White Oblong 15 One Side U L Other


white oblong pill with ul on one side an a 15 on the other side

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i got a white oblong pill w/ UL on one side and 15 on the other i was told it was klonopin, im pregnant and am scaird to take it , i get klonopin perscribed to me regulary but ive been throwing up my meds, my dr is on vacation and im short pills b.c of my morning sickness can u please tell me what it is??

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This is meloxicam {edited for policy reasons}

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why is it necessary to respond in that manner.. when ppl want answers they ask.. they aren't suppose to be criticized for wanting to know something.. you are very immature for using that kind of language on a Q&A site, I think she did the right thing as a mother to be!

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I have also identified pill imprint U L 15 as Meloxicam (15 mg).

Meloxicam is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, used to relieve the symptoms of arthritis, primary dysmenorrhea, fever; and as an analgesic.

Manufacturer: Unichem Pharmaceuticals

National Drug Code (NDC): 29300-0125

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Meloxicam Details

I hope this helps!

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