What Can Cause A False Positive For Klonopin
UpdatedI tested positive for klonopin approx 8-10 days after I took a 2 mg. Is there any way of making them believe it is a false positive? I am on 4 mg of xanax a day and 80 milligrams of methadone for pain management. My dr warned me after this happened 1 year ago if it happened again i was done. My pa is young and kinda not on my side.
16 Replies
First of all, get off the Methadone, it is not good for pain management and causes heart damage. Secondly, if you took Clonazepam that wasn't prescribed...dumb thing to do...only because you can't argue it is from the Alprazolam. Seriously, get off Methadone. That is a horrible drug meant for SHORT TERM use only.
Methadone is NOT for short term usage, ive been on it 30yrs with no prob at a very high dose. Why do people awnser if u dont know what ur talkn about!!
To DARKVADER: Methadone may be used for long term but it was never meant to be. It was to wean addicts off heroin. I absolutely know what i am talking about, especially after 12 years of college and medical school. Look up the toxicology of this drug and you will see it does cause long term damage, and when you die, let's see what your internal organs prove out. If you are taking methadone to wean off heroin, why don't you just wean off all the drugs and live life sober.
I am on meth. as a pain management option. No one ever mentioned Heroin or junkies. I have reached the extent of surgeries so not many options. If I take the typical Norco i would have a liver problem. Most chronic pain is treated with methadone tabs now anyway.
Robby, I am sorry for your chronic pain, but Meth is not a painkiller. There are many narcotics out there without acetaminophen which would damage the liver. I don't know what part of the country you are from, but Methadone is not the first drug of choice.
Dude, if they do confirmatory testing, there is NO WAY you are going to hood wink them into believing you didn't take it. If you have a problem, then get the help you need. Manipulation and subterfuge are dangerous. Clonanzepam is in the same family as Alprazolam, but it is a different drug, and will be discovered via true confirmatory testing if the lab knows what they are doing.
If your a doctor i feel bad for anyone your treating, im check ups every year are perfect. This stigma around methadone is BS. If your a doctor im the president.
Darkvader, Don't feel bad, after 40 years I have never had a lawsuit, and all my patients are very well treated. Each Physician chooses what they feel is best for their patient, and I hope remember their oath to : FIRST DO NO HARM" that they had to take. I am glad that your physicals are good, and I hope they continue to be, but if you have a better medication to get on, I would explore that possibility.
Best wishes for your good health.
Don't believe this Dr. John is a dr. Seems to me most MD's would have better things to do than toss out advice over an internet forum. I have 30+ years with meth involvement and liver is fine. I have a hereditary heart issue in my family but have outlived most of members who were not on meth. And in Illinois the Dea/medical pharm, have came down hard on opiates. Mainly because the amount of Xanax and Norco that have filtered to the streets. The drs at Cook Cnty hospital have no prob. writing for 180 2mg bars a month. Of course Chicago is kinda it's own little "seperate u.s.a.". I made a simple mistake of taking a klonopin I had left from another dr,did not realize the life span in ua's. But they overlooked 5 other opiates given from e.r. and even included a script they wrote from my clinic as illicit? Not all these dr's are following any rules but there own, and if your in good with the doc...may get a break. One thing I don't get,is why Norco? I was on them for 3 month's till I could get into pain management and they are worthless! Even they show as being hydrocodone the are not at all like lortab or vic e.s. But the meth inpill form helped pain much. What's with the Norco??????
Bobby, I AM a Doctor, I just find it amusing to the fools out there playing with their lives and giving out advise they have no real knowledge of other than doing drugs.
Norco is hydrocodone and acetaminophen. hydrocodone metabolizes to guess what?? DILAUDID (Hydromorphone) a very sought after narcotic more potent than morphine. That is why Norco is cut down on, not to mention oxycodone. When you said meth I assumed you methamphetamine, not methadone. Hence the comment meth doesn't kill pain. Anyway, don't degrade a professional who you don't have any idea about.
Norco is hydrocodone, just like lortab, vicodin, and lorcet. The difference is Norco has 325mg of Tylenol, where lortab has 500mg of Tylenol, and lorcet has 650mg of Tylenol. They are all hydrocodone with Tylenol in different strengths. If you read the PDR it will explain each and every drug on the market and what is in it. Please know that hydrocodone is used for severe pain, and is a highly addictive drug that should always be administered under doctors care.
I've been on methadon for 33 yrs and there is nothing wrong with my heart. Yes I would love to get off but I don't want to go they the withdrawal symtons. I did 3 times in my life and I swore never again. That's how I got on methadon. As far as clonazapam ? I had a positive years ago. They just asked me how I had a positive for it. I said my wife gave it to me for pain. And that was it. The never said anything else. Yes she has a script for them. If there ever is a next time I don't know what they would say.
Jeff, reply to #12,
Thank you. Sounds similar to my own story.. That's why these forums CAN be so enriching. Folks like yourself drawing from actual experience with meds that others desire to learn about. Your experience and HONESTY is evident something (these so called prior posters) DOCTORS, NURSES, PHDs and whatever other degree they claim to hold, LACK!! If ones ego is so fragile they must qualify the advice they offer based on their professional accomplishments well let's just say we've seen their kind opine on hypotheticals when they lack REAL WORLD personal experience to bring to the table.
My question to those petty pseudo professionals, IF YOUR ESTEEMED MEDICAL COUNSEL IS IN SUCH DEMAND WHY OFFER IT ANNONYMOUSLY FROM BEHIND A VIRTUAL KEYBOARD?! People helping people should be the only requirement needed for the purpose's of these forums....
P.S: I just had to express this since it appears more then 50% of the replies consist of nothing more then pure character assassination FOR NO GOOD REASON!!! I apologize for the rant but it's so unfortunate to read when others are in need of genuine advice or moral support and these people engage in a pissing contest.
The way i feel is that we all 'ive different lives and have our own opinions. I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT JUDGE ANYONE because i never know how i would react and handle certain situations. You have no idea what the next person has been through so you shouldn't be sooo quick to judge!!!! Like i said we arent all the same, its a prt of being human!!
I've been on methadone for 34 years and my program never asked or told me it's for short term. I wish they did. In fact I was still taking heroin for the 1st 20 years on my program. Sure they did urine tests and they still never did try to stop me or whatever. All they were concerned about was that I paid my fees. Over $300 a month. Then they sold the program and they started checking my urines. I stopped the H and haven't touched it since. I haven't done any kind of drugs including alcohol until I moved to Georgia. Then I started having a drink now and then. My new program told me they will get me off the methadone within the next 2 years. After 33 years I'm content to stay on my program till I leave this planet. They said methadone was for short term only. I wish they told me this 33 yrs ago. I'd be petrified to go thru the withdrawal after this time. I did cold turkey 3 times before methadone. All I can say is methadone has let me live a so called normal life except I have to always live near a program. They should let you have it so you can get it at a pharmacy after being on it and clean after 20 years. Oh I moved back home and stopped drinking but back to my original program.
Re: DRJOHN (# 8)
I have been off heroin for 3 yrs n take 162mgs of methadone.
It seems like the MDONE make me very nauseous and distended
I think I'm going to have to be on some type of pain management for the rest of my life what is safer to take long-term besides methadone it has messed my body up so much it's awful gave me diabetes and I gained 40 lb in 2 years
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