What Is The Shelf Life Of Alprazolam Before It's Useless? (Page 3)


I have a bottle of alprazolam from 2005 and I'm wondering if it's still good? It's 4 years old at the time of writing this.

159 Replies (8 Pages)

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All I can say is "I know for a fact that God exists". And if you had a better thought process, you would too.

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Hi Linda ,
As you know for a fact that god exists !!!!!would you please explain the FACTS to me,please be advised that anecdotal evidence not backed up by science is NOT evidence,that any texts taken from a four thousand year old book is not evidence,is your god shiva?mars? Odin?
Or any of the multitude of deities that exist?.
Good be with you Bruno.

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Since we've moved from Xanax to God I'd like to add something: Bruno you're expecting logic, reason and science to explain something we can't use our senses to experience. I think Linda is trying to covey her faith, which is personal and unassailable actually - just as yours is. No matter WHAT a person uses, if it causes them to lead a more helpful life, to think of others first, to be centered and in the moment, who cares? It shouldn't matter so much - you're making a very loud argument about what you consider "imaginary". Back to Xanax: 1-yr safe shelf life.

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Good one my friend!!!!!! And how come Jesus never healed or restored the limb of an AMPUTEE?

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Linda, with respect, no one has answers about ANY God or Goddess. If someone had empirical truth, quantifiable evidence, of what you say so fiercely that you "know for sure" they'd probably be aliens. Now back to Rx.

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Nervous Wife, by now you've probably learned that 17 month-old Zanax is fine, though I wouldn't risk it myself, not after the hell I've gone through with 2 and 3-year old Zanax. Rather die than go through that again. I have to say - for those who take Zanax older than a year - there's a damn good reason the manufacturer insists on the expiration date of ONE YEAR on the label: Not just less effective but potentially quite toxic to the GI tract. NW, I do hope your husband is comfortable and healing - sorry this got off the track with religious banter. Stay well.

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I think the real question is why do you have a bottle of Xanax around from 2005? Again, the manufacturer makes it clear, in the PDR and right on the label: Expires in one year. Even if you have Xanax older than that, anything over say, 18 months is just toxic. Everyone's body is different but I keep hearing the same experience: old Xanax makes you sick as a dog. Did me.

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Rob: How do we know he didn't? How do we know WHAT he may've done while here, IF here at all? Don't forget, people back up what they say using the bible, and that book wasn't written by Jesus in fact, he doesn't speak anywhere in it, NO WHERE. Others repeat what they heard someone else say THEY heard him say. It's all a question of blind faith. If someone chooses to use being a believer to lead a more helpful life, more complete and caring for others, who cares what they read? Long as they don't insist, demand, or condemn others - as I see being done here in a drug blog lol. Funny where you find things eh? I think it's as indefensible to insist the Christian God exists than it is to insist it doesn't. Let's talk Xanax. Again: 1-year shelf life. Read the label.

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Do you think I should do this instead of using Viagra as well?

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Faith is simply expectation dressed up with the paranormal,purveyors of faith, clerics priests are responsible for thre biggest cause of mental encarceration in recent history,and will ultimately with time and access to education (Internet) eventualy just be a thing of the past ,just like witch burning and the inquisition .religeon has also hi jacked morality,religeon is more malevolent than benevolent ,,

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Hi toughly much respect to your views,
The word you are looking for is anecdotal,the book is one big fairy story,virtually all the story's have been written down by story tellers at different times and different places,,as follows Moses and the bull rushes,,,
The walls of Jericho,,,Noah's ark,probably the most prolific,,,,,all just that, good be with you my friend,

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amazing how the original comment started over 3 yrs ago and people sill arguing about it lol

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You are a moron.

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Friend of mine took xanax that expired in 1985. He ssaid they hit him just the same. I think expiration dates are just a scam

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You would know!!!

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To angel,
Can you please illuminate do you believe in,,,
Thor,Bacchus,Aphrodite mars,balder,Zeus ?
Or if you are a Muslim ,,,are you Shiite ,Sunni ,surf fist ?,
All the following have massacred each other in the past,why not be a peace loving atheist,truth can only be absolute by definition,not your truth not my truth ,only by the illimination of myth and fairy tales,,,,good be with you Bruno,

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Okay so the God I know from the Bible is healer I have been suffering from depression and anxiety for 8 years and last year I got on my hands and knees and asked with true faith that if he was real to please heal me .
Ok so I do take medicine and a xanax once inawhile. ZGod created the scientist who discovered and discover medicines to help those in need. I don't listen to those who say meds are a sin no they are not. I am a believer the day I got on my knees I changed I believe.in the Word and have faith and the number one thing is when you are at that point that anxiety or depression hit you need to stay strong and You will feel Him there. Many people think once you go to church and get saved all will ne better well that is very false . It actually gets. Harder. But what God wants from us is to believe. In Him and have faith. So I actually have a bottle of xanax that is. 2 years old and its full I keep them nearby. Just in case. Bit from the time I was taking them everyday and suffering bad it has been amazing and I do UI e it all to God .

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'believe you me"

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