What Is The Shelf Life Of Alprazolam Before It's Useless? (Page 2)


I have a bottle of alprazolam from 2005 and I'm wondering if it's still good? It's 4 years old at the time of writing this.

159 Replies (8 Pages)

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What on earth has religious mumbo jumbo got to do with the shelf life of a medicine? One, moreover, which is most effective in the treatment of anxiety and panic disorder? I can think of a few that may help delusional states...

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I agree! Religious people are the most screwed in the head and criticize people all the time. Medicine is what saves people not freakin child-molesting priests.

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Wow...Some people are so cruel. I believe in God but also take anxiety and panic attack meds. I don't blame Him I blame society. This forum is supposed to be somewhat of a support group. Anyone who is judgemental should keep their comments to themselves. Anxiety is very crippling. For those of you who have experienced it you know what I mean.. It sucks but I deal with it. Medication doesn't always do the trick either.

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Jesus DOES save. Y'all who knock it will find out some day what it is all about. There is no reason to slander someone who believes differently than you. You just show how intolerant, unkind, unloving you are. What are you so afraid of? I am sure you will continue with terrible comments. Just supports what I say.

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I love all the comments. Came on here because I am detoxing from pain meds. Rather suffer from the pain of my arthritis and back issues than be on these stupid drugs I fight to get. (yeah need a new doc. They just dont get it) anyway. I was told xanex helpx with the detox and I,have some that is 2 &3 yrs expired, so from what I read from ya'll, its probably ok to take.
Just to commentt on the Jesus statment, I feel prayer is a great thing. Turning to God when you are in need of help is what you should do if that is within your belief. After all God created the heavens and the Earth and all that is in it, then wouldnt it be correct in,saying he gave man the knowledge to create medications and doctors to perscribe it to help us sufferers of illnesses? Just becausr a person takes a medication for various reasons, doesnt mean they are bad. Yes turn to God for answers, but be mindful that your answer might just be un a bottle of xanex which would help you with what you need.

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I pray to GOD almost every day to not let me feel the way I do. But I wake up the next day and feel the same way. Just maybe GOD gave humans the gift of brains to make these medications to help people out. Just don't as long as they are not abused. I don't take the pill often because I forget I have them. Buy I just took one because of many days just of praying it's wasn't working. But guess what maybe God did answer my prayer and let me remember the Xanax. Right now I feel good..... I read several in places that shelf life on drugs are really about 15 years, but pharmicutical companies want to make money, not cure us or make us feel better.

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Do not assume this person was a problem with drugs!
The way u respond to someone about God makes a big difference weather they accect/ denie him. I believe in God and know that he can give u a peace that passes all understanding but a person must be open to receive it and the way u are coming at them their not going to be open their going to be on defense !! Just saying

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Yes how illuminating this comment is!!!!
Religion is the SUSPENSION of faith,

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My friend,please believe me there is no god,the sooner you deal with this fact,the sooner you can be healed,
I do not believe in the following,the tooth fairy,father Christmas,little green men,god,or the sky fairy,I really hope this helps in some way,good be with you ,

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Jesus was just one of many prophets,he can not be the son of god because,there is no god!!! Please try and come to terms with this concept,until you do you will be guilt ridden and unhappy,faith is only expectation
Dressed up in the supernatural,I truly hope these
Thoughts can be of some comfort to you,,good be with you,bruno

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Couldn't agree more,sorry just got dragged in when I
Heard all the religious nonsense ,just couldn't resist a

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My experience is that Xanax is extremely hard on your GI tract after 1 year. Cramping, severe nausea, vomiting, body aches. This seems common with most people. ONE YEAR and the drug is toxic to your system.

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Terri I have to tell you, frmo experience and education, that Xanax is toxic after 1 YEAR to your GI tract, you can experience severe cramping, nausea, vomiting etc. I've NEVER heard of a 15-yr shelf life. Perhaps for some people more than a year is okay but most folks don't take the chance, esp with a benzodiazepine.

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I might have need for 10 year old Xanax - hence I came here.
1. Interesting; chemicals bonded in a stable compound - maize (corn ) starch and a silica derivative - would tend to last a long time. Oxygen and light are 'enemies' so in their original blister pack, in a box, in a drawer a decade or two should not be a problem. Try a 20 year old malt whisky.
2. A pity about Tabatha and the 'born agains'. I would refer you all to the New Testament specifically the epistle ( letter ) 1 Timothy chapter 5 verse 23.
Possibly this is one of those inconvenient bits where the student didn't get God's dictation correct. As possibly in the Old Testament, Leviticus chapter 23 - God's breakfast followed by a putting to death by stoning for using bad language. Frankly, I prefer St Paul's letter to Timothy, even if through most of it the tent maker was his usual carping self.

Ego requiem mean.

I am a practicing Christian - "practicing" because I am not very eff-ing good at it. I cannot be forgiving to proselytizers who deny the benefits from millions of man-years and billions of dollars of research if favor of "Dear God.... " and St John's Wort - grandma's cure all.
'nough said.

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lol! totally agree on all counts thanks. and yes mine say expired 2 yrs ago and it seems to take 2+ hours for them to kick in which may mean they're getting weaker.

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Seems all is status quo here in July 2012. One of my "don't be afraid" tablets of Xanax at 7 p.m. every night, it's not old, expired Rx it's every 3 months back to the Dr for 90 tablets. Taken religiously as directed. I'm able to walk on my walker or cane without fear of being bumped off again (which is how this all started). We need what we need to ambulate through this journey, this "life" before we go Home.

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Bruno, I feel so sorry for you because I know there is a God. Let's put it this way...if I'm wrong, I have nothing to lose....if you're wrong...you have eternity to lose.

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This is supposed to be a site for medical information. People with other agenda should take them to another thread on another site. I would seriously like to know if 17 month old Xanax is okay to be taken. My husband needs one right now, it is 10:45 P.M. and they are the only ones we have!

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Hi Linda,
Please don't feel sorry for me,if you wish to be a slave to your imaginary bearded sky fairy and it makes you happy so be it,but why don't you put your thought processes at work and think,for one, why is god always imagined to be a man?answer because it was dreamed up by men,the bible is just tribal mythology trying ti make sense of the world ,good bless you,Bruno.

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