White Cross Energy Pills (Page 4)
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smaller than an asprin and makes you want to get up and go, fast

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I would like to know/how to order some white cross pills on line. Could you send me the info.

Thank you!

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They are called Bennie and it is benzadrine.

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Being told it is called the white cross and it is speed ,and it was used and produced by fda for overweight clients

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I know that ephedrine was taken off the market for a few years which is what I believe White Crosses were made from; Black Beauties are now called Adderall (amphetamine salts), yellow jackets - weren't those nembutal (barbituates) not speed. Phentermine used to come in yellow capsules but that too is no longer available without a doctors prescription. Do NOT take the crap they sell on the internet that says "no script needed" - It's counterfeit and is not phentermine and can really hurt you bc they put whatever they want into the pill which comes from China via India. The only way to get those types of stimulants is through a doctor's prescription as they are Class II controlled substance...

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I never liked those things, having been a meth user in the late 60's early 70's the Black Beauties and White Crosses did nothing but make me feel agitated and somewhat energized, not anything close to focus or euphoria. I don't even know why I am in the page, like you but a bit older, I'm 61 and clean & sober 24 years (Class of 1991). I must be honest and say that I do miss the euphoria of the real stuff preceeding WC's and BB; , and always being thin. and lots of energy, but that's because I stopped going to meetings, no other answer to my question. But I also got fat and I'm trying to figure out what to do, I'm disabled now and can't move around and work out etc. like I had in younger years. .

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i need the white cross of the 70's

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Does anyone know where/how to get mini thins, white cross, ephedrine (whatever name u may call it) in the US? I was ordering online from Canada, but they won't ship to us anymore! Help!

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Yes, where can I get this supplement? Was able to get them over the counter in Tennessee at one time.

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Hi I would like the link as well. I am not into any of the new stuff. I spend soooo much money on all the stuff that doesn't work! U weight loss, hcg, isagenics, and every new over the counter and even some perscription what ever I can to get energy and lose weight. Selling me all this stuff that doesn't work should be illegal. I just want something that works.

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Cross tops diet pills from the 70's what happened to them? can you still buy them?

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Hey guys they are ephidren tablets-we used to call them white crosses' you can still get them prep time I think just do a search for mini whites but now there like 15.99 for 14 at Amazon

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Hello Mike my name is Faye. I sure would love to have the address for the white cross or white pill.

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I hadn't heard that they discontinued "eat less, move around more".

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Hello, I would like the link as well please, have been looking forever well since 85. No I am not 72 or anywhere near it. thanks.

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My parents use to take the "White Crosses, yellow jackets, and black beauties, and I believe that Mini Thins... I ordered mini thins through Amazon, but they aren't anything like white crosses. People use to they'd take em all together which was a bad idea. But I would like to know if they still make white crosses, yellow jackets, or black beauties. Or straight "Ephedrine", instead of herbals plus Ephedrine. Can someone please tell me or explain to me if there are anything like straight ephedrine?

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please send me the link that has been removed for the white crosses out of canada ..pls {edited for privacy}

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Ellen, please be sensible. You are 72 years old. i took these pills at age 19-26 and darn near had a heart attack if taking too many too close together. you have no business taking this stuff if you could even find it.

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I m working two jobs and have no energy

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I would like the link as well. I can't figure out why they keep discontinuing things in the us to keep us obese. Don't make no sense to me.

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I remember these things. I used to take them in the 90s when I was rodeoing and had to drive for hours on end in my dual tank pickup. I had to pop quite a few of them. It made me feel like I had ants crawling in my hair. When you got to your destination, you'd have to make sure you had plenty of time to recover from the effects...especially if you were planning to hook up. Plumbing was like a wet noodle until the effects wore off!

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