What Is The Shelf Life Of Alprazolam Before It's Useless? (Page 3)
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I have a bottle of alprazolam from 2005 and I'm wondering if it's still good? It's 4 years old at the time of writing this.

159 Replies (8 Pages)

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I agree. Keep your religious beliefs to yourself. Go knock on some doors. Just not mine.

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That is what Christian scientist believe. There have been several cases of children dying because the parents thought sky daddy would save them. Oh they died? Must not of been a true believer.

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I live in Hawaii where it gets super humid in August/September & we don't have air con. Last filled my Xanax 3/2014. Tried to take one tonight to help sleep & usually only take half. The pill was very brittle & I ended up eating both halves & nothing. So I guess not being stored at controlled room temperature messed with the pills. Last took them in November of 2014 to travel & it worked fine.

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I'm hitting the "like" button on that!

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I agree that the reply is not the best way to introduce Jesus. But your reply about a faith you obviously have no clue about, makes your response no better (or worse based on your rant) than the poster's you're upset with. These comments "Yeah, thats what your all-powerful King of Kings needs, helpers! He is an all-powerful God, creator of the heavens and Earth, but he needs helpers. To do what? How many helpers does he need. What do you do to "help Jesus". Did he also ask Catholic preists to "help" him get children molested?" are so offensive and inappropriate.

God doesn't "need" helpers. That's your assertion. If you have such a strong opinion, perhaps you should read the Bible. God "chooses" his followers to carry out His purposes; which, if you think about it, makes perfect sense. He cares about us and carrying out His purposes through us for our benefit. We're His creation.

And the part about the Catholic priests is just misguided. It's unthinkable and horrible what child molesters do. Those priests that did that were masquerading as Christ followers. Surely you can see that.

You can disagree and we can have a civil discussion. But your vitriolic response does no one any good.

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What happened to tabitha??? Must of had an anxiety attack - God didn't help- she died. Shoulda believed in medication!

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they still make the Valiums with the V cut out it just name brand onlys with the V cut out it just name brand only10mg

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I believe that it all depends on how they were stored, its the luck of the draw.I would say a couple months expired no problem. A couple years not so much, I would just get a new script they don't make em like they use to. However this doesn't apply to all meds I had a bad kidney infection one time so I took some antibiotics that had expired about 8months previously and I had a near deadly allergic reaction towards them. Always consult your dr first. And I promise you God won't save you if it's an hormonal imbalance that's causing your anxiety like me.

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You're joking right? Jesus is not going to cure a hormonal imbalance. I Promise you that

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Jesus was not God. He was a rabbi who possibly was a messenger and that is it.

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Can i take the tylenol from 05

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Wow! U r so disgruntled! Give jesus a chance....open ur heart.

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Hey Tabatha if I need my clothes clean and my washer is on the blink can I say "JESUS my clothes will be clean in your name Halelaluya. Woo Hoo."

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God never puts more on your shoulders than you can handle.

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What great advice, so great to see this in our time today. God bless

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The expiration dating of all prescription drugs is determined by FDA based upon stability studies performed by the manufactuyrer under carefully controlled conditions. When a drug reaches a point statistically below the labeled potency, FDA uses those data to determine the appropriate expiration dating, which is measured from the date manufacturing of the batch of drug is complete. At time beyond the expiration date most drugs are still active and rarely are there any dangers of new side effects, but the potency will be lower. Most pharmacies assign a 1 year expiration date when they fill a prescription, even though the expiration date of the actual drug may be several years longer.

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Good for u Tabetha.. Jesus IS the Almighty Healer!! But He doesnt help those who dont help themselves. In other words, we cant just sit around waiting for a miracle. We have to be proactive in searching for the right kind of. help. Only then will Jesus lend His helping hand. God bless u all :)

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The reason why they put an expiration date is because that is the earliest amount of time the pill could become useless.

I actually have expired xanax now and it is 100% impossible to tell what will become of the pill. I have recieved an old, large 1000 count pharmacy bottle of original Pfizer 2mg xanax bars and while some of the medicine functions exactly as a brand new pill would work, others have absolutely no effect whatsoever (or maybe just such a little effect that with my tolerance I cannot feel whatever effect they would have).

However, I am almost always calmed down by 2 or at most 4mgs and with these exired ones I have taken 10 mgs before feeling any effect and then I did not feel the normally relief to my social anxiety, with a boost of confidence and actually more energy and focus to work and write... however I just felt tired and wanted to sleep. Then later I took one pill before a seminar in which I was sleeping and my jitters and sweating stopped, I felt more energized and confident as the medicine normally acts and I was able to deliver a killer seminar

Having had a well kept bottle of 1000 that is 8 years expired I believe this is the best response... although certain factors may extend or shorten the lifetime of the medicine... there just is no rhyme or reason or definite answer. They could be held in perfect environment and be useless one month after expiration or they may last 15- 20 years after expiration... and again these could be two pills that were made in the same lab in the same day and stored in the same bottle. guessing that's why they have an expiration. that is the earliest amount of time the pill could become useless.

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Dean: You're correct in saying that belief in Christ is all about forgiveness, starting with God forgiving us, mankind, in toto, on the Cross 2000 years ago. People who insist on a God who 'heals' physically today as in Christ's earthly days when ALL were healed of ALL their diseases fail to recognize that He did that in the capacity of Messiah to the people of Israel. It was by faith, and it was according to a pact, an agreement that is by and large recorded in the Old Testament. Jesus is great, and belief in Him will bring all SPIRITUAL blessings. He dramatically alters your interior life, and will give everlasting life, but you still have to go through earthly life with all its incumbent possibilities, good and bad. Shine it on, in other words, and realize spiritual life is not manifest physically. Otherwise, there'd be an abundant change for everyone that all can see. Insurance companies don't cut rates for believers in Jesus Christ, physically we are confronted with the same ups, downs, and general malaise faced by all with ailments be the acute or chronic.

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Dean the fact that your post is a short story of protest compared to Tabetha's short and sweet words of advice speaks volumes. Nobody said you needed to take that advice, but don't assume that the words are useless to all.

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