What Is H86 (Top voted first)


More about H86 by googling or any other search syst. enter Jenny Thompson or International Health Institue.

4 Replies

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Thank you for that information!

Here is a link to a thread on the site that discusses H86 in more detail: Discuss/H86-cancer-cure-252776.htm

Does anyone else have information to add about this topic? Please post back if you do!

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hi! my grandfather had stage 3b lung cancer and i need to find out how to get h-86 i heard alot about it and that it can help. can any one help? trying to find where i can get it? and how much it will cost? please reply back with information that can help?

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contact the HSI- Heath Science Institute. That's where I heard about it. You have to become a member I believe.

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I am familiar with Health Sciences Institute/Jenny Thompson and I am very impressed with them, and have ordered several products from them. I have lived a holistic lifestyle since the early 70s when I was an 18 year old. I am free of any disease or ailments and have no prescribed medication. I truly believe in natural treatments because it's what our Creator gave for food and medicinal purposes. The supplements recommend by HSI are listed in the index of the book "Miracles Cures" from the Vault. It also gives you the information on where to buy it and how much it cost. Be blessed with nature's cures; you can't go wrong.

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