When Va Physicians Refuse To Treat For Legitimate Issues Call Everything Now Fibromyalgia (Top voted first)
UpdatedRecently MRI suggested herniated disc with extra lumbar disc,verified peripheral neuropathy,3torn cartilage(was tdue to have total knee replacement) osteoporosis,(can fx ribs just rotating mattress)fx hip x3yrs ,CHF,GRAVES disease,(never knew could hurt so bad w bone pain til dx with hyperparathyroidsm.) Now,pain clinic,refusing to continue regime that I've been on the last 14years,without asking for increase in dosing. If I could take N-said,I would,CHF can't also nurse overdosed me inpatient on Tylenol,can't take.anything that has Gabbapentin I have adverse reactions,i.e./neurontin,Lyrica,depakote,-tried steroids,couldn't breathe,but pain clinic doesn't believe me, although documentation in record. discontinued most of my medicine,and no compassion for rap taper..what to do, detox alone could kill me, misdiagnosed x38 years ago, yet veteran always to blame. had been asking for past 11 months for help with sciatic type pain, searing, no one would listen. even now with positive MRI...
2 Replies
Have you tried seeing a doctor outside of the VA?
They don't have to prescribe anything or treat you for anything, so there's not a lot you can do otherwise.
What medications were you taking? And who do you see at the pain clinic, as doctor or an assistant?
VA won't allow a second opinion,I did get an MRI,which would necessitate a consult, but I've been denied. I've gone through the protocol set, yet, because the pain clinic physician (who kicked me out 4yrs ago, discontinuing my medicine without detox,- is the same who now says fibromyalgia) I asked the director for FEE BASIS 3x he denied me. It's not just the issue that I disagree, I believe everyone has the right to choose and be involved in their health care. if there is a team approach but doesn't include the patient, then it's not team- it's controlling overseer. I'm not one to put my life in another person's hand if insecurity demands I see no one but that physician.one person doesn't necessarily always have all the answers. To dismiss prior tests,proven accurate,and ignore anything but one person's perspective,this is unhealthy. NO patient ever need bow their soul to anyone.MY PC who could treat me defers to the diagnosis set by the pain clinic. HE himself, has never examined me nor would read the MRI results, total puppet mentality. HE didn't hurt me but he did nothing as a physician to help. if all I have is a neutral person,he's just a puppet .what value is that to me, he has already decided beforehand,so what I bring forth he ignores,yet so does the director.
I have spoken to civilian clinic who stated my symptoms,+MRI constitute a second opinion yet VA continues to refuse to allow.I didn't go looking for drugs as they think,I was already on medicine,I needed to find the root cause of pain that was new and overrode the medicine to the degree I sometimes hurt so bad,I couldn't feel my leg when I had sat down too long.Being medical myself,I find this behavior disturbing especially when so much is being said of inappropriate treatment at other VA HOSPITALS.because our hospital isn't on the list,I honestly can sense an arrogance as I have sought help"staff know they can't be fired or even disciplined; WHEN THE FOX IS GUARDING THE HENHOUSE, WHO'S GUARDING THE FOX"?????
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