When Can I Take Pain Meds After Taking A Suboxone


When can I start taking a bunavail after taking 2 roxycodone

4 Replies

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You must be in full withdrawal from all other opiates, before taking Suboxone, or it may throw you into dangerous precipitated withdrawals.

The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation.

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Verwon is correct. Not necessarily full-blown withdrawals, but you need to have at least a few of the first symptoms of withdrawals, which varies from person to person. Safe rule is usually at least 24 hours from last dose.

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The FDA may have a warning but I think the doctor prescribing needs to have a heavier burden of letting the patient know just had hard or impossible to get off Suboxzone even if they use it for a short term. Instead it has became a high dollar item were the doctor wants you on it forever to obtain the very high cash cost to be paid to them monthly.

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Amen to that....with subs ur ONLY zit's a $ thing for Dr's..... just trading one addiction for another.... Dr who is a close relative, tried to tell me that but i would'n listen...Subs absolute hell to stop...detox from opiates and forget subutex or suboxone...please

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