What Is Lexamil
UpdatedI am on major depression and on treatment,I am taking Laxamil tablets,I am concern that I am working on stressful environment with side effect of this is anyhing that you can recommend,I am loosing weight and I got motional,I am sometime happu and sometimes moody.
5 Replies
Lexamil contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, this is an SSNRI antidepressant.
Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and headache.
It is hard to say, especially since this site is not medical professionals, if your symptoms are caused by the medication or your condition in general, both are possibilities and we cannot possibly suggest a treatment.
Have you tried speaking to your doctor about it? You may need to change your medications or do a dosage adjustment.
Hi, i my doc has prescribed both stresam and lexamil(10mg), i have been taking it for the past two weeks, but seem worse off then ever, i done even feel like getting out of bed nowadays, my mouth is dry, taste buds are gone, have fatique, no strenght, always want to sleep, dont want to socialise, when will these side effects wear off?
Tina, I was on antidepressants for nearly 5 years, but I was never depressed. My GP put me on antidepressants because I was always tired, did not want to get up in the morning and only now after a fasting insulin test found out I have hypoglycemia - low blood sugar and start of Diabetes II, so now that I am on a diet, eating better, walk allot, drink 2L of water, I feel like a new person - no more meds!
I have been on Lexamill (10) daily for three years.It calms me but on anothe up side it encorages an erection and delays orgasm. My doctor says this is normal wirh anti-depressants
I'm on laximil 5mg and I'm loosing weight I started it a month back I don't like the fact that it makes me loose weight. But they are working for me no side effects no nothing just the weight. Are there any antidepressents that make one gain weight? Oh I forget it also delays my orgasm
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