What Is The Withdrawal Like When Your On Methadone To Subutex (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Please be ware there is no explaining what will happen to you physically and mentally you will wish you where dead and you feel like your going to I was on 80mg of methadone for 1 month I did 1\4 of an ampuill it was the worst experience I don't think they put o the warning labels what happened but it was really BAD

36 Replies (2 Pages)

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no, you are just dispensing bad and completely incorrect advice that is going to send someone into serious s*** if they listen to you. i take this stuff seriously, so if you don't, maybe you shouldn't be running your mouth (or your keyboard) on a forum about serious, grown up things. this is a thread about something of which u obviously don't have the correct information. so how about staying out of it?

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then dont dispense bad advice as if its gospel, k? and after dispensing said "bad advice", how about dont be such a condescending smart as when someone comes with the actual facts. i feel for you having to go through W/Ds. i do; ive been there. but that has nothing to do with me. in fact, why dont you go back and read what you wrote and see if you can figure it out.

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I took my last dose of 80 mg of methadone monday morning then yesterday got a script of subutex .... my withdrawals have been so bad I feel like death. They put me on 8 mg subutex 3 times a day but I took 1 and am still in so much pain I waited 3 days after last dose of methadone to get the subs but I still hurt and have two small kids to take care of. What do I do? ...How long is this going to hurt? when should I start feeling some relief? Someone plz help...

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I took an 8 mg subutex anywhere from 10 to 15 hours after being on methadone 170 msg daily for months and it put me into life threatening withdrawals. I had blurry vision, extreme anxiety, restlessness, severe cold sweats, weakness, body aches and pains, I felt like I was on my death bed. I went straight to the ER. It was utter hell. They have me an Ativan and it helped a little after an hour. My advice is wait at least a week to be off methadone before taking a subutex. I threw the rest of mine out. Methadone treatment is there way to go for me. Soon I will be off that as well and I will never look back. This experience opened my eyes completely and scared me sober. Good luck to everyone with this nasty addiction. Again do not take Subutex while on methadone! It's a death sentence.

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I am a prior opiat addict. About 3 years ago I used subutex to taper. I got 5 tablets broke them into 4 pieces and left town so I wouldn't get week and call someone. The first night was pretty bad I ended up using 3/4 of a pill, 3 of my little pieces. But the second day it was 2 pieces and so on so forth I took less each day. I didn't just lay around either, I played soccer and kept busy mind and body. Finally when I ran out I was experiencing no withdrawal ! It was amazing. I was clean and free of opiates. But that's when I lost my ability to sleep. I would take every over the counter sleep aid I could find and still watch the sun rise. After days and days of no sleep, I went back home and contacted the people I was never planning on contacting again, I was desperate for sleep and I slept so well one of the best sleeps I've ever had. Also one of the most shameful. I look back and if I had just planned a little better and knowen about the sleep thing I would have gotten a few weeks worth of prescription sleeping pills. I think then I would have succeeded. Anyways now I've been on methadone for over a year.A really high dose, and tapering is terrifying. Is it possible to use subutex to taper off of methadone? It worked so perfectly before but that was not methadone I was coming off of. If it is possible then I could just take some subutex split them up, do what I did before. Except this time be ready for the insomnia and have a couple weeks of good stuff sleeping pills. Then come back clean and free from everything. I started the methadone clinic to be free, and it's not bad, but I don't want to be on it forever. And trying to come off it is BAD. So is it possible to use subutex as a short cut? Or be ause they both similar drugs are they dangerous to mix.do I have to just face I have to come off of methadone very slowly over a long period of time.?

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I was on 150 mgs of methadone; went down to 90, 80, 20, 50, 20 mgs. Took my last dose of 20 mgs at 7:45AM today. Dr gave me clonidine which seems to be helping. Supposed to switch to subutex. Does anyone know how long I should wait?

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Yep!!! this right here is good common sense info!!!....everybody is different and remember! you only hear the horror stories on the internet and not all that many of the success stories, because people just move on with there lives after being a slave to there addiction/DOC for so long!! peace!!

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My insurance will not pay for the subtext or suboxone it's costing us almost 900.00 dollars out of pocket every month my bills are behind because of this is there any place we can go for help

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Your situation is different. The amount has a lot to do with how long you want to wait. You were on a dose that doesnt even block other opiates. I went from 120mgs a day for 4 months to 2 weeks on opiates and then subs, and I felt even worse for almost 12 hours. And then another time I switched from pure fentanyl for 1 month, and took a subutex 10 hours after my last dose of fentanyl, and went into the worst withdrawals of my life. I wasn't able to sleep or get any relief from the subs for 4 days. You need to wait to take subs, and if you keep going with these drugs you will learn that for yourself.

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Re: JB (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Good job bro. I'm about to start my own detox protocol if my clinic wants me to take a year to get off of 120mgs. I have to admit I went to jail and they put me in the infirmary and I did get a small dose of Ativan for 3 days and Dallas County Jail but if anyone knows methadone it takes almost 45 days to sleep right in that situation but I was on 90 mg back then and everybody was telling me I was going to die I made it. Just keep looking forward I'm proud of you.

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Re: niele (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Respect. It sucks. But to be honest, I went down a mg every 3 days for 2 weeks from being on 8mg a day..... I felt not great the first day, but they told me to take a multivitamin and Advil (few times a day) and it helps withdrawals from opiates cuz by day 2 I was feeling jus fine. Couldn't believe it.

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The precipitated withdrawal hit so fast and furious I wanted to die. I had diarrhea so bad the ER put me in a diaper. My doctor thought Suboxone would be a better pain medication for me. He was wrong. He sent me to the ER. Nothing would stop the horrible withdrawal an incredible pain, nausea and diarrhea. They finally resorted to Benadryl and Valium IV. The hospital put I am allergic to suboxone on my chart in big red letters because they said my body couldn’t handle this again.

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Hi Bobbiejo! At any point, while tapering down, u feel bad withdrawals, u can switch 2 suboxone.

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First of all, Naloxone is a pure opioid antagonist-it's Narcan, what EMTs use to reverse overdoses. So...yeah there will be precipitated withdrawals if you are taking Suboxone (Buprenorphine/Naloxone) However, Subutex contains no Naloxone, it will NOT precipitate a withdrawal.
Let's review:
1. Suboxone-bad, brings on withdrawal
2. Subutex-good, no early withdrawal
The Naloxone is present "so that IV users will not abuse Suboxone." Right. Tell that to some junkies I know! (exact same effect-waste of time) I can only surmise that it is there because the pharmacies & the doctors gotta get paid. They should! Just not so efghijking much!

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I didn't even read past the first sentence you wrote. You are a ridiculous individual and anything you write is obviously a joke. Quit wasting my time playing little kiddie games on a forum about serious issues. Really...get some help. Like, mentally. You clearly need it.

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PENNYLANE: Please do not attempt to mix methadone with bupe (subutex). You will throw yourself into precipitated withdrawals. If you take bupe too soon after taking methadone, or any other opioids, you can experience what are called precip. w/ds. They are HORRIBLE, and I have gone through them personally, because of bad advice from a pharmacist. They are NOT doctors. I had not researched this drug enough, and made the mistake of taking bupe too soon after opiates. UGH!!! Methadone is even longer acting, so you really need to wait 48 hours before taking bupe after methadone. Make sure you are feeling pretty crappy off the methadone before you go to the bupe. Believe me, I am in the same boat. I am on methadone tabs, have gone from a high-ish dose down to 85. I go down about a half a tab every 3 to 4 weeks. So yes, you will probably just have to go down slowly. But don't get discouraged. Unless you are willing to face full-on withdrawals, that's what you have to do. Constantly mixing bupe with methadone really just isn't possible, unless you are planning to come off of the methadone altogether and go onto the bupe. Good luck and let me know if you have any more questions.

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