What Is Meloxicam 159 On The Pill Used For


I was given 15mg of Meloxicam for a badly sprained wrist, form a fall. My pill says 159
on one side and CIPLA on the other side. It's pale yellow. On the RX bottle it says
15mg. What does this mean. It is not working yet after 2 days.
thank you

11 Replies

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Hello, Ginger! How are you?

The FDA classifies Meloxicam as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever and swelling. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and stomach irritation.

Have you informed your doctor that it isn't helping?

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Hello im a new user of this medicine.. N I would like to know can you use this for toothaches

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can meloxicam be used for detoxing

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i have pain in my left and my back hurts when I walk.

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Hi I have RSD and my body feel like it's burning on the right side what can I do for relief.I can't get med until the.

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Hi I have Was of wanted to know what can I until I get my med on the 16

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I took meloxicam and my face swollen my eyes lips an nose

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I use medicine and it takes the swelling from my knee, but 2 days later the swelling is back, I been on meloxicam for over a year
It tends to have some relief.

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Re: Faith (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

get to dr. thats a bad side effect...trouble breathing too?...go to emergency room

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

So far this medication isn't alienating my symptoms of Osteoarthritis...

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