Wife Needs Her Meds (Top voted first)


My wife as been taking oxicodone 30,s for many years for her multiple pain issues.Does anyone know of a doc willing to perscribe in the Shreveport/East Texas ares?

2 Replies

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Hello, Bill! How are you and your wife?

IF she requires such a medication on a long-term ongoing basis, due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, she'll need to see a pain management specialist, a general practice doctor will not be able to prescribe it.

Does she have a PCP that she sees regularly who may be able to give her a referral?

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Can anyone suggest a good doctor in that area?

There are no guarantees, of course, that any doctor will prescribe it.

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There are no new regulations that state only a Pain Management Dr can prescribe this or any other pain med. It may be difficult to find a dr who isn't a pain dr to prescribe it, but it is there choice. Usually a dr will begin with the mildest dose of a pain med, they also usually require medical records from the previous dr.

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