What Is The Shelf Life Of Alprazolam Before It's Useless? (Page 7)


I have a bottle of alprazolam from 2005 and I'm wondering if it's still good? It's 4 years old at the time of writing this.

159 Replies (8 Pages)

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You my friend are the one that needs help.... lol look at your BOOK of a post replying to a stranger and bashing her with hate and talk of her wanting to argue over religion... I am seriously laughing out loud right now that you called Tabatha out for saying some kind words and offering HER opinion of a solution. I find that ppl that have to respond with your kind of hate its usually because deep down they believe what we're saying but they want proof of it and want us to argue with them and give them some proof. but why dont you yourself call out to Jesus and see if He responds. If not no harm done right? then you can go on with your hate speeches and craziness. So go ahead don't be afraid I mean were looney anyway right theres no truth to it! lol

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No the devil is the reason,Jesus is the Healer and with you thinking that of Him you have no faith in Him.. He will heal you but by what you typed you are letting the devil make you think Jesus is the reason and is not healing you.... God Bless

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Find somewhere else to vent your religious issues. You dont belong on here, find a church forum or go to church to get out your Jesus opinions. We are on here regarding med question!!

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I use one 100mg Alprozolam approximately once a month for panic attacks. The prescription expired about 1-1/2 years ago. I took one last night, and it had no effect whatsoever on the panic. I did finally fall asleep, and was late waking up for work (this is the main effect it how has). Can you become resistant to Alprozolam even if you only take one once every 4-6 weeks?

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Xanax will still be good up to 15 years if kept in a cool dry place.

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Dayum!!!! Drop the mic. Lol! Well said!

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Not only stopped attacks, saved my life I am sure. I keep one in my
pocket like a Linus blanket. Panic attacks are one of the worst effect a body can have. Its funny, I was talking to my friend that is a pharmacist just today and there a just a couple drugs that can kill you if u quit cold turkey, and alpralozam and xanax are two (if u have been using for some time, in my case 14 years. He said your md will give a different pill for a week and so on for a month to be safe. If you cut cold turkey u better yell Jesus, forvive me my sins because my ass is heading your way)

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She did not mean not to take your medication -she meant Jesus will help it work even better --you misunderstood the purpose of Jesus --He is here to help us in general and not to "fuss" at you but to see you as a whole person worth love as much as anybody else -- we all need love to help our attitudes about life -- you misunderstood her -- for some reason you expect the church to be "perfect" --it is made up of humans who do many unfortunate things as well as those who do good things -- this world is not heaven --that is for after this world --try it --you will like it -- Jesus is for everybody to help us feel better and even get well --sometimes --some of us have chronic problems...but we always have Jesus to ask for help --and He answers --with grace-- to help our situation.

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I suspect that your cruelty in the name of Jesus has you feeling quite smug and self-satisfied when you go to sleep at night. Jesus said, "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Perhaps you should read up on the beliefs of your savior, and try to follow his example.

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Yeah high and mighty where's the all mighty curing dying children with cancer with all the prayer in the world???? Its medication and treatment saving 98% of the ones that dont die! Go to a children's cancer ward pray your bible beating ass off then go back and visit 3 months later and with the most modern medicine, and all your prayers and see how many are still alive! Then put that in your religious pipe and smoke it!!!!

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Yes if you are sincere in your request then He is faithful and true to take away our addiction. He sometimes waits to see how faithful and true we are to our promise to quit before He really helps us. If He makes it too easy to quit the habit we might think we'll that was easy so I'm going to try it again. Next time It won't be so easy I promise it gets worse every time we relapse. I didn't believe it until I experienced it myself.

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Hey I. Agree. With. The person that says. ask God an I. Also. Know these so called. Dr. An there staff. they. Put you on something. That's working. For you but the problem is if you don't have. Good. Insurance. They.don't care about you an the phafmcy look.at you like. Your trash when you have.to take something like. Xanax because to them your nothing but an. addict so you.need. to stop. downing people because the truth is when it all comes down.to who truly cares an. Only one that loves you more then you will ever know is our. Lord an savior that God sent to die on that cross for my sin an yours to an I'm praying now because he will heal me when.
I call that so called Dr of mine. His staff. Is so hateful an he want even see me when I.need him so think on that an God bless

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I have a prescription for Xanax Dated July 2015 and my probation officer is requiring me to bring a prescription for February 2016. It should be good for one year correct?

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Someone is asking a valid question probably for a serious answer. And you come back with your Jesus Saves crap. I have nothing against Religion, just stupid people like you that push your crap on people in places where it doesn't belong, is not needed nor asked for. Most would say they would downright appreciate it if you kept your mumbo-jumbo to yourself within a forum like this. You're Welcome.

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Thanks ... my sentiments precisely :)

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LMAO. I agree. There's a time and place for everything. I can say I did some alprazolam that was so old the writing was worn off and the footballs were just powder. It still did its job definitely.

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Okay weirdo I don't know what God has to do with anything in this matter lol

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Well said!!! Seriously!! I saw that and was instantly infuriated. Who died and made you perfect? Some people have anxiety ... I mean really? Lol.
Thank you for that long and detailed flick of the wrist!

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This Answer is two fold: 1.) I asked my Doctor a similar question about expired meds. He said "It's fine. You can take them. They might be less potent." 2.) Do Research: there are websites that go in-depth about taking expired meds. Our (U.S.) Military was throwing away expired medications, costing them $millions. A study was conducted & concluded it is, in fact, safe to take expired meds. VIP: The expired meds MUST be stored in its ORIGINAL BOTTLE, preferably in a cool, dry, dark place. Now, just my thoughts about the God comment: "GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES." Pray for strength, guidance, saying a Rosary can bring a calmness & peace to your mind, body & Soul. This, in turn, may give you tranquility during a panic attack & later clarity to find a different Doctor that is better suited for your unique needs. Prayer helps, but you still need to do the work! Never feel ashamed that you need to take meds to feel "normal". And ALWAYS take your meds as directed. I'm not a Doctor, just speaking from my own experience. Many blessings!! XO

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