What Are The Best Sleep Pills Right Now I Could Ask My Doc For
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I get sleepy when time comes to bed.When I get in bed after 5 min.or so im up trying to find something to make me sleep.I take that stupid ambiem it is like a nap pill one hr im up I might dose off but up again all nite longI think I have a lot of worries and thinking about my dad passing I can still see him swelled up to about500before he passed help me
2 Replies
First, I would recommend you set aside some "worry time", literally take 30 min to an hour in the evening before you go to bed to sit, think, grieve, etc. Journaling at this time is a great tool. If worries come up outside these hours, practice saying to the "committee" in your head "I hear that, I'll address it during worry time."
I know it sounds silly, but if you do it consistently, it works.
2nd- set up consistent sleep habits even you can't sleep right away. Same bedtime and wake time 7 days a week. If you wake up for more than 15 min. get out of bed. Bed is for SLEEPING AND INTERCOURSE only.
Dark, quiet room. Black out curtains, towel under door crack. Melatonin is your body's natural sleep aid. It is only produced in the DARK. When your retina get exposed to light, Melatonin production shuts down. Which is why a lot of depressed people sleep a lot-they stay indoors, isolate and get less natural light exposure which continues Melatonin production around the clock making them sleepy
Alteril is a very effective combination medicine with Melatonin, l-tryptophan, etc. It should be taken shortly before going to bed in a DARK quiet room, for reasons mentioned above. Warning: it smells and tastes like ROTTEN FEET. LOL.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist if Alteril is ok, I think its awesome, and I don't own stock in the company :). It worked for me when regular Melatonin didn't.
Finally, IF you do all these things on a consistent basis and STILL have problems, you should see a sleep specialist. Several things cause inability to maintain sleep:
Sleep Apnea, Restless Leg or PLMS, REM disorders, medications that decrease REM such as alcohol/nicotine/psychiatric meds.
Hope this helps!
Hello, Florence! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problems that you're having.
You may benefit from a medication such as Trazodone, it is actually an SARI antidepressant, so it may help with your anxiety and worries, along with insomnia, since it's frequently used for people with issues such as yours.
Its side effects may include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and dry mouth.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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