Why Did Methadone Not Show Up In Urine Test (Page 3)
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I am very concerned. My Dr. started me on methadone at 5 mg 2x per day. 4 days later I had a urine test and the methadone did not show up. now my Dr. is concerned that I am not following treatment and I have been following it as I was told to. does anyone have have any idea as to why methadone would not show up in a pee test?

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Will methadone show up on a D.O.T. drug test. ??

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If you have only taken 5mg b.i.d. for 4 days, then perhaps the methadone hasn't been in your system long enough. However, if you were given a gas chromatography, as she should have, I would have thought it would show up. However, even if it were in your system, if you fall below a cut-off mark, (I believe), then you would show as "negative" for methadone. Hope that helps. Demand the best test available if you are having problems with it showing up. Remember, it is not uncommon for tests to get mixed up, i.e. human error. Demand your rights!

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Will methadone show up on a DOT drug screen ( hair folical) ? Please help

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I have been reading all these posts about urine tests not coming up positive for the drugs we take. This happened to me the other day at my doctors too. I am also in FL and it would suck to have them drop me as a patient because of this. My doctor said I was the third patient that came up that way this week. She had tested two other patients and the same thing. I wear a patch and I have it on all the time as well as my other drugs that I take for break though. I had just taken my break thru medication about 2 hours before. My daughter was with me and we were trying to figure out the time I took my meds, the doctor could tell that I was not being dishonest. The patch should have definitely come up. There is obviously something wrong with these tests since this is happening and it seems like it is basically in FL. What can we do to prove that the test is damaged. I can't afford to not be able to get my medication. I am in constant pain now I can't imgagine having to live this way because of an error on the part of the testing company. Is there anything we can do as a group to see what this problem is and if it is the same company that this seems to be happening with. If anyone has any suggestions please reply so that we can get this worked out. I know my doctor is too busy to do it on her own.

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wow the same thing has just happened to me I was just accused of not taking my meds and i have rsd which is a very painful condition and i take methadone, i take my meds every day like i am supposed to and i am so upset about this whole thing i've never abused drugs ever and hate feeling judged i need answers as to what has happened.

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If i put methadone in a urine test will i recieve a positive test result?i need to know a.s.a.p

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I am so incredibly sorry for your plight, JennC. I am a chronic pain patient with multiple well documented spinal problems due to a congenital malformation of my spine (at birth). If I can do anything for you (REALLY), let me know. I will write letters, whatever... Peace be with you, and let us know how you are.

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I was using the clinic and lying because I'm terminally ill. He cost me 1/3 of my SSI check. He hasn't kicked Mr out because he knows I'll be on hospice soon. But central Fla is busting Drs for lortabs. So us sick Ppl get the run around for meds. He was investigated. Wasn't shut down and I'm locked in CVS. Now they're saying they are choosing not to fill my meds I'm getting an attorney somewhere I feel strongly my rights have been taken away. I'm dying but somehow there's allot of pills on the street. Thx for the info......peace

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i had medical which come back clear and i use up to 150 ml a day for the last 5 years,which i thought was weird,once a company knows your on the program oviously your not going to get the position...

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I see this everyday. What if someone is changing your pills for themselves. I don't no who but It's worth checking out!!

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I found out exactly why there was no methadone in my system. They got my drug urine test mixed up with someone else. The test showed I was ONLY on lorazepam, and I don't even know what that is. Nothing else showed up. At my next doctor's visit, they had a brand new drug screen testing company, and had fired the old one. PROOF POSITIVE: Many people are unnecessarily deprived of their meds because of simple human error. Thanks for all your help!

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Im terminally ill and on 200mgs of methadone a day and the last 2 months my urinalys has been neg of methadone. Now come on, of course he tests for methadone because thats what Im on. The 1st month he was OK. Last night he was looking at me like a drug dealer, and here in Fl it is neary impossible to get narcotics no matter what your diagnosis is. He is sending it to a lab to verify, but this has never happened. I had kidney tests yesterday, I am wondering if my kidneys are starting to failm if that would interfere with a drug test? He said No No and No to all 3 of my questions, and like the person above, he is the only pain Dr with in 200 miles of me. Im wondering if Im getting old or really cheap generic meds because lately I have had to take more at night, I don't even feel like I took any pain meds at all, and Im on 10 10mgs am 10 10mgs pm? This is very odd, but because all of the drug abuse Im the one that will probably get in trouble. Very strange. I too started drinking coconut milk and oil recently...Maybe it covers it Hmmm

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The standard 5 panel UDS doesn't test for methadone because it isn't technically the same opiate like the others. There are other tests that will test for it specifically though.

As to the CVS worker, you shouldn't be taking drugs anyway. ...I guess that's why some people get the wrong prescriptions (their employees are cracked out).

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As long as you have a dr's permission to take methadone,or recieve it from a clinic you will be fine.Methadone is not only used for heroine addicts anymore,and is a cheap alternative to oxycontin,because they both have long lasting affects.Just disclose the use to the tester and why you use it.They can distinguish between methadone and oxycodone,and the idea that 5mg.s,4 times a day would not show up after 4 days is ludicrous.Something must be wrong with the test.

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If you are in cronic pain your body may be using up the methadone you may have to go up a little on your dose for awhile till you build up your system

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does anyone know if CVS tests for methadone. I am getting promoted and use it off and on. I have a script for norcos and xanex but not the methadone.

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when a doctor tests you for the drugs in your system , do they test for methedone ,

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Regarding a recent post by me about a test coming back negative for my Rx'd Methadone, I got a copy of that test. Guess what? It could NOT have been my urine. It came back with none of what I take in it, and other things showed positive that I have never even been prescribed. Urine drug screens suck! Chain of command is bulls***!

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Yeah 5mg is too little. you'll metabolize that overnight no probs. If your Doctor thinks your selling it and not taking it, then tell him, that another Doctor (me) said that 5mg is so small it will not show up in a standard urinalysis. It will show up in a GCMS urinalysis so tell your Doctor you want the Advanced GCMS (Gas chromatography Mass Spectrometer. But hes a Heads up warning. You cant beat this. This will show the tiniest of tiny amounts of anything. It can tell how much water you flushed with, enabling Pathologists to simply apply a math algorithm to determine the actual drug amount etc. It is so accurate that if somebody blew a single paper Marijuana joint in the same room as you it will show up those very small amounts. If you want to prove to your doctor when you stopped / Started illicit drugs ask for a hair follicle test to show your drug use in a time line.. But basically it is possible to metabolize small amounts of anything to the point where it will not show in basic drug tests. Esp if you are skinny no matter how much you eat, male and tall.

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I have been taking 40 mg q.i.d. of Methadone for 3 years, with other dosages of Methadone over 2 more years, for a total of about 5 years. I recently tested negative for any signs of Methadone in my system. I take many herbal supplements, plus prilosec, estrogen, PseudoFed, Zyrtec, Naprosyn, etc. I take my pills like a person with OCD. I may lose my pain meds now because they think I am selling them, but I have a very severe congenital back problem with lots of pain. I also drink over 8 glasses of water a day, 4-6 big mugs of coffee, and occasionally the amount of a family tea bag in a day's time (24 hrs). I am always thirsty. I also take 3 Tbs of coconut oil p.o. per day for energy and metabolism.

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