Why Did Methadone Not Show Up In Urine Test (Page 4)
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I am very concerned. My Dr. started me on methadone at 5 mg 2x per day. 4 days later I had a urine test and the methadone did not show up. now my Dr. is concerned that I am not following treatment and I have been following it as I was told to. does anyone have have any idea as to why methadone would not show up in a pee test?

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Be careful. There are some doctors out there doing this to their patients and I am hearing about a lot lately. Make sure you get the lab records, as my brother had to do because this was happening to him and his doctor refused to see him anymore for his chronic pain. He found out through his lab records and having another one of his doctors' give him a screening to find out that his Doctor was not even testing him for that med, purposely. Never the less, make sure it is not because your Dr is weary of you and only looking out for himself and his license by harming you and your health. Only a suggestion.....

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The same thing happened to me. THe place were i get the methadone does routine testing, and its in the morning- before i take my daily dose. The methadone is metabolized out of my system in less than 24 hours. In addition to my tests coming up negative for methadone i would wake up every morning in withdrawal. Not too severe, just mild to moderate body aches, watery eyes and yawning. There were a couple days that it was more severe and i had chills and other withdrawal symptoms. They increased my dose slightly because of this and it didn't help. Then i got a larger increase and after 4 days on that dose the morning withdrawals stopped.

They acted like i had been cheating on my drug tests, even made me pee while supervised. I would assume that now that my dose is stable that it will show up in my tests but i have to wait and see. I know that i took the med and it was my pee they tested so it had to be that the dose was too low and it was getting metabolized in a shorter time than most people.

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took a at home drug test and I test possitive for metadone but have never taken it?

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I have been on methadone 6yrs. now i finaly got a great job with benifits and they want me to take a full blood work test will the methadone show up on this blood test? Does it show up on any blood at all ?

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will methadone show up in a urine test if I took the methadone on the same day as the test

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took 5 mg nigt before test. 19 hrs later took urine test. will the level be low enough to pass the 300ng/ml level. I have a fast system.

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If I'm correct because Methadone is completly synthetic ( man made) it doesn't metabolize into morphine, heroin,codeine etc.. again as stated by another response your Dr. should know this. If she looks it up in a PDR she'll probably realize this. Most drug tests check for metabolites that are broken down in the liver and /or kidneys. This usually only occurs with drugs derived from plants. A test for Methadone or any other synthetics can be done via gas chromatograph if the drug is being screened for specifically but is obviously cost prohibitive, Good Luck!!

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the dose is too low. it has to have a concentraction in the urine of at least 300ng/ml for most test to be accurate. and because it is expensive to test for lower levels than that it is not done. your dose is not high enough to be detected and that is why it is not showing up. you dr. should know this if he is a specialist in pain management or knows anything about methadone. it is unlike anyother opiate in the way it is broken down by the body and the way it works in the body

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JOJO: ask the dr. to personal witness you take your medication, and draw blood an urine after 4 hours, this should confince them you truthful

a good site for you to look at on the web is an i'm not totally sure of the dots an dashes but try http:/­/­www.usatoday.com/­money/­industries/­health/­drugs/­2003-05-14-fakedrug-cover_x.htm

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The Dr. said that she did test for it a couple of times. I am wondering if it could be other medications or vitamins or something.

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Unless the test for methadone it will not show up on a regular urine test ask and make sure that your doctor is testing for methadone.

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Yes, it doesn't make sense, but it has happened.

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some people detoxify faster than others, it depends on the amount of fluid intake, amount of work or exercise, some medications even have been ineffective, if DR. raises the issue again ask that he perform a observation test where he or his nurse actually watch you consume it an draw blood or urine, after a set time normally 4 hours after consumtion

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go to google search bar and type in why doesn`t methadone show up in a urine test?
you will get lots of answers, hope you find one that helps you.

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