANYL does not show up as an opiate on any test anywhere. In fact the only things that will show up as an opiate are morphine, codeine, and heroin and that is because heroin and morphine metabolize into morphine. Not even oxycodone or hydrocodone can be detected as an opiate they have to be specifically tested for as they metabolize differently, same with methadone, methadone has to be specifically tested for, it will not show up as anything but methadone. So unless the test you are taking is specifically testing for fentanyl then you will be fine. The question is whether or not the test you are taking is testing for fentanyl. I have yet to see a piss test that does test for it. Even if they sent it to a lab for testing they would have to tell the lab what to look for and that they specifically want to know if fentanyl metabolites are present. Anyone that tells you anything different from this has no clue what they are talking about or how opiates and their derivatives are detected after use. Drugs that have been taken are detected by looking for what they metabolize into, in the body and no two drugs metabolize the same unless they are from the same base as I explained in the beginning. Codeine, opium, heroin, and morphine are all detected as opiates because they are all made from opium. An opioid is not made from opium, they just have a somewhat similar structure and create the same effect by binding to the same receptors, but they in no way metabolize into the same metabolites which is essentially the by product of the chemical after the body has processed it. Hope this helps anyone who needs accurate information not just the random ramblings of nonsense.

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what drugs are benzo drugs? i was recently hospitalized and then got out and had a drug test run for a job and they said they detected benzo and i cant find it in any medical drugs they gave me?

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What if ur suppose to be taking subs wills subs show up

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Re: Kimmie (# 223) Expand Referenced Message

Eating poppy seeds can text u positive... They told us not to eat then while testing and some other foods also.

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Fentenyl is a form of morphine and will show up positive

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Re: timster (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Wendy, when you take a drug test fentanyl does not show up as an opiate, neither does opana, oxy, ect. They have to test for it specifically. For example, if you look at the drug test they use abbreviations for the drug they are testing for. Fentanyl would say fty on the dip stick, opiates would be opi, oxycodone would be oxy, phencyclidine would be pcp on the dip stick. The reason they have so many different drug tests for the same family of drugs (example heroin, oxy, opana, fentanyl) is because they are not testing for the drug itself. They are testing for the drug's metabolites. What that is, is what your body breaks the drug down to in your body and then it is excreted out into your urine and feces. There is so much false information floating around on these sites, people claiming they are professional drug testing personnel blah blah giving out bad information for drug users to read to try and keep us down and keep them unemployed. Everything I've stated is fact. You can go and do the research on your own if you don't believe me, but I hope this helps someone.

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Re: wendy (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I agree! I know it will show up as an opiate or an opioid. Like percocet shows up as an opioid and morphine shows up as an opiate. I want to know which one fentanyl is found in?

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This guy is crazy. Fentanyl is a drug it's going to show up in urine.

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Would fentnyl show up if used 4 days, then I was lab tested 14 days later ? I take hydrocodone 4 times a day past 5 years. Given 2 patches fentnyl & used when I was in extreme pain, they were expired. Won't do again, not worth the anexity & worry about testing. I do 12 panel lab testing, only thing showed on qualitative was opiates, which I'm assuming is hydro. It was also 14 days before I tested 1 month, 2nd month 21 days before test. Not worth to me for sure. In severe accident 5 yrs ago have spinal damage. Not a drug user, pain relief seeker. If they do a presumptive, confirmatory will it show then. Anyone Got a good answer ?

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Everything shows up when its sent to the lab! Everything

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Bizzi bodi something is wrong there. Just the fact that you are dirty at 21 days says something about akk of that isnt kosher. If it's a lab test it will definitely show all those things, the original question is will it show up as an opiate. On the standard dipstick test it will not that is why there's a separate panel for oxy the same is true for fentanyl except I have not seen a dipstick test that can test for Fentanyl yet. Not to say there isn't one. But it does not light up the opiate section. They are opioids it is a little different and if the doctor is reporting the results of your lab test they would probably just say you came up for opiates because well... It's pretty much of the same thing. But no those drugs will not show up as opiates, that does not mean they will not show up. As for 21 days that is pretty much impossible if you know anything about half lives something contaminated your test or the test itself was faulty. Both are very possible. Good luck getting them to admit that though, if it ever happens again go for urine and blood testing immediately and you can probably override it in court. Also if you're in a very tight jam and truly don't use drugs a hair test might be ideal, although I don't recommend it unless you really need to as they are expensive.

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Don't be a ******...I wonder why you're on probation? Just stop using drugs and alcohol and feel high on living life man...To answer your question though there's absolutely nothing you can take that will give you that euphoric feeling that you're looking to get while on probation; unless of course you wish to violate your probation....

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I need some info. Desperate. My lab tests came up dirty for my drug program for fentanyl 0.49h heroin metabolite 2.1h morphine 9.3h. Mouth swab. I have an acs case. I did not use. Did not. A urine drug test done an hour and half later for acs came back clean. Now right before i took the swab i was eating a bagel in fromt of my counselor that was everything (including poppy seeds). Could this have effected this test? I dont think so. Maybe opiate general, but not no fentanyl i would assume. Let me add the day before i took the test me and my son father had sex and he just started using again could that have anything to do with it? I dont get it. I might loose my son forever over this. And i did nothing. Could it be mouth to mouth contact with him....or semen. Im dumbfounded. Or could he just have set me up? Which i find real hard to believe since getting our son back is main goal no matter how much we may argue. Please i hope u can give me some clarity or point me in the direction for some answers.

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Suboxone and fentanyl DOES show up on urine test.. Suboxone shows as burphorine fentanyl abd oxycodone show as OPIATES.. Trust me.. The courts showed it and so has the clinic.. I took a oxycodone 30mg and pissed for the doctors maybe 11 hours later and it never showed.. It takes a longer than a few hours for oxycodone to show on urine screen.. I couldn't believe it didn't.. But it didn't..

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You are definitely wrong!! I was abusing straight fentanyl (not proud) the police said that was the strongest fentanyl they had seen.. Went to clinic to get help.. I tested positive for opiates.. Oxycodone shows up as opiates too.. Before the straight fentanyl was them damn oxycodone 30s.. So fentanyl and oxycodone DO show up as opiates!! The doctors said fentanyl takes only 3 days to get out of your system.. How come Ive been clean and sober for 21 days and I'm still testing positive for Fentanyl and Opiates?

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Okay Guys...i need some quick help... so i have been taking Fentenyal pills off the street and ONLY fentenyal pills. I know enough anout them to know how they look, feel,taste etc. and this past year every time i have been getting drug tested by PO they said i havr been doing good and everythings been negative (little did they know I've been using Fentrnyal thr whole time) well nothing changed with who i have been getting it from this past year or anything...all of a sudden the other day my PO called me back saying i tested positive for opiates (and she was surprised herself Bc likr i said all my drops have ALWAYS been clean..since from my knowledge as well Fentenyal does not show up on their panel) so WHAT DO U THINK CAUSED THIS OPIATE POSITIVE OUT OF NO WHERE?? I WILL HAVE TO GO THRU PAINFUL WITHDRAWELS IF I STOP AND I AM ALSO SCARED TO VIOLATE MY PROBATION.... I AM A 24 YR OLD GIRL,MOM OF 2 AND HONESTLY USE JUST TO GET THROUGH EVERY DAY SCHOOL,KIDS, WORK AND LIFE.... I AM NOT JUST MESSING AROUND WITH ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING...IDK WHAT COULD HAVE CAUSED THIS?? I GO BACK IN TOMMROW FOR ANOTHER DROP....ANY ADVICE OR ANYTHING??? THNX FOR ANY FEEDBACK

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I'm on federal probation and take fentanyl everyday; even been nodding off in the office before a test and still passed.

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So will heroin show up the same as fentanal methadone and norco

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Hydrocodone 100% shows up as an opiate on a drug screen. Just got tested and that's the only thing I took, was a few yellow norcos and I popped for op's

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I spent 8 hours in an emergency room having serious withdrawal from fentanyl. They said they could not treat me for opiate withdrawal because the test was negative for opiates.

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I am on 50mcg fentanyl and 5mg 4 times a day oxycodone. The test my doc gives me has 10 panels. One says OXY and one says OPI. When tested, the OXY always has a pink + sign, but the OPI never does. When my doc wants to check to make sure I have the Fentanyl in my system, he sends that away. He says the only way to test for its presence is to see if there is Ethanol in my system as that's what Fentanyl metabolizes into. But, the only sure way to make sure you pass your test, is to only take what is prescribed to you. Fentanyl is a strong med, if you need more than that and something for break through pain, then you have a bigger problem than just pain, and should seek help for addiction.

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