What Is The Shelf Life Of Alprazolam Before It's Useless? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have a bottle of alprazolam from 2005 and I'm wondering if it's still good? It's 4 years old at the time of writing this.

159 Replies (8 Pages)

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I agree! Religious people are the most screwed in the head and criticize people all the time. Medicine is what saves people not freakin child-molesting priests.

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Couldn't agree more,sorry just got dragged in when I
Heard all the religious nonsense ,just couldn't resist a

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Hi Linda ,
As you know for a fact that god exists !!!!!would you please explain the FACTS to me,please be advised that anecdotal evidence not backed up by science is NOT evidence,that any texts taken from a four thousand year old book is not evidence,is your god shiva?mars? Odin?
Or any of the multitude of deities that exist?.
Good be with you Bruno.

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Good one my friend!!!!!! And how come Jesus never healed or restored the limb of an AMPUTEE?

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Friend of mine took xanax that expired in 1985. He ssaid they hit him just the same. I think expiration dates are just a scam

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Why can't one find useful truthful actual medical advice on Googled questions about drugs. instead I am forced to scim through uninformed anecdotal bull s***. I've read posts from folks who need Jesus to hold there hands before they can take a piss. As well, ad posts from pill popping hypochondriacs. Why no real tangible advice from someone qualified to say a pill will last so many months or years after the experiation date on the bottle?

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I have a bottle from the 50s. Still works for me!

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God gives people gifts, like doctors who prescribe medications such as xanax. so in a way, He's helping us all out. :b

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Someone is asking a valid question probably for a serious answer. And you come back with your Jesus Saves crap. I have nothing against Religion, just stupid people like you that push your crap on people in places where it doesn't belong, is not needed nor asked for. Most would say they would downright appreciate it if you kept your mumbo-jumbo to yourself within a forum like this. You're Welcome.

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What on earth has religious mumbo jumbo got to do with the shelf life of a medicine? One, moreover, which is most effective in the treatment of anxiety and panic disorder? I can think of a few that may help delusional states...

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I pray to GOD almost every day to not let me feel the way I do. But I wake up the next day and feel the same way. Just maybe GOD gave humans the gift of brains to make these medications to help people out. Just don't as long as they are not abused. I don't take the pill often because I forget I have them. Buy I just took one because of many days just of praying it's wasn't working. But guess what maybe God did answer my prayer and let me remember the Xanax. Right now I feel good..... I read several in places that shelf life on drugs are really about 15 years, but pharmicutical companies want to make money, not cure us or make us feel better.

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Do not assume this person was a problem with drugs!
The way u respond to someone about God makes a big difference weather they accect/ denie him. I believe in God and know that he can give u a peace that passes all understanding but a person must be open to receive it and the way u are coming at them their not going to be open their going to be on defense !! Just saying

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Yes how illuminating this comment is!!!!
Religion is the SUSPENSION of faith,

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Hi Linda,
Please don't feel sorry for me,if you wish to be a slave to your imaginary bearded sky fairy and it makes you happy so be it,but why don't you put your thought processes at work and think,for one, why is god always imagined to be a man?answer because it was dreamed up by men,the bible is just tribal mythology trying ti make sense of the world ,good bless you,Bruno.

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Nervous Wife, by now you've probably learned that 17 month-old Zanax is fine, though I wouldn't risk it myself, not after the hell I've gone through with 2 and 3-year old Zanax. Rather die than go through that again. I have to say - for those who take Zanax older than a year - there's a damn good reason the manufacturer insists on the expiration date of ONE YEAR on the label: Not just less effective but potentially quite toxic to the GI tract. NW, I do hope your husband is comfortable and healing - sorry this got off the track with religious banter. Stay well.

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You are a moron.

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That is horrible advice. A person may have a life threatening illness that requires medication.

I won't argue the existence or power of God with you but you, as a Christian, should consider the fact that God gave us the ability to create medication.

If you want to give advice based on your religious views, please consider telling people to take their medication AND pray.

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I just procured a bottle of 0.5 xanax from 1987. I have a pretty high tollerance, easily I can take 4mg at a time. about 40 mins ago I took 4=2mg they feel like the ones I get at the Pharm this month. so I would say they have a very long shelf life, if kept out of sunlight, high temps, and moisture. In the time I wrote this they have begun to fully kick in.... hope this helps

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I just procured a bottle of 0.5 xanax from 1987. I have a pretty high tollerance, easily I can take 4mg at a time. about 40 mins ago I took 4=2mg they feel like the ones I get at the Pharm this month. so I would say they have a very long shelf life, if kept out of sunlight, high temps, and moisture. In the time I wrote this they have begun to fully kick in.... hope this helps

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