White 10mg Diazepam Ranbaxxy


Stay away from these hard white supposed 10mg pills. I can assure everyone that they are not legit. I take blue teva pills for pain and anxiety and they help me get up and get on with my day. These Ranbaxy 10mg white "diazepam" have left me bed ridden and in all over pain. They make you sleepy and it's really hard to wake up and when you do, it's a bed day all over again. Makes my cervical stenosis 100x worse!!! Blue teva ALL THE WAY!!!

31 Replies (2 Pages)

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RE: "I can assure everyone that they are not legit."

Are you meaning to say that Ranbaxy produces fake or counterfeit medication? Or simply ineffective medication, leading to an onset of pain & withdrawal symptoms due to less potency vs other manufacturer's brands?

I can't imagine a licensed pharmaceutical company producing "fake" medication...but ineffective medication, yes. And it may just come down to different binders and fillers that affect bioavailability when it comes to one manufacturer vs another. Some inert ingredients that make up the composition of the pill don't get always get digested, processed or eliminated properly by our bodies, in-turn, hindering tablet efficacy.

If you have a pill imprint for each version of Diazepam you're taking or have taken, maybe we could more closely compare the different attributes to try and determine the culprit ingredient?

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

or maybe you indirectly work for terapia / ranbaxy or have some other motive? Lets be honest, its not uncommon for drugs that don't come out of the US/UK to have questionable quality in comparison.. After using terapia/ ranbaxy myself after abstinence from benzos ( due to not needing them) i can confirm the ones i have (due to panic / anxiety) are very week / ineffective when compared to US/UK brands that have been sufficient / effective when required in the past.

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I've taken them to try to help me sort myself out but they don't work at all. They are small white ones in blister packs and look like the real deal but are not. If I had the blue ones I am relaxed and not on edge all the time but with these, I don't know what they are. They even come sealed with diazepam printed on the box. It also says neliz on the box and blister pack as well as 10 ml diazepam with a circle in green with a capital N in it and neliz in black on it.

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I have to completely disagree. I have very real and good quality Terapia Ranbaxy 10mg diazepam that come in blisters of 10 x 3 in one box with leaflet written in Romania and English. Ranbaxy are a huge pharmaceutical company that make more than just diazepam. A lot of POM medication you get from your chemist will be made by Ranbaxy. 10 years and consistently good diazepam from Romania. The other Romanian brand is Gedeon Richter. Also excellent.

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

That's why I like the galinika bensedin Diazapam. They're from Serbia and apparently, they're the cleanest valium you can get. They're white dome-shaped round strips of 30.

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Sorry, strips of 15 not 30.

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Many private pharmacies have begun getting their valium and xanax from India, where they are for sale over the counter, no Rx needed. It started out to be used to help keep the population who live there from becoming violent or despondent about conditions they are forced to live in; those meds are very weak and are a big target of counterfeiters to this day. These drugs are all over the internet and available to Americans through the mail, illegal yes, but all shipments from India via internet come wrapped in tinfoil to throw off the large x-ray machines used by border officials and postal centers here in America to look for exactly that, counterfeit drugs and illegal shipments.

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Re: mohammed (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

The fact is that the well known brands are being faked to such a high standard to look at and that includes the packaging too, loose pills. Unless you know who you are dealing with then it's 50/50 chance you could get real ones or homemade ones. Although if it's a bulk purchase then a lot of the time you will have a choice of how you want to receive your prescription. Strips are something that has come about in the last 10-12 years and hospitals still have lots of the products in question.

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Wow that's some nasty stuff you got your hands on by the sounds of it. Never heard of or come across them. The d10 are one of the better white Valiums, but if you can get your hands on white Roche 10mg they should be OK. Other than that you need to look for the generic Indian products as they are not very often faked.

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Re: leight (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

pots of all kinds of benzodiazipines are sent to hospital's every day

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Taste chalkey, more so than atavis or teva as I had , not sure at all there is a line though them and come in packs of 10

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Do you know what they are if not diazepam? Had these too and agree that it makes you too dopey.

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Re: Orlys mate (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Same here. Only got some today, very good quality. If they were not diazepam I would be in withdrawal. All brands are being faked, so you can be lucky or unlucky.

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Re: Attila thehun (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I have them too. Are they a good brand?

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I have had these arrive yesterday, gutted I am as I was waiting on them only to find out that they did absolutely nothing :( I guess at the minute it’s pot luck and stay alert

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Can anyone recommend an internet order pharmacy where I can fill a diazepam prescription?

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Re: Attila thehun (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I’m in uk we’re can I get them ones from the guy I was getting that certain brand from no longer lives near me?

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There not valium or you've took a reaction to the filler that's in them WHAT EVER IT IS

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Absolute nonsense. Yes, counterfeit Ranbaxy Terapia have been seen but I assure you I have used the brand (Terapia was the Communist era State Pharma Company & was bought by Ranbaxy) for over 20 years and confirm they are one of the best brands in Europe, often feeling over strength.

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Re: Jk (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

You are not talking about the same Terapia (Romanian for "therapy") pills, so why post that in this thread?

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Re: forgotten nickname (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Nonsense. Look at any Indian benzo blister and read. They are Schedule H drugs which can be dispensed only on the Rx of a licenced physician. Where did the OTC nonsense come from?

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Re: Orlys mate (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Gedeon Richter is an Hungarian company though, as with Egis, I have heard that both now have smaller factories in Romania.
Richter products are indeed fine quality.

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Re: Orlys mate (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Since when has the PIL had any text in English?

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Re: Jk (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Well in that case they are not Terapia diazepam.
You are describing a different brand.

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Re: Attila thehun (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Yes definitely agree. Do you still take these? If I have got what you have described, they work fantastic for confidence and get me feeling motivated. The only thing is the date says "od 28/07/2017". Is that the same date you have?

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Re: Tim (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Correction. They come in packs of 30, 3 x blisters of 10, same as most meds.

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Re: Diazy (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

The Romanian website which has been going for at least 22 years would be my suggestion. They are best known for MST Continus, SEVREDOL, OxyContin etc, but carry Terapia diazepam and (joy of joys) Frontin alprazolam as well. Anybody who uses the Web knows who I mean!

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Re: leight (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Blister strips have been used for well over 50 years. It is extremely rare to be dispensed anything in a bottle now and has been for many years!

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Re: forgotten nickname (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Benzos are Schedule H meds only dispensed on Rx. Some dodgy pharmacies will sell OTC if you're willing to pay ten times the MRP as stated on the government blue stamp compulsory on every blister. Just look at that and then think about what you paid!

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Re: Attila thehun (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Strips of 15. Two strips to à Box. Galenika was the Yugoslav State Pharma company and I have used their products since around 1978.

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