White Oblong Capsule With Black Writing Novel 123 30mg
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white capsule with black writing that says novel 123 30 mg, writing on both sides
11 Replies
Re: Kevin (# 10)
Agreed. Novel does not work for me AT ALL. Brand Restoril was a wonderful sleep aid. I am fortunate to be able to pay if I could get it, but no pharmacy stocks them. These pharmacies force crap generics on us by not even being able to special order brand. Some older (and superior) meds they can't get at all--generic or brand! It's enraging. My ethical, trusted doctor knows best, not the DEA or wholesale worker at Chain Pharmacy Inc! And meds that have been used safely for decades are preferable sometimes to the new well-advertised and kickback-laden drug!
Re: James (# 8)
I find the white novel to be less potent than the yellow capsules.
Re: Lee (# 4)
If ur in Vegas I got a bundle over ,200 been stocking up if u want them 400$ there urs
Re: Susan (# 7)
I have tried both the yellow and Novel 123 White. I find them to be the exact same in terms of efficacy, and I think Novel is actually slightly more potent than other generics.
I was concerned when I picked up my temazepam..I opened my bottle to my surprise and shock..What freaked me out to see white pills..Not yellows capsules..I have been on 60mg..Of temazepam for over at least 20+ years now..Yellow..Not white..Now with reading the comments..I'm concerned and leary at what I'm taking..But also see most ppl are saying wal-mart are saying the cost for temazepam or resorel..Will cost them anywhere from $100.00-$500.00..No..The cost with cash is $43.90 for 60 pills..But..Like I say..I take 60 mg..So still if you're getting a 3 month supply it should only cost you $130.00..Just saying you should check in to that..
I have a seizure disorder..Never had this new change of novel 123... My question is, will this throw me into a seizure? I don't have little seizures..I end up in icu..Why now today..I'm asking..The change from the yellow to the small novel 123..I took it at 9:00pm..I would already be in bed sound sound asleep..I'm wide eyed and busy tailed..Plz..Don't tell me to call my dr..I can't take anything else..We tried everything under the sun for years..This was the only thing that worked..Now they changed..Wrong in my books..Can you tell me if this is gonna mess with my seizures? Thank you.
Can u mix novel 123. 30 millagram with 30 millagram oxycodone I'm nervous ti take for bed without knowing someone please help me
Sorry. The $500 was for WalMart's Restoril. The Novel123 has made me loopy for sure!
I took the generic last night and it's made me incompetent--drunk, really--through late this following day, though I've taken Restoril for years (for getting back to sleep at night). I'm a 5'4' female. The other two generics I tried left me feeling too druggy, so I usually get Restoril. The cost differential is puzzling. One local drug store chain charged $100 last month for 30 mg (I break down this cost-effective size with a second capsule.) Yesterday WalMart quoted $500. for thirty Novel123. How could that be?
My husband takes this drug, along with Ambien to sleep....and still doesn't sleep well. I never knew what the "2nd" pill the doc gave him was for. Now I know it treats anxiety and nervous disorders. My husbands is definitely anxiety...but taking Ambien and this drug, his sleeping is still poor....
My doctor prescribes temazepam ( this time I got novel 123) for sleep. Sometimes one 30 mm capsule does not help me get to sleep. How many of these could I take safely to insure I get the expected result.(sleep) I guess the question is "are these drugs fatal if too many are taken at one time." How many are too many"?
This tablet contains 30mgs of Temazepam, the active ingredient in Restoril, it is used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders.
Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability.
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