What Is H86 And Is It Used To Help Alzheimers


I am a caregiver for a 79 year old female and watching her decline really stresses me out. I wished to god I could help her. I recently heard about h-86 that could possibly help her with alzhelmers. Is there any truth to this?

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Hi George,

Sorry to hear about your situation. I just wanted to point out that H-86 (by Health Sciences Institute) is widely thought to be a scam; as are other products by HSI. There are other discussion threads here that describe various experiences with HSI, many disappointed with their misleading marketing tactics... Secondly, H-86 is touted as a cancer cure. I have yet to see anything relating it to alzheimers... Thirdly, H-86 is a fictitious name for "fermented wheat germ extract" - also being branded under the name "Avemar" - which has actually demonstrated an ability to fight cancer in NIH.gov clinical studies.

However, if what you're seeking is alzhelmers treatment, maybe the following clinical study discussing the therapeutic potential of cannabis (THC) will be of help -

"These sets of data strongly suggest that THC could be a potential therapeutic treatment option for Alzheimer's disease through multiple functions and pathways."

Ref: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25024327

Wishing you all the best!

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Alzheimer's medication, I recently subscribed to Nutrition & Healing, a newsletter by Dr. Glenn S. Rothfeld and I also obtained his book "The Atlas of natural Cures' in which it is stated that Cerefolin NAC, a powerful nutraceutical brain supplement is aimed at helping to prevent Alzheimer's and memory loss. This natural treatment addresses problems with Methylatiom and the production of Glutathione which is the key to solve the problems with Alzheimer's. However, Cerefolin NAC is available by prescription only, and it is too pricey. You can combine its natural ingridients like B vitamins, NAC, Alpha Lipoic acid, Zinc and Selenium so that the Glutathione and protect your brain cells and memories. I have never tried it so I am hoping that this works for your friend.

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HSI says Lion's Mane mushroom is the treatment for alzheimers.

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