What Exactly Does Suboxone Do? Is It Addicitive? (Page 2)
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i have a friend who desperately wants to get off of methadone and pain pills. will suboxone work? is it addicitive too? if someone can please help me that would be great! also is it very expensive, that's what i've heard.

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Hi. My name is kristina and I have been a H addict for about 4 years almost I just recently got clean as of October 2013 until about the end of Januar y 2014 and I ended up relapsing. I smoke and inject it. Lately I have been injecting it more. I have been using it for the last 4 months straight and obvioulsy I'm addicted once again but this time I have 4 suboxone 8mg pills to take so that I could kick the H . I got arrested Saturday late night ajd that was the last time i ii injected the H it was probably Saturday around 6 or 7pm I last used I went to jail and kicked cold turkey until Monday when i got bailed out I have used but I still have that itch to. I'm on my 5th day clean off H I havenhing for my withdrawal I had all. of the come down symptoms since I had to do it cold turkey . So i wanted to know if I shoud just take it in halves or the whole thing since I only have 4 of them the last time I tried to use the suboxone to kick the H I was only taking quarter of the pills i would break them into 4 pieces and do it like that and I alad 3 strips that I did thx same thing to. What's would be thx best thing to x I'm dck and rred of bng on thold k

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Hi Mae, this may be bad advice, but here goes my explanation lol.

I would ask around, friends, if you could get subs on the street. Four mgs a day for a cpl days, then two, then one. Lasting about a week, ten days tops. Your addiction, is an addiction, but still mild for now so don't let it progress any further.

Now my reasoning for having you get them this way instead of through a doc, is that I've seen people with a minimal vicodin habit end up on 24 mgs of subs for three years which is insane. I've had a terrible opana, oxy and high perc use for years and a measly four mgs has been fine for me.

But to play devils advocate as well, they, emphasis on they, say that you should use suboxone for as long as you were using opiates. They, again, say that without this ongoing maintenance therapy most addicts end up with an 85% relapse rate. Sooo the choice is yours, obviously lol, but if you go to a doc and they prescribe you more then 6mgs a day....don't take it. I was prescribed twelve and I took four and was fine, my habit daily costed me several hundo a day and I was just fine with a miniscule amount of subs.

Everyone is different so figure out what works best for you. If you take subs from a friend, wait at least 48 hours from your last loratab til your first subs to avoid precipitated withdrawal, which is hell in itself.

I want to state I'm not a doctor or have any medical training, I'm just sharing my personal experiences and opinions. ..

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So I have been taking lortabs for about 6 years. To be completely honest only for the rush of it. I started with 1 a day. Half at a time then gradually made my way to about 5 a day. Which may not seem like alot to some people but im tired of feeling like I depend on them to be normal. should I try weening myself off the pills or possibly suboxne. I don't want to leave one addiction and go to another. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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I should mention that I also take subutex, it is suboxone without the naloxone. It does make it much easier to function then being on methadone but the withdrawl is pretty bad and like methadone long lasting,but at least u can have some quality of life with suboxone, subutex versus methadone.

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Do u know anything about furicet w/d? I too have been on everything possible. The barbiturates are the worst next too methadone. If you are on a benzo for a legit reason and you use barbiturates does it perminitally make the benzos not work proper ally?

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I am a 21 yo female and I started useing illegal opiates when I was 19. For the first time in 2 n a half years I am getting clean. First of all you need to b ready to tell yourself no, if u try before that it is likely not to work. Addiction is mental and physical...so if possible change your environment. If u are truly ready to have your life bak, make it as easy as possible for yourself so not to get discouraged. If I did it u can too. I was a heavy Iv user and smoker...and all I did was leave town with 6 10mg methadone and 2 8 mg suboxone. I say cut bak as much as possible b4 leaving. Then take a methadone when it is unbearable. If u can find subutex use them when the methadone is gone because it won't give u precipitated withdrawls, if not u have to wait 12-20 hours before taking suboxone because of the naloxone...tex don't have that blocker so it makes the transition easier. Doable either way. You won't b able to eat well for about a week or 2. Stock up on chicken noodle soup and bananas because they r they r the easiest most nutritional foods to eat. Dope sickness includes many awefull symptoms, it won't b easy so u only want to go thru this once. Don't let yourself switch from one addiction to the next, methadone withdrawls r worse than H. And I'm sure subs aren't much better if u r taking a lot multiple times a day. Addicts should b helped not punished, humans make mistakes.... this one is just very hard to overcome. Don't feel bad about getting help, or how people will look at you. It is the only way to get thru it and feel good about yourself again. Good luck to everyone with a problem! and to those who don't, please stress to the young people in your life how seriously dangerous it is to try opiates even once. It is and never will b worth it to feel like u r going to die for a week or longer. Wikipedia has a good page if u want more in depth info. on the drug itself. A lot of role models/famous people use. All it takes is a friend saying " it's not that bad just try it once." Mexico is the second largest producer of black tar H. This is a serious epidemic in the USA, so please spread the word so nice people like me don't want to kill themselves because of a stupid drug. I used to b so happy, and I will b again now that I feel better and know how extremely seriously dangerous it is. Thanks for reading and good luck! B strong! It's the right thing to do for the people u love but most importantly for yourself. Life is hard, it's much harder with this problem. It is a very strong depressant.
Sincerely, Aurora

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Well apparently I'm not allowed to post a link.

Anyway, Jasmine, all you need to do is Google suboxone doctors in your area and start calling.

If you have insurance try to find one that accepts it, if not, or they don't have openings yet, you'll have to pay cash and keep calling and comparing prices. Remember if you don't have insurance you'll be paying for your prescription too. If you need any help or advice please feel free to ask us. We've all been at the point you are, loving the high, but hating the withdrawal and what you're addiction does to your and your families lives.

At least you know it's no way to live. My life and that of my children, family and friends will never be the same. I missed out on and ruined so many relationships it's heart wrenching. I wish obviously I'd never started or gotten help sooner..but beter late then never.

Good luck.

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Wow, I just read this entire thread. Here is my story. I was a pill popper for about 9 years. Went from perks to roxys. About 3 years ago someone close to me got prescribed methadone as a pain management deal. By this point, I couldn't afford the amount of pills I was taking and my life literally revolved around making sure I had the pills that I needed to keep me from being sick. That sucked, especially being a mom without the option of sick days. Besides the fact that it was a huge secret at the time. I was a 'closet addict'. So, this person started sharing their methadone w me. I would still be high whenever the opportunity arose. My life got completely out of control. The methadone drained me of my will to love....I gained weight and started acting like a total junkie. Part of the reason was because I was only taking one 10mg pill a day, plus whatever else I could get my hands on. ALL of my money was going to pills and I was a miserable mess. Anyway, late last year I got into some legal problems. I knew I couldn't continue taking the methadone because a dirty UA would land me in jail. I tried coming off of the methadone myself but it was impossible. By the second day, I was so sick that I was in tears, shaking, sweating...etc. Plus, having such easy access to it made it even harder. I ended up going into a 5 day detox, after making arrangements for my kids, and I was given suboxone. I had to wait 48 hours after my last math dose. So, I left the detox feeling great. A few days after coming home, when the sub started to wear off, I was right back into withdrawal. Granted, not the severe shaking peak type wd, but it was still hell on earth. I suffered for 3 weeks, cold turkey withdrawing, I swear, death sounded appealing to me at that point. Even after THREE WEEKS I was still sick as a dog coming off of the methadone. Finally just a few days ago I broke down and went to a sub Dr. She prescribed me two 8mg strips a day, which I know is way too much and am definitely not taking, but I finally feel human again. Ive never felt such relief in my life. Its like the sun is finally shining again after being stuck in a dark hole for years. I want to taper fairly quickly. She gave me a script for 30 strips and an appt for 2 weeks from now. My 'hope' is that I can taper off with these 30 as we all know, this is not cheap. I paid $48 for 5 strips, plus $150 for the visit (the Dr didn't say more then two words to me, just wrote me the script and made me sign a contract. Either way, I now have a legal prescription in case my PO has me do a drug panel and thank GOD I'm not laying on my couch waiting for death. In my opinion, I wouldn't recommend methadone to ANYONE. Its the worst drug in the world. It didn't make me high at all, made me fat, made me sweat like crazy, and pretty much lost all of my ambition. I just hope to God that the sub isn't as hard to come off of as the methadone. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. How I made it 3 weeks is beyond me. The wd seemed to get worse instead of better. I feel SO much better on the sub and am very hopeful that ill be able to wean myself off fairly quickly. To anyone dealing with addiction, my heart goes out to you. Its one of the hardest things I've ever done, and my life hasn't exactly been a walk in the park. For anyone considering methadone or suboxone, I can tell you that for me, methadone was NOT the answer.

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Here is the link: buprenorphine-doctors.com/suboxone-doctors/Michigan-MI.cfm?c=Detroit

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Jasmine, I googled suboxone docs/clinics in or near Detroit area.

Here is a link of all the authorized physicians contact information.

If you need more help hit us up please!

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i really need help to get off H. i am working on my bachelors degree. i do not have time to be in a rehabilitation center. i live in detroit and have no idea where to find help or a clinic.

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I've been on suboxone since it was an orange pill that looked like a stop sign and took forever to dissolve on your tongue, lol. Then I went onto the strips that dissolved and now I'm on the generic (pills again lol but they're quicker to dissolve, don't taste horrible)... The difference between methadone and suboxone is that you can get a monthly script for suboxone (not many docs will give a monthly methadone script).....suboxone doesn't make you high the way methadone does and basically... YES it's addictive much less than methadone, however, and I've tapered from four a day (8/2) to one a day over the process of tx. I loved methadone but realized I was just still being a junkie (I was using it to feel high) ... the sub just takes away your cravings and keeps you from getting sick BUT gives no 'high' whatsoever! It has saved my life though I'd say.......as well as talk groups and even these online forums.. good luck

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Trabae, you should check into getting suboxone treatment for sure! It will give you your life back...with help from you of course!
I used anywhere from 3 opana 40s or when not available ten perk thirties a day. I was able to use all the way up til the day before my doc appt for suboxone on a Friday, had my first appt Saturday and have been clean EVER SINCE!

I was in the same boat, had two small children and a young stepson and didn't have the option to go cold turkey and just suffer while trying to manage my family along with sports, games, practice school etc.

It feels terrible I know, to realize that this isn't any life for your kids, and especially YOURSELF, is a great sign.

Start googling sub docs in your area now, a lot don't accept insurance so you may have to pay cash until an office that does opens a spot up. If you have insurance it will cover your script which is costly if you don't have coverage but there's a program that pays your prescription cost for a year (sub program are usually a min of two years though) .

Find a doctor fast, they are filling up quickly, due to people really wanting help, each sub doc is only allowed a hundred patients at a time, three of those enrolled in the pharmaceutical company prescription coverage.

Let us know if you need any help, advice, support or ANYTHING! !!

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I just started Suboxone and it is fantastic. I had to go to a Rehab Facility. Having no other option in with my pain meds but to go to doses that could either make me a zombie around my kids or possibly have my kids find me dead?! Going to detox and reevaluate my choices was the best idea! It's working on thepain so much better than the Oxy's every did, I am just not high all day! So I would recommend Suboxone to anyone who has a opportunity to, however they may need to get it.

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Hi Carrie I am currently on about 10 Oxy per morning, again at noon and another night. I'm a single mom. That's 300 mg pr day. My tolerance is shy hight. I have also take 80 mg op with all that. I'm starting to spend every penny I have and I have small kids, but cuz I'd rather not be sick. I wanna know about suoxone? I'm going to see a private Dr today. Idk what he's gonna do for me. And what happens with my insurance, will they see that I just got Perc 7.5 and this.

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I hear that! I just wanted to say Merry Christmas everyone. Hope it's happy and sober lol <3

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I feel the SAME EXACT WAY...........I miss so badly that warm rush of euphoria but I know that I have to stay on the suboxone or I'll be right back to doctor shopping and spending all my money on pills or dope. I hate it ..... I just wish suboxone made you feel SOMETHING........at least methadone makes you feel good!

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Josh I know what you're feeling a 100% ....and it hurts. Can you attend a suboxone clinic yourself? How much suboxone and what kind are you taking right now? How frequently and are you taking percs while suboxone is in your system still? That's enough to throw you into PAWS alone.

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I have been addicted to percacet for 3years now. I Insufflate about 20, 10 mg pills a day. I just started getting the subs from different ppl. I cant stop thinking about the percs though. I have been borderline withdrawl since i started and am miserable. I want to be quit by christmas though. I want to wake up look at my wife and tell her i dont want one. I want to give my son a hug and not want to use money that could go to him on drugs. I just want to be done more than anything. This is the hardest thing ive ever done.

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I know what you mean...remember just feeling NORMAL and GOOD without anything? I wish I could break the dependent mentality and feel like I don't need to pop anything just to get the day done. I bet if someone gave us placebos and told us they were something we would do better lol. It's all in our minds but even years later it's still literally an everyday battle....but I just want off EVERYTHING, the subs make me just feel almost foggy, so now I'm large, stupid and no longer charming lol. Whatever though, we will be off this stuff eventually, look and FEEL great again. We can do it, I've been trying to work out again but this crap makes me lazy and groggy too so I doubt it will last lol. Any motivational ideas guys let me know plllleeeease! :)

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